The paper deals with the situation of entrepreneurship in three rural cross-border regions of Lithuania bordering on Kaliningrad Region and Poland, i.e. with Jurbarkas, Šilutė, and Vilkaviškis districts. The entrepreneurship factors in rural areas have been summarised, the outcomes of the research in the entrepreneurship factors of the rural areas of Lithuanian cross-border regions have been presented, and the factors impeding business development in the region have been named. In the contemporary society, the significance of the impact of entrepreneurship in economic, social, and psychological processes of the society development has been increasing. The direction of the society progress and the trajectory of its development is related to its members’ entrepreneurship abilities and opportunities. Individual’s entrepreneurship contributes to the perception and identification of the new opportunities of activity development, thus increasing the social welfare.
Straipsnyje nagrinėjami veiksniai, darantys įtaką inovacijų diegimui Lietuvos viešbučių versle. Sprendžiama mokslinė problema: kokie inovacijų diegimo veiksniai aktualiausi Lietuvos viešbučių versle. Taikant ekspertinio vertinimo ir apklausos metodus atliekamas inovacijų diegimą lemiančių veiksnių vertinimas. Nustatyti svarbiausi inovacijų diegimą lemiantys veiksniai: rinkos imlumas, materialiniai ir finansiniai įmonės ištekliai. Inovacijų diegimą Lietuvos viešbučiuose labiausiai skatina konkurentai ir klientai. Pateikiamos rekomendacijos, kaip gerinti inovacinę veiklą Lietuvos viešbučių versle.
Straipsnyje ištirta Vakarų Lietuvos regiono studentų verslumo ugdymo situacija. Nagrinėjama, kaip aukštojo mokslo institucijų lygyje ugdyti studentų verslumą, skatinant kurti nuosavą verslą. Straipsnyje apibendrinta mokslinė literatūra verslumo ugdymo tematika; išskirti kritiniai studentų verslumą lemiantys veiksniai; atliktas studentų verslumo ugdymo Vakarų Lietuvos regione situacijos tyrimas; pateikiama siūlymų, kaip tobulinti verslumo ugdymo procesą Vakarų Lietuvos aukštosiose mokyklose.
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama šiuo metu aktuali tema – stresas kaip psichosocialinis veiksnys ugdymo organizacijose. Aptariamos stresopriežastys ir stresorių klasifikacija, ugdymo organizacijos darbo ypatumai, pristatoma tyrimo metodika, kontingento imtis, streso,kaip psichosocialinio veiksnio, tyrimo rezultatų analizė Klaipėdos rajono ugdymo organizacijose.
Each responsible personality who seeks productive outcomes in the professional activity tends to experience stress. Stress is an inseparable element of the contemporary professional activity. The analysis of the causes of the experienced stress and an appropriate choice of the stress management techniques enable one to cope with stress and to prevent its negative manifestations in an organization. The aim of the research: after the investigation of the distribution of stress as a psycho-social factor and the ways of coping with it in Klaipeda district educational organizations, to make an action plan for coping with stress with the aim of improving the work climate in organizations. The material and methods. For the research, educational organizations in Klaipėda district were chosen (in accordance with the data of Klaipėda District Municipality of 2011, there were 19 organizations with the staff of 599 at the time). The survey was conducted in September 2011 in collaboration with school public health care specialists from Klaipėda District Public Health Office. 286 questionnaires were handed out, and 246 ones were returned and found appropriate for the investigation. 31 questionnaires did not meet the criterion of representativeness, and 9 people refused to participate. For the statistical processing of the obtained data, the methods of descriptive, comparative, and correlation analysis were applied. The statistical processing of the data was carried out by the SPSS 17.0 software.The outcomes. The stressors characteristic of the staff of Klaipeda district educational organizations were established: responsibility for the future of the staff in the organization; personal skills and abilities completely fail to be realised in the organization; the work is monotonousand full of tension; the necessity to suppress one’s genuine emotions and not to show one’s true feelings; andresponsibility for the actions of other staff members. Statistically significant correlations were established between the coping with stress and the skills of management oriented towards problems and emotions. Conclusions. The staff of Klaipeda district educational organizations tended to belong to Type B personality, i.e. people whose response to stress was rather calm, however, they experienced work-related stress. To reduce the stress or to cope with it, an action plan was recommended. The responsibility for the said plan implementation was to be taken by the head of the institution.
