Cited by 4
The Significance of Deposits of Natural Amber in Estonia in the Context of Early Metal Age Society

Juodkrantė /Schwarzort Amber Finds
Audronė Bliujienė
Book:  (2021), p. 1
Buried amber finds in the coastal deposits of Saaremaa Island, eastern Baltic Sea – their sedimentary environment and possible use by Bronze Age islanders
Triine Nirgi, Alar Rosentau, Mirja Ots, Signe Vahur, Aivar Kriiska
Journal:  Boreas Volume 46, Issue 4 (2017), p. 725
Late-Holocene relative sea-level changes and palaeoenvironment of the Pre-Viking Age ship burials in Salme, Saaremaa Island, eastern Baltic Sea
Triine Nirgi, Ieva Grudzinska, Edyta Kalińska, Marge Konsa, Argo Jõeleht, Helena Alexanderson, Tiit Hang, Alar Rosentau
Journal:  The Holocene Volume 32, Issue 4 (2022), p. 237
The earliest Baltic amber in Western Europe
M. Murillo-Barroso, A. Martín Cólliga, M. Martinón-Torres
Journal:  Scientific Reports Volume 13, Issue 1 (2023)