This article presents the socioeconomic and demographic situation in Klaipėda county that is illustrated by chosen indicators’ analysis. In this article Klaipėda county has been chosen as an example territory to measure the peripherality phenomenon. Thus, in order to measure the peripherality the chosen indicators’ values were compared with Lithuanian average and state’s centres’ values. The article stresses the most peripheral regions in Klaipėda county which needs the governance attention and also the strongest one that leads all the county. The article finds out that the cooperation question is essential for both – county’s peripheries and centres – as it provides possibility to stay stable or even endows a potential to grow.
In recent years many countries have experienced stagnation or even decline in the amount of mortgage credits granted to households. The credit-granting process has become significantly complicated, less transparent and excessively time consuming. This study seeks to define the improvement opportunities for credit granting through creation of a simple, transparent and accountable framework of decision-making process. To achieve this purpose the authors used qualitative method – structured interview and graphical tools – decision tree. The developed framework makes it possible to identify areas of the credit granting that might have potential for considerable improvements. The empirical results of the study indicate that decision-making process in credit granting has considerable potential for improvements. The developed framework is supposed to help commercial banks to improve the quality and efficiency of the decision-making process in the credit granting and reduce cost of credit granting process. This is possible to achieve by cutting down the duration time of alternative solutions with negative outcome – credit denial. This research introduces a valuable framework of transparent and accountable model of decision-making process in the credit granting. The authors have found that the introduced framework is suitable not only for commercial banks but also for a wide range of organizations having similar complicated and multiple staged decision-making processes.
Disintegration of the USSR and join of Baltic States to European Union made this one a border territory between Russia and EU. After the collapse of Former Soviet Union, the new boundary remained almost easy to cross. In the beginning of the 21th century, it became no more fuzzy but rather fixed. Since European enlargement that had taken place in 2004, the crossing has become more regulated. People need visas that meant administrative papers and cost. The evolution of cargo flows has been more contrasted. Economic policies, political stakes and traditional links, are elements to understand East Baltic area. Kaliningrad Oblast, the Russian exclave lying by the Baltic Sea, strengthens the interest of the purpose.
In this article there are being analyzed the natural and social economic structures of Lithuanian coastal strip. The research is based on survey about the hindrances and proposed suggestions for sustainable development. There are presented authors’ results about geographic profile of Lithuania’s coastal region, degree of exploitation and processes of spatial planning, suggestions for improvement of sustainable development of coastal strip. There are distinguished the types of bad examples as institutional, projects related, shortage of financial issues, private housing and the types of good examples as legislative, institutional, projects related, NGOs related for exploitation and sustainable development of coastal strip.
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas organizacijų bendradarbiavimas pasienio regionuose, pristatomi Klaipėdos regiono organizacijų apklausos dėl bendradarbiavimo su Latvijos organizacijomis rezultatai. Nustatyta, kad bendradarbiaujama nepakankamai, tačiau yra nemažai organizacijų, kurios tokiu bendradarbiavimu suinteresuotos. Siekiant išsiaiškinti, kas trukdo bendradarbiavimą plėtoti, nustatyta, kad užsienio kalba tokia kliūtimi negali būti laikoma, nes jos nemokėjimas sukelia problemų tik mažai daliai regiono organizacijų. Kaip didžiausią kliūtį galima įvardyti informacijos apie galimybes plėtoti verslą ir bendradarbiauti su Latvijos organizacijomis trūkumą. Siekiant šias kliūtis pašalinti, siūloma daugiau dėmesio skirti informacijos apie bendradarbiavimo galimybes regione sklaidai.
The article presents the practice of Capacity Building project (CBP) activities underlining the sustainable development importance in the context of Cross Border Cooperation, which was implemented in Denmark, Germany, Poland, Sweden and Lithuania. The article is based on the analysis of statistical data and South Baltic Program documents adopted by the European Commission. The knowledge and experience of CBP formulated in this paper could be useful for future capacity building initiatives in the South Baltic region or in other territorial cooperation programmes. Article authors were official representatives of this project in Lithuania Region and actively participated during the Capacity Building project activities implementation process, took responsibilities during the interview and questionnaire givens collecting in Lithuania, were mentoring the Rent-of-Expert process and made individual consultations, organized trainings and workshops.
Straipsnyje aptariama darbuotojų motyvavimo ir pasitenkinimo darbu samprata, reikšmė, teoriniai aspektai. Straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti, kaip motyvacija ir pasitenkinimas darbu susiję. Keliama teorinė prielaida, kad darbo motyvacijos lygis ir darbuotojų pasitenkinimas savo darbu yra tiesiogiai susiję. Ši prielaida patvirtinama tyrimu. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad siekiant organizacijoje sukurti vieningą motyvacijos ir pasitenkinimo darbu sistemą, reikėtų atlikti papildomus kokybinius tyrimus, kurie atskleistų, kokie motyvuojantys veiksniai didina Lietuvos organizacijų darbuotojų pasitenkinimą darbu.
In this paper the author has developed place marketing strategy model for Latgale region that could be used as the base for working out programs of social and economic development. The author defines essence and specific of the marketing places conception, analyses Latgale region as marketing object based on segmentation and research of target markets. Interrogatory methods were used to investigate target audience of the region. The results of analysis of Latgale region and the results of the research of its target markets became empirical base for Latgale region place marketing strategy model. The developed place marketing strategy for Latgale region is based on regular and systematic investigation of the condition of the territory and its development tendencies in order to take rational decisions and to choose the priority development directions in the conditions of limited resources in accordance with real or potential demand of the target markets and to allocate the existing resources for its satisfaction.
Pagrindinė politikos Europos Sąjungos regionų plėtros problemai spręsti dalis turėtų būti atitinkama regionų raidai skirta inovacijų politika, numatant joje įvairias regioninio ir tarptautinio konkurencingumo inovacijų srityje plėtojimo formas, tinkamas skatinti socialinę ir ekonominę raidą. Šiuo metu Lietuva Europos Sąjungos kontekste yra tarp pradedančiųjų inovatorių ir savo inovacinę veiklą plėtoja lėčiausiai. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama inovacijų svarba siekiant šalies konkurencingumo, analizuojama inovacinio indekso, kaip matavimo priemonės, struktūra, vieno iš prioritetinių Europe 2020 tikslų siekimo rodikliai, atliekama Lietuvos inovacinės veiklos tendencijų, stipriųjų ir silpnųjų pusių analizė, pateikiamos tobulinimo gairės siekiant regioninio ir pasaulinio konkurencingumo.
Straipsnyje ištirta Vakarų Lietuvos regiono studentų verslumo ugdymo situacija. Nagrinėjama, kaip aukštojo mokslo institucijų lygyje ugdyti studentų verslumą, skatinant kurti nuosavą verslą. Straipsnyje apibendrinta mokslinė literatūra verslumo ugdymo tematika; išskirti kritiniai studentų verslumą lemiantys veiksniai; atliktas studentų verslumo ugdymo Vakarų Lietuvos regione situacijos tyrimas; pateikiama siūlymų, kaip tobulinti verslumo ugdymo procesą Vakarų Lietuvos aukštosiose mokyklose.