The paper theoretically justified most important elements having direct effect upon consumer. Purpose of research is to develop theoretical model of retail internationalization elements effect upon consumers. by analyse retail internationalization process, retailers fails and success topics, consumer expectations was used general scientific methods of research – scientific literature, comparative and systematic logical analysis. The most important participant in the process of the internationalisation of retail trade is the consumer who actually determines the success or failure of a retail trade company. The analysis of the results of the survey of Lithuanian consumers allows seven principal elements of the process of the internationalisation of retail trade which potentially have a direct effect on the consumer to be identified: the format of the store, the range of the goods, the price, the country of origin of the product, advertising, communication and the image.
This article analyzes the proper use of various meanings of the adjective draugiškas ‘friendly’. It discusses the semantic structure of this adjective and its different interpretation in the Dictionary of Modern Lithuanian Language and in the Dictionary of Lithuanian Language. The semantic structure of the adjective draugiškas has been specified based on the data collected from the Corpus of Modern Lithuanian Language and other sources, the problem of its figurative use is discussed, and its validity from the stand point of proper usage of new meanings such as „safe“, „harmless“, „comfortable“ is evaluated. The data was collected from various functional styles and the conducted survey shows the real use of the modern adjective draugiškas. In addition, it shows that some of the phrases used with this word that are indicated as incorrect by users, are not violating the norms of language use. The appropriateness of new phrases, such as draugiškas restoranas, draugiška kuprinė, is discussed.
Regionams tampant ekonominio ir socialinio gyvenimo pagrindu, įmonės į savo veiklos strategijas turi įtraukti nacionaliniu ir regioniniupagrindu susiformavusias vertybes bei socialinius poreikius. Kompanijos, ypač tarptautinės, turi suderinti regioninę integracijąsu regionine atsakomybe. Straipsnyje analizuojama įmonių socialinės atsakomybės, kaip regioninės plėtros strategijų priemonės,koncepcija. Pagrindinė suformuluota išvada – įmonių veiklos rezultatai ir regionų išsivystymas yra glaudžiai susiję.
The purpose of the article is to identify the key factors influencing socially responsible consumption and the reasons why consumers do not choose products of socially responsible companies. The article highlights two dimensions of socially responsible consumption: environmental dimension (avoidance to buy products that have a negative impact on the environment) and public dimension (avoidance to buy product of companies who have a negative impact on the welfare of the public). Consumer decisions when purchasing goods are more selfish than justified in the public interest. This is why socially responsible consumption is motivated when users see the benefits for themselves. Users almost always give priority to products with better functional features.An analysis of the literature proves that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is not the dominant criteria in making purchase decisions of consumers. CSR is less important than the other purchase criteria such as price, quality, reliability, customer service, product warranty period, etc. The main reasons, which restrict socially responsible consumption are misconception of consumers, the perception that they have not much power to solve global problems, as well as lack of income, education and information about socially responsible consumption.
Straipsnyje nagrinėjami tarporganizaciniai ryšiai verslo organizacijų tinkluose. Jie turi būti geri tarp visų elementų: tinklo dalyvių (veikėjų), kurie turi žinių ir patirties; struktūros; išteklių (žmogiškųjų, informacinių, finansinių, materialių ir nematerialių); dalyvių veiklos (elgsenos). Tam, kad tarporganizaciniai ryšiai verslo organizacijų tinkle atitiktų savo paskirtį ir garantuotų veiklos optimalumą, būtina juos puoselėti. Apžvelgus įvairių autorių pateiktas tarporganizacinių ryšių verslo organizacijų tinkluose problemas, pateikiamos tarporganizacinių ryšių organizacijų tinkle tobulinimo kryptys: bendri dalyvių tikslai, konkurencijos skatinimas, bendros vertės didinimas, organizacijų tinklo struktūros stabilizavimas, siekiant aiškaus vaidmenų ir atsakomybės pasidalijimo, išteklių taupymas, efektyvios komunikacijos palaikymas, kompetencijų tobulinimas, informacijos perdavimo sutrikimų prevencija, tarpasmeninių santykių gerinimas, veiklos efektyvumo didinimas. Kiekviena tarporganizacinių ryšių organizacijų tinkle tobulinimo kryptis yra kaip kokybės rodiklis, susijęs su dalyvių aktyviu dalyvavimu veikloje, siekiant užsitikrinti ilgalaikį poveikį. Norint išsilaikyti konkurencinėje kovoje būtina nuolat puoselėti tarporganizacinius ryšius verslo organizacijų tinkluose, stebint dalyvių tobulėjimo dinamiką ir rinkos pokyčius.
