Huge impact on the education system based on the universal Catholic pedagogics, and has too much emphasized working activity of the human and underestimated the nature of the personality’s expression, is analyzed in the paper. The mentioned issues are considered regarding the contemporary preparation of seafarers. Aim of the research is a revelation of the universally anthropological value of the education at conditions of protestant pragmatism and technocratism. Social influence of the protestant mentality is discussed. The preparation of seafarers is anthropologically evaluated. Methods such as retrospective analysis of scientific literature, comparison, heuristic analysis, interpretation and systemization were used in the research. Methodological principle of the research is neotomism. Theological tendencies of the protestant technocratism depreciated the personalistic culture that is psychologically compensated emphasizing the modern progress of the technological preparation of seafarers ignoring the broad approach to the valuable potential of the seafarer’s personality self-development. This approach lets create the universal local systems of the seafarers’ higher vocational education, and adequately combine the conditions of the complex human nature development and of the extreme work based on the European culture and authentic Christian heritage of education.