Instructions for authors


Archaeologia Baltica (official journals’ abbreviation Archaeol. Balt.) publishes peer-reviewed papers and shorter research reports in English. The papers should be written clearly in correct English, and meet the following requirements. They should be prepared in accordance with the requirements set out below. An article should be 6,000 to 8,000 words, with a maximum of 12 illustrations, excluding tables and references.

Requirements relating to the structure of the article


The title should be concise but informative.

Author(s) details

Name(s), including one forename in full, affiliation(s), contact address, where the actual work was done.

The corresponding author and email address should be clearly indicated. Corresponding author will handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, including answering any future queries. 

A brief abstract (approximately 250 words) should be a self-contained summary of the paper, presenting concisely the objectives of the work reported, the methodology, results and conclusions. Citations should be avoided in the abstract.


Below the abstract, no more than eight key words should be given, namely, the basic concepts of the scientific study, characterising the subject of study and the basic content. 

Please use British spelling and avoid general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid, for example, "and", "of"). These keywords will be used for indexing purposes.


The introduction includes the intention behind the study, the research aim and tasks, a characterisation of the subject of study or main research question, the research methods, research resources, and the state of research on the subject, indicating the topicality of the chosen theme.


The article should be divided into clearly defined and numbered sections.

Few editorial remarks:

Long dashes should be used to denote ‘from… to’ (e. g. between dates of birth and death, between geographical points, between page numbers and etc.).

Centuries should be written: e.g. 15th century, not 15th century or fifteenth century.

Use a comma to separate different illustrations when there are more than two: (Figs. 1.4, 10, 18).


The conclusions should present new findings and identified patterns, the essential aim of the study and the degree to which it has been attained, and the scientific novelty of the results and their significance.  


Acknowledgement should be made of the project (name, number) within which the study has been funded (if it was funded). Acknowledgements may be made of institutions, museums, colleagues or any person who provided help during the research and article writing.

Reference list, notes and appendices

References to the literature cited should be indicated at the appropriate place in the text and at the end of the work, according to the Harvard system listed in the examples below. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).

Abbreviations, symbols and special terms should be set out in a vertical list, giving the abbreviation on the left and the full name or term on the right. The list of abbreviations should be arranged in alphabetical order.

Notes, if required, should be numbered and listed after the article. The date of submission should be indicated at the end of the article.

Appendices (if necessary), if there is more than one appendix, should be identified as A, B, etc.


The summary should be an extended version of the abstract, describing at greater length the principles of the study, the methodology and the main results. The summary should be 300 to 350 words in length. Lithuanian authors should write the summary in Lithuanian.

All other authors should submit the summary to the Editorial Board in English. The English summary will be translated into Lithuanian on behalf of Archaeologia Baltica.

 List of figures and table captions

Figure and table captions should be prepared as a separate text, indicating the author and title of the article. The list should include the name of the author of the illustrations, or, if this is not known, the source of the illustrations, i.e., the journal, book, private papers (giving the person’s name) etc.

Illustrations should be prepared in their final format (that is, no enlarging or reducing will be necessary), and to fit into the print area of the journal. The figures and tables should be no larger than 16 centimetres wide and 24 centimetres high, with thin frames. All illustrations must be clearly numbered, and provided with the title and name(s) of the author(s) on the reverse side of the printouts. The appropriate place in the text for each illustration should be indicated in the margin. If necessary, the top of the figure should be indicated. All illustrations must have self-explanatory legends. The captions to illustrations should be listed separately. The text, tables and illustrations should not repeat each other. Dense shading for backgrounds should be avoided. The lettering (upper and lower case, italics, bold) should follow the usage in the text. Different parts of a figure should be marked by Arabic numerals in parentheses. The size of symbols and letters should be no smaller than 1.5 mm. Illustrations should be provided in tiff, jpg and CMYK colour mode for colour illustrations. Make sure that any artwork is at the appropriate, minimum resolution: 300 dpi for half-tones and greyscale (photographs), 600 dpi for combinations (line art and half-tones together), and 600 dpi for line art.

The author will receive a set of proofs to correct printer’s errors. No changes may be made and no new material inserted into the text at the time of proofreading.
One free hard copy of Archaeologia Baltica will normally be supplied to authors.


Citing in the text and references should be arranged according to the Harvard B citing system, available from: The use of DOI is highly encouraged.

References list should be divided into Manuscripts, Published sources and Literature. 

Official abbreviations of journals should be used in the references list (please check the official sites of the journals to be sure to use the official abbreviation). Abbreviations should be listed above the references list.

 Citing in the Text

1) If the author’s name occurs naturally in the sentence, the year is given in brackets:

e.g. In a popular study Harvey (1992) argued that we have to teach good practices …

or: As Harvey (1992, p. 21) said, ‘good practices must be taught’ and so we …

2) If the name does not occur naturally in the sentence, both name and year are given in brackets:

e.g. A more recent study (Stevens 1998) has shown the way theory and practical work interact.

or: Theory rises out of practice, and once validated, returns to direct or explain the practice (Stevens 1998).

