Many Hungarian small and medium enterprises are facing problems using management methodologies. Strategic management consulting is a common type of business consulting and is one of the most important in the field. The article analyses two previous Hungarian surveys with the aim of better understanding the market. Two surveys are compared with each other and the size of the Hungarian strategic consulting market is calculated based on secondary data. Trends and problems in the industry are also described briefly. The findings of this paper help to better understand what is happening in the industry.
Strategic management and operations management are widely used concepts. The role of operations management in planning and implementation the strategy is shown in this article. After a deep literature review the author presents those ideas which are crucial for the long-term planning of a modern company. Next to the change of the external environment the time factor is also considered as an important issue. The goal of companies within the framework of these conditions is to gain competitive advantage. The author shows ideas how to achieve this.
The purpose of the article is to identify the key factors influencing socially responsible consumption and the reasons why consumers do not choose products of socially responsible companies. The article highlights two dimensions of socially responsible consumption: environmental dimension (avoidance to buy products that have a negative impact on the environment) and public dimension (avoidance to buy product of companies who have a negative impact on the welfare of the public). Consumer decisions when purchasing goods are more selfish than justified in the public interest. This is why socially responsible consumption is motivated when users see the benefits for themselves. Users almost always give priority to products with better functional features.An analysis of the literature proves that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is not the dominant criteria in making purchase decisions of consumers. CSR is less important than the other purchase criteria such as price, quality, reliability, customer service, product warranty period, etc. The main reasons, which restrict socially responsible consumption are misconception of consumers, the perception that they have not much power to solve global problems, as well as lack of income, education and information about socially responsible consumption.
The article is devoted to marketing decision making by different generations. Author have analysed generations, its different formulationsin the world and Latvia. Author described generations of Latvian consumers, analysing statistical data and research results ofadvertising agency DDB Latvia and Gfk. The Development of Generations has significantly influenced the consumption, consumerbehavior, buying process. Very special role in the article is devoted to the generations what will help companies and individuals towork more efficiency in distribution of goods and services in the market. Relevant information about the consumer obtained in atimely manner enables an enterprise to plan their work on the market more successfully.
The aim of the article is to analyze the prevalence of retail stores in Latvian regions and consumer behavior in Latvia. The authors have analyzed the prevalence of largest retail stores in regions and consumer behavior in retail using available statistical data and research done by the authors. As a result of the study, the role of shop assistants was determined during the purchasing process, and the results of the study have been compiled from the viewpoint of generations. These results can help retail companies to work more effectively by choosing the most appropriate retail store types