Volume 72, Issue 3 (2015), pp. 65–82
The article analyses the fishing and related occupations in the Curonian Lagoon region in the 19th – first half of the 20th centuries. A brief history of fishing in the Curonian Lagoon from ancient times is presented, thus providing historical context which might provide a better understanding of the processes that took place during the period analysed in the article. Available information from historical sources shows that besides fishing the lagoon fishermen were forced to engage in other occupations. The main reason for this was hard natural conditions of the region. Auxiliary fishing occupation soften were related to the fishermen’s skills acquired in fishing, such as boat building and management. Material of archaeological excavations carried out in 2012 at the site of former Kopgalis village is presented in the article. The material shows an important turning-point that took place in the 19 than 20th centuries in the region of the Curonian Lagoon – the transition from traditional fishing to a new activity – resort business. For the first time memoir material of Henrikas Cyrulis – native resident of Kintai village is presented in the study.
Sustainable development has become one of the most discussed issues on national, regional and international levels. Together with policy development, the need to assess the current situation and the achieved progress in sustainability has arisen. In Lithuania integrated evaluations of sustainability are rather rare, therefore this paper aims to apply composite index for Lithuanian regions – counties. Research focuses on four regions of Lithuania: ones with the highest and with the lowest GDP values over the period of 2000–2010. The analysed indicators were normalized calculating T values and recalculating some of indicators to have them in the same direction and applying equal weight basis approach. The results reveal rather different development of selected regions. In all areas analysed (economy, environment, health and social issues) Vilnius County has improved most. Meanwhile situation in Tauragė region has only worsened. Though not only economic issues are important then assessing the development course, regions with higher economic development favour in general and their development is more stable and sustainable.
It is pointed in the article that a significant and relevant direction of new social sciences in the body of the problems of research into welfare states (in general) and in Central and Eastern European countries in particular, could be the investigation of the problem of compatibility and coherence between welfare state models and public administration models, to be more precise, examining if this relation is accidental or not. This problem of coherence between welfare state and public administration models has to be investigated empirically in subsequent research, as the author raises this problem firstly in this article theoretically.
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama diskurso prasmė, derinant organizacijos ir jos darbuotojų vertybinius interesus. Atliktas tyrimas Lietuvos verslo organizacijoje atskleidė, kad vadovai, bandydami suderinti organizacijos ir jos darbuotojų vertybes, taiko tokius vadybos metodus, kurie nesuderinami su tikrąja diskurso praktika. Nepakeitus vertikalaus valdymo metodo į horizontalų, nesudarius galimybių visiems darbuotojams dalyvauti sprendimų priėmimo procese, diskurso vadovui neturint šios srities žinių, organizacijos vadovybė lieka su savo vertybiniais tikslais, kurių žemesniosios grandies darbuotojai nesupranta. Tai lemia nesusikalbėjimą, konfliktines situacijas ir bendro tikslo nematymą. Visų organizacijos darbuotojų mokymasis ir kasdienis žinių taikymas praktinėje veikloje padėtų lengviau priimti pokyčius, kurie yra būtini siekiant susiformuoti naują vertybinę orientaciją.
Tourism is becoming a very important and fast growing industry, where rural tourism is a very important part. Tourist loyalty is a very important factor determining tourist’s wish to revisit the destination; and main loyalty’s antecedent is tourist satisfaction. Accordingly, the research was provided endeavouring to determine how to turn satisfied Lithuanian rural tourists into loyal ones. The aim of the research was to reveal core factors affecting Lithuanian rural tourist loyalty. The obtained results reveal that variables that have to be considered to turn already satisfied tourists into loyal are: ‘natural features’, ‘destination marketing’ and ‘environmental preservation’. Considering that the variable ‘natural features’ remains at the constant level due to the requirement of large investments, ‘environmental preservation’ and ‘destination marketing’ are variables necessitating specific level of compatibility.