The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Business in Africa: Implications for Building an Eu-Au Partnership of Equals
Volume 33, Issue 1 (2021), pp. 153–163
Jeļena Zaščerinska Jeļena Zaščerinska
Ludmila Aleksejeva Ludmila Aleksejeva
Mihails Zaščerinskis Mihails Zaščerinskis
All authors (5)
Pub. online: 4 August 2022
Type: Article
Open Access
4 August 2022
4 August 2022
The global outbreak of Covid-19 has led to unprecedented changes in people’s lives, including business. Higher education serves as
a key tool for the preparation of prospective traders and investors in both the European Union and the African Union. The purpose
of the present contribution is to analyse the system of the external and internal perspectives for the implementation of cooperation
between the European Union and the African Union in higher education underpinning the creation of the model of the process and
phases of building a partnership of equals. The research is of a qualitative nature. The empirical study was carried out on 9 November
2020. The data were collected via a focus group interview in the online panel discussion ‘Support Business in Africa during Covid
times: The Influence of the Corona Crisis’. Seven participants took part in the discussion. The conclusion is that the model for the
process of building the partnership of equals is valid. The implications for building the EU-AU partnership of equals are formulated.
The limitations of the research are indicated. Directions for further research are proposed.