The Supernatural Milk-stealer in Lithuanian Folklore and Its Counterparts in Other National Traditions of the Baltic Sea Region
Volume 15 (2011): Archaeology, Religion and Folklore in the Baltic Sea Region, pp. 99–104
Pub. online: 20 September 2011
Type: Article
Open Access
10 December 2010
10 December 2010
20 April 2011
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20 September 2011
The article deals with a popular image in traditional peasant culture, that of a supernatural being that is believed to be stealing milk and dairy products, and bringing them to its (usually female) owner, thus enhancing her wealth. In Lithuania, this milk stealer figure is called aitvaras/kaukas, in Latvia pūkis, in Finland para, and in Sweden bjära. despite the different names and some other discrepancies in origin and nature, all these images are shown to be essentially similar. The author considers all of them to be rooted in the traditional peasant culture and mentality, which can be characterised to a considerable degree by the concept of ‘limited good’ (Foster 1965).