Cited by 4
Corporate Governance Effects on Firm Performance: a Literature Review

Corporate governance, firm risk and firm performance: the moderating role of group affiliation
Ratish Kumar Jha, Niva Kalita, Reshma Kumari Tiwari
Journal  Asian Review of Accounting (2024)
Corporate governance: Research and advanced practices
Elisabete Vieira, Mara Madaleno
Conference  (2024), p. 106
The Effect of Good Corporate Governance on Financial Distress in Companies Listed in Sharia Stock Index Indonesia
Sylva Alif Rusmita, Moh.Saifin Ami An-Nafis, Indria Ramadhani, Mohammad Irfan
Book  Advances in Finance, Accounting, and Economics (Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms for Complex Financial Applications) (2023), p. 220
The mediating effect of information technology business strategic maturity on the relationship between organizational behavior and firm performance: A study of the Jordanian maritime industry
Shadi Alabbadi, Pedro Seva-Larrosa, Francisco Garcia-Lillo
Journal  Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 21, Issue 3 (2023), p. 753