Reisen in die Vergangenheit: Deutsche Heimattouristen auf der Kurischen Nehrung | Journeys into the Past: German ‘Roots Tourism’ on the Curonian Spit
Volume 19 (2009): Studia Anthropologica, III: Identity Politics: Histories, Regions and Borderlands, pp. 115–129
Pub. online: 15 October 2009
Type: Article
Open Access
15 October 2009
15 October 2009
Since 1990 many Germans travel to the former German regions in Eastern Europe from which they or their relatives had been displaced in the course of World War II. Studying the case of Nida on the Curonian Spit in Lithuania – the former Nidden in East Prussia and the Memel district, respectively – the article examines the role of ‘roots-tourism’ (Heimattourismus) for the visitors as well as for the town Nida. Visits to the former homeland spark the examination of one’s own life story. This enables the former inhabitants to overcome their homesickness so that they gradually become ‘normal’ tourists. In this process they reinforce the ‘place-myth’ of this region as an idyllic paradise at the Baltic Sea. Tourism, thus, provides for continuity by reconstructing the past in the mind of the visitors as well as in the tourist place. The article points out how the tourism industry tunes its ears to the visitors’ demands and offers different approaches to the past.