Šiame straipsnyje analizuojamas regiono asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų (ASPĮ) darbuotojų dalyvavimas pokyčių valdyme, įtraukimas į šį procesą. Aptariama darbuotojų, dirbančių viešajame sektoriuje, įtraukimo į valdymą samprata, pateikiami empirinio tyrimo, atlikto regiono ASPĮ, rezultatai, atskleidžiantys pokyčių įgyvendinimą ribojančius veiksnius, darbuotojų dalyvavimo organizacijos pokyčių valdyme galimybes bei kliūtis. Nustatyta, kad darbuotojai mato savo dalyvavimo pokyčių valdyme prasmę, kai jaučia, kad tiesioginių savo vadovų yra skatinami ir įtraukiami į pokyčių valdymo procesą. Pateikiamos rekomendacijos, kaip gerinti pokyčių valdymą ASPĮ.
Creativity in organizations has always been important, but in the twenty-first century, it is becoming object of interest among scientists in the field of management. The article discusses the essence of creativity and its benefits to organizations. Although researchers of various fields, including management, emphasize the benefits of creativity in everyday activities, but the skeptical view, that creativity can be applied only in art and not in everyday activities, still persist. This paper analyzes the scientific problem that is the lack of application of creativity in organizations. The object of research is application of creativity. The purpose of article is to research the applicability of creativity in organization through the analysis of the concept of creativity and its benefits to organizations. Objectives are to identify the benefits of creativity to the organization and to reveal the practice of application of creativity in Klaipeda organizations.
In the analysis of the scientific literature, these techniques have been applied: systematic and logical analysis, comparative analysis, graphical representation. A qualitative research method of semi-structured interview has been used for empirical research. In order to determine the application of creativity in real life, the qualitative exploratory study has been performed. Semi-structured interview with experts has been selected. Experts – managers of various small and medium organizations – have been invited to participate in this research. The study has been conducted in April 2014 in Klaipeda. The aim was to involve managers-experts from different sectors (services, manufacturing, marketing or educational areas) in order to be able to discern certain trends or directions depending on the organization or the organization’ size or even a different leadership experience. Management experience of experts is very diverse, from 1 year to 36 years.
The study found out that although experts have identified unambiguously that creativity is essential in our daily work, it appears that its application possibilities are not exhausted in practice and most have not showed interest or practical application of a variety of creative methods. Experts do not apply creative approaches in their work, they feel instinctively how to behave or to show creativity, but in reality, it is a serious theoretical gap. The results suggest that the development of creativity is yet neglected because neither managers nor employees are encouraged for creative solutions.
Volume 70, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 115–126
In the article there are analysed factors influencing implementation of innovations in Klaipėda city tourism sector. There are discussed the global changes noticeable in Lithuania tourism sector as well. On the basis of conducted in-depth interview with experts there are identified factors, which impede the realization of plans of implementation of innovations in enterprises of the tourism sector such as the following: lack of funding; the problem of attracting investors; unfocused tourism policy, formed in Klaipėda city; not prepared city tourism strategy and its underlying goals; insufficient efforts to attract tourists from neighboring countries. Analysis of the findings showed that with all identified failings there are named technological factors (IT technologies) as the most influencing factors determining implementation of innovations in Lithuania tourism sector, on the basis of which working efficiency may be enhanced and service quality may be improved.
Straipsnyje analizuojama verslo verslui paslaugų specifika ir klientų aptarnavimo kokybės veiksniai. Siekiama įvardyti klientų aptarnavimo kokybę lemiančius veiksnius, jų svarbą kuriant ir diegiant aptarnavimo kokybės priežiūros sistemas; pateikiamas klientų aptarnavimo kokybės priežiūros modelis, apimantis penkias vertinimo sritis: (1) potenciali paslaugų teikėjų kokybė; (2) tiesiogiai aptarnaujančių darbuotojų darbo kokybė; (3) aptarnavimo proceso kokybė; (4) techninė kokybė ir (5) pasiekto rezultato kokybė. Daroma prielaida, kad siūlomas aptarnavimo kokybės priežiūros vertinimo modelis įgalintų verslo verslui paslaugų teikėjus visapusiškai užtikrinti klientų aptarnavimo kokybės priežiūrą.