Volume 85, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 64–83
Straipsnyje teoriškai išanalizavus darbuotojų veiksmingą mokymąsi ir jo plėtros galimybes profesionalumo tobulinimo kontekste tiriamas prekybos vadovų požiūris į tai. Empiriškai (prekybos vadovų požiūriu) atskleista ir pagrįsta profesionalumo tobulinimo, veiksmingo mokymosi samprata ir esmė, veiksmingo mokymosi ir profesionalumo tobulinimo strategijos bei būdai, profesionaliai prekybos vadovų veiklai būtinos kompetencijos, profesionalumo tobulinimo galimybės ir kt. Remiantis pagrindinių tyrimo rezultatų analize ir išvadomis, straipsnyje pateikiama siūlymų mažmeninės prekybos įmonės vadovams.
The purpose of this paper is to provide an initial description of youth policy and highlight some relevant data. There has been conducted a survey in the framework of CaSYPoT project (Capacity Building for Strategic Youth Policy and Transnational Cooperation) under the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014–2020 (Project No. STHB.05.01.00-SE-0024/15). The overall aim of this project is to encourage young people to get involved into local democracy and to present the youth as the resource in the development of society and democracy. The goal of the project is the survey that was carried out in Klaipėda municipality, in the period of April–May 2017. Thus, the article analyses the findings of this survey. The questionnaire contained questions addressing young people’s well-being and safety in their neighbourhood and at school, as well as their experience getting involved in the municipality work and their influence on its decisions. The target group of the survey was young people aged 16–19.
Straipsnyje diachronine perspektyva nagrinėjamas bendradarbių asmeninių švenčių šventimas, paminėjimas kaip viena iš terpių, kur vyksta vietos ir organizacijos kultūrų sąveika. Šių progų: gimtadienio, vaiko gimimo, vedybų, laidotuvių, t. y. šeiminio gyvenimo, ir darbuotojo įsidarbinimo, darbo stažo ar panašių pasiekimų, išėjimo iš darbo (į kitą darbovietę arba į pensiją), t. y. darbinio gyvenimo ciklų paminėjimai su bendradarbiais, yra svarbūs darbuotojo socializacijai, pasitenkinimo darbu stiprinimui ir organizacijos kultūros formavimui. Analizuodami lauko tyrimų duomenis, aiškinsimės, ar tiriamose vietovėse šių progų minėjimo intensyvumas yra tapatus.
The Ark of the Covenant, Blessed Virgin Mary and the Tabernacle are visible signs of God’s presence. In the era of the Old Testament, God, who surpasses all that is on Earth, descends to the sacred tent with the Ark of the Covenant. At the time of the New Testament, the closeness and holiness of God was carried within Blessed Virgin Mary. And in the period of the Church Jesus stays with the mankind in the Holy Eucharist which is kept in the Tabernacle. This article presents the continuity of the Holiest Place, which expresses God’s visible presence, throughout three time periods: the Ark of the Covenant at the time of the Old Testament, Blessed Virgin Mary at the time of the New Testament and the Tabernacle at the time of the Church. While reviewing the development of the Holiest Place we can see God’s desire to manifest and present Himself to the man. “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us ... full of grace and truth” (John 1: 14).
Assessment of the first level managers only in respect of their compliance with the requirements set for a particular job position isnot sufficient. A tool facilitating identification of the relevance of the first level managers in certain management chain is required asit would ensure effectiveness of their performance and harmony in the management chain. The present article aims at emphasisingthe feasibility of identification of the relevance of the first level managers in the management chain (MLM–FLM–SUB) throughpersonality traits. The research analysed the following members (links) of the management chain: first level managers (FLM), theirdirect supervisors – mid-level managers (MLM) and subordinates (SUB) – working in five furniture manufacturing companies ofthe West Lithuania Region. “The Big Five” method was applied as research instrument to assess personality traits of the first levelmanagers. Quantitative analysis enabled modelling of a graph, which represents a derived mean value of the assessment of thefirst level managers’ personality traits, designated to identify disharmonious chains in companies. When identifying the first levelmanagers’ relevance in the management chain, only individual evaluations performed by the members /links of the chains werereferred to and used as a basis for evaluation of personal traits of particular first level manager only. The obtained data supplementsdirect indicators of FLM performance assessment.
Volume 79, Issue 1 (2018), pp. 63–76
The authors of this article argue that work in the 21st century is more complex instead of being routine. Solution of education management problems in the Baltic Region is greatly affected by system approach ideas that treat actions as a unified system that consists of mutually related elements with constant interaction of internal and external environment factors. The evolving nature of school environment has placed new demands on educational leaders. Where knowledge of school management, finance, legal issue and state mandates was once the primary focus for the preparation of school leaders, education reform has created an urgent need for a strong emphasis on development of instructional leadership skills to promote good teaching and high level learning. Educational leaders must recognize and assume a shared responsibility not only for students’ intellectual and educational development, but also for their personal, social, emotional and physical development. In the article was discovered that school principals need to improve their management competences in personnel management, financial and communication management for successful school leadership.
Volume 78, Issue 3 (2017), pp. 63–88
Aim of research is to make the model of implementation of creative society policy, showing the empirical process of public policy in Lithuania. The main method of research is a long-term (longitudinal) analysis of documents (performed in 2011–2015). Results are the model of implementation of creative society policy (the model shows how this policy can be formed and implemented in a separate country). Moreover, the following directions (determined during the preparation of the state development strategy) of formation of this policy in Lithuania were revealed: active society; solidary society; learning society. Furthermore, the following directions of implementation of this policy (through the state development strategy) in Lithuania were revealed: “quick wins” (commitment of the Government to take 10 important actions every year); systemic implementation of this strategy (through the system of strategic planning documents; as well, it is essential to have the proper institution, with the necessary powers to control the preparation and implementation of strategies in all levels); direct involvement of communities and non-governmental organizations.
Volume 74, Issue 2 (2016), pp. 63–76
Straipsnyje pristatomi1990–2000 metų laikotarpiu Lietuvos laikraščiuose publikuotų tekstų apie lytis semantinės analizės, remiantis statistiniais duomenimis, rezultatai. Iš viso išanalizuoti 749 straipsniai, kuriuose aprašomi vyrai (363 tekstai) ir moterys (386 tekstai). Tyrimu siekta nustatyti lyčių vaizdavimo tekstuose ypatybes per pirmąjį Lietuvos nepriklausomybės dešimtmetį. Išskirti reikšmių, siejamų su lytimis, segmentai, jų sąsajos tekstuose apie moteris ir vyrus, atlikta lyginamoji lyčių atspindėjimo skirtumų analizė.
Volume 70, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 63–82
The article reveals the essence of the concept of relationship marketing and relationship marketing major dimensions: trust, commitment, mutual dependence, reciprocity, cooperation, power, communication, satisfaction, value, fairness and empathy. Composed relationships between consumers and health care institutions support theoretical model which states that a direct effect on customer loyalty in individual health care market has confidence, commitment and satisfaction. Relationship marketing principles – interoperability and power – in personal care market only partially determines the consumer loyalty.
This paper presents a thorough theoretical scientific analysis on cluster life cycles and highlights in detail the main structuring of the life-cycle types. Moreover, based on the provided example of the maritime industry cluster conditions, the author presents a deductive analysis of the entire cluster life cycle distinguishing the main local and global driving factors. Using scientific literature analysis and synthesis, systemization, as well as deduction there are outlined the emergence and evolution of the key cluster driving forces. Finally, the paper provides the most important findings on the cluster life cycle conditions that have impact on the cluster development processes.