3) When an author has published more than one cited document in the same year, these are distinguished by adding lower case letters (a, b, c …) after the year and within the brackets:

e.g. Johnson (1994a) discussed the subject …

4) When more than one source is cited, the sequence of citations may be either chronological, e.g. (Smith 1999; Jones 2001; Turner 2006, p. 18, Figs. 1 and 3.1, Table 1.3, 4–8; Veit and Gould 2010, pp. 8–20, Fig. 2.1, 3) or in order of academic relevance. 

5) If there are two authors, in the article text, their surnames should be separated by the word ‘and’: (Matthews and Jones 1997). However, in reference list should be: e.g. Matthews, J.A., Jones, P., 1997.).

If there are more than two authors, the surname of the first author only should be given, followed by et al.: e.g. Office costs amount to 20% of total costs in most businesses (Wilson et al., 1997). (A full list of names should appear in the list of references).

6) If there are two authors, the surnames of both should be given:

e.g. Matthews and Jones (1997) have proposed that …

7) If the work is anonymous, then ‘Anon.’ should be used:

e.g. In one history (Anon. 1908) it was stated that …

8) If you refer to a source directly quoted in another source, cite both in the text:

e.g. A study by Smith (1960 cited Jones 1994) showed that …

(You should list only the work you have read, i.e. Jones, in the list of references)

 References at the End of the Work

References are listed in alphabetical order by author name. If you have cited more than one item by a specific author, they should be listed chronologically (with the earliest date first), and by letter (1993a; 1993b) if more than one item has been published in the same year.

References should be divided into manuscripts, published sources and literature.

Reference to a book

Author’s surname, initials, year of publication. Title. Edition (if not the first). Place of publication: publisher.

e.g. Mercer, P.A. and Smith, G., 1993. Private viewdata in the UK. 2nd ed. London: Longman.

 Reference to a contribution in an edited book

Contributing author’s surname, initials, year of publication. Title of contribution. Followed by In: Initials, surname of author or editor of publication followed by ed. or eds. if relevant. Title of book. Place of publication: publisher, page number(s) of contribution.

e.g. Bantz, C.R., 1995. Social dimensions of software development. In: J.A. Anderson, ed. Annual review of software management and development. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, pp. 502–510.

 Reference to an article in a journal

Author’s surname, initials, year of publication. Title of article. Title of journal, volume number and (part number), page numbers of article, DOI link (if the article has one).

e.g. Evans, W.A., 1994. Approaches to intelligent information retrieval. Information processing and management, 7 (2), 147–168.

Reference to a conference paper

Contributing author’s surname, initials, year of publication. Title of contribution. Followed by In: initials, surname of editor of proceedings (if applicable) followed by ed. or eds. if relevant. Title of conference, including date and place. Place of publication: publisher, page numbers of contribution.

e.g. Silver, K., 1991. Electronic mail: the new way to communicate. In: D.I. Raitt, ed. 9th international online information meeting, 3-5 December 1990 London. Oxford: Learned Information, pp. 323–330.

Reference to a report from a corporate author

Author, year of publication. Title of report. Place of publication: publisher, report number (where relevant).

e.g. UNESCO, 1993. General information programme and UNISIST. Paris: UNESCO, PGI-93/WS/22.

 Reference to a thesis

Author’s surname, initials, year of publication. Title of thesis. Designation (and type). Name of institution to which submitted.

e.g. Agutter, A.J., 1995. The linguistic significance of current British slang. Thesis (PhD). Edinburgh University.

Reference to an unpublished study and archival materials

Author’s surname, initials, year of study or archival document (s) creation, Title of study or archival material. Volume (if applicable). Place of creation. Type of document, Followed by In: The name of the Archive, corpus number, file number.

e.g. Smith, S., 2021. The Archaeological Excavation Report of Rigny. Vol. 3. Rigny. Unpublished excavation report. In: Institute of History, archive no. 1, file no. 155.

 Referencing Online Materials

 Reference to an e-book

Author’s/editor’s surname, initials, year. Title. Edition (if not the first). Place of publication: publisher (if ascertainable). Available from: ‘core’ URL [Accessed Date].

e.g. Darvil, T., 2010. Prehistoric Britain. 2nd Edition. London: Routledge. Available from: [Accessed 17 November 2019].

 Reference to an online journal article

Author's surname, initials, year. Title. Journal Title, volume (issue), page numbers (if available). Available from: ‘core’ URL [Accessed Date].

e.g. Mcfall, R., 2005. Electronic textbooks that transform how textbooks are used. Electronic Library, 23 (1), 72–81. Available from: [Accessed 20 May 2019].

Papers in Cyrillic

Give the official title in English, German or French, if available (e.g. from summaries). If no official English, German or French version is available, translate the titles of books and articles into English; abbreviate and transliterate journal names into Roman script; transliterate the publication data.

References in Cyrillic should be transcribed into Roman lettering according to the following system, transliteration table available from: