Lietuvos viešojo valdymo reformų institucinė sandara 2009–2012 m.
Volume 15, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 36–46
Pub. online: 4 August 2022
Type: Article
Open Access
4 August 2022
4 August 2022
His article sets out to explore two aspects reported in the literature: we pursued to fulfill the lack of research in the field of preparation and implementation of Lithuanian public management reform; searching for evidence that reforms are based on unclear public management doctrine. Principal – agent theory was applied to execute the aim of current research. The data collected by carried our eight in-depth semi structured interviews. The research sought to identify the change of opinions during the execution of public management reform. It was found, that preparation and implementation of public management reform depends on three factors: (i) value – based public management reform conception; (ii) existence of strong coordination center form reform execution; (iii) support of political – administration resource. However, the participation of political appointees at the reform process highlighted the conflict in their activity. From one hand the support of political appointees reduce control of performance. Otherwise, there is a threat for implementation of public management reform.