The article examines the crucial role of innovative analytical and statistical technology in electoral forensics, which are increasingly used for detecting and preventing electoral corruption and fraud. By analysing vast amounts of data and detecting anomalies, electoral forensic investigations can contribute to fair and transparent democratic processes. The research aims to explore the effectiveness of these technologies and their potential impact on improving the transparency and fairness of electoral processes, using a multi-method approach that includes analysing relevant documents, media coverage, public opinion, and recent fraud cases. The authors divide the implementation of innovative analytical and statistical technologies for combating election corruption into four groups. The first is the analysis of statistical data and research on corruption, including election processes, which can be called secondary data analysis. The second is the analysis of documentary data containing information on corrupt actions and offences, including election processes. The third is the development of mathematical methods and algorithms using cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning for detecting anomalies and hidden patterns. The fourth is experimental developments in information technologies as a means of ensuring proper governance and combating corruption. While the use of algorithms for detecting anomalies in electoral statistics data can be an important tool, it should be used with caution, and in combination with other sources of information, to avoid the consequences of delegitimising the election results.
The author demonstrates how the current refugee situation reflects the crisis of values within the European Union. Brexit and the election of Donald Trump in the United States have revealed that some western citizens are eager to restore traditional values and extreme order as an opposition to the current idea of democracy within the EU member states which leads to libertarian tendencies, and potentially to chaos. The conflict of traditionalist and libertarian tendencies among the European Union citizens most likely will increase, and this can lead to the further European Union disintegration. The case of Latvia and related analyses have shown that some Central and Eastern Europe countries will are not willing to accept refugees. Therefore, this study uses the grounded theory approach, based on historical facts and opinions of classical authors, while explaining that healthy and wealthy society should be based on an extended or at least on a nuclear family. In this paper, a case study of Latvian citizens’ attitudes towards refugees is used to support psychological hypotheses which are mainly of the theoretical nature. In the author’s opinion, it is important to understand that real traditionalism means democracy which is based on order and hierarchy. In contrast, libertarianism leads to the democracy where the family model is not supported and the whole system of values is corrupted. The author demonstrates on historical events that such attitude can lead to destruction of the whole society, and explains why virtues and family oriented systems have been established and promoted by classical philosophers and by religions.
Nacionaliniai statistiniai tyrimai atskleidžia, kad miestų ir rajonų savivaldybės laikomos vienos labiausiai korumpuotų institucijų Lietuvoje. Straipsnyje pristatomi 2016 m. ir 2018 m. Klaipėdos rajono savivaldybėje atlikto kartotinio tyrimo rezultatai, leidžiantys įvertinti gyventojų korupcijos suvokimo ir patirties kaitą, gyventojų požiūrį į savivaldybėje taikomas korupcijos prevencijos priemones. Ištirta, kad gyventojai korupciją suvokia labiau neigiamai ir rečiau susidūrė su įvairiomis korupcinės veiklos formomis. Apklaustųjų nuomone, korupcija labiausiai paplitusi medicinos įstaigose, savivaldybės administracijoje ir jos padaliniuose bei žemėtvarkoje. 2018 m. buvo gerokai mažiau teigusiųjų, kad davė kyšius skirtingiems asmenims: medicinos darbuotojui, pareigūnui, valstybės tarnautojui. Apklaustieji mano, kad veiksmingiausia kovos su korupcija priemonė yra bausmės korupcinę veiklą vykdžiusiems asmenims neišvengiamumas bei korupcijos atvejų viešinimas spaudoje, TV ir kitomis priemonėmis. Vis dėlto daugiau nei pusė apklaustųjų, susidūrę su korupcijos atveju, niekur nieko nepraneštų.
The assessment of citizen service quality is an important indicator of the efficiency of public administration institutions. The assessment provides information enabling constant improvement of mechanisms that provide public services and innovative solutions in the areas of public service delivery and organization; it is very important for individuals with specific needs and for development of society. The article presents analysis of peculiarities and criteria of the citizen services’ assessment in Klaipėda and Vilnius counties’ municipalities. The importance and peculiarities of implementation of the citizen service assessment is indicated in the documentation of the Republic of Lithuania on public management development and in the scientific literature on new public management and quality management. According to the regulating documents, all public institutions must annually accomplish an assessment of the citizens’ requests analysis and service quality analysis and later publish these assessment reports on their websites. The empirical research in Klaipėda and Vilnius counties’ municipalities revealed that eight of 15 municipalities do not implement any assessment of citizen service and do not publish their reports. Yet other municipalities most often evaluate the following indicators: admission waiting time; politeness of the officer; duration of time necessary to receive an answer to the question of application; the reason, question or request of application; applicant’s gender and age.
The article presents a survey on Klaipėda district residents’ attitude towards corruption. It is necessary to evaluate the level of corruption in a particular local area because understanding the incentives for corruption and self-dealing is a precondition for making progress. Citizens’ perceptions are important for local governments where citizens have more direct impact on political representation and service provision in their communities. The research revealed that Klaipėda district residents’ attitude towards corruption is negative and the population is aware of the harm caused by corruption. The respondents rarely face the forms of corruption practices. Most respondents think that excessive bureaucracy and the complexity of the legal framework, which is constantly changing, contribute to prevalence of corruption. Most respondents have given bribes to medical personnel. The respondents assume that the most effective anti-corruption means is the inevitability of punishment, as well as giving publicity to corruption acts. When faced with corruption, residents would turn to law enforcement bodies and use anonymous helpline.
This paper evaluates the impact of corruption on deforestation in Indonesia. The world’s nature environment and global warming questions are one of the main factors of international concerns. Massive deforestation threatens Indonesian biodiversity. This research paper analyses issues of whether deforestation in Indonesia is caused by corruption and supported by crude palm oil production. This issue was questioned earlier by using Engel Granger cointegration test, three time series of data, specifically corruption perception index (CPI), rate of deforestation and price of crude palm oil that was inspected for a long-run relationship. Yet long-run relationship was not found. The author of this article shows that while answering this question, CPI values are not as important as the very nature of corruption in Indonesia. However, CPI is still extremely high in Indonesia as the nature of corruption is convenient for illegal logging. Thus, international response is needed so that to decrease the level of deforestation in Indonesia. With the new European Union Law that requires legal sourcing of wood products, Indonesia commits to enforce new rules in the Asia’s largest rainforest. For example, FLEGT licensing became operational on November 15, 2016. The European Union is strictly enforcing these rules what is a good step against deforestation in hand with illegal logging in Indonesia. In this way to analyse in detail the FLEGT programme and the EU activities, is beyond the scope of this paper. There stays questioned the Indonesian Presidents’ ban on new palm oil plantations and mining licence, because such approach can potentially increase corruption and unofficial economy at local levels. The author of this paper wants to fulfil the gap in understanding about the link between deforestation in Indonesia and corruption. The level of corruption in Indonesia is not the main issue, but the nature of corruption is the main problem.