Volume 87, Issue 2 (2021): Volume 87, pp. 80–97
Social entrepreneurship serves as one of the social techniques for the social cohesion of disadvantaged and marginalised groups in society, and therefore can be used as a practical method in the field of social work. Social entrepreneurship provides an operational platform for the renewal of people’s self-dependence skills, by learning to do things together, which is a relevant motivational aspect for socially marginalised people in solving their social and personal problems. Thus, the social cohesion of disadvantaged and marginalised groups of society by being involved in social entrepreneurial activities, and thus being placed in the sphere of the productive economy at the level of the community, contributes to the development of the local community, giving citizens the socially active status of being active protagonists in their destiny and their local community. However, the renewal of a person’s social functioning, achieved by involvement in social entrepreneurial activities, covers a person’s life holistically, starting with the person’s inner processes that lead to forming external social relationships. Therefore, the analysis of this process in the article involves taking an anthropological perspective on activating people’s inner resources and human potential in the activities of social enterprises, which also shows the dimension of social entrepreneurship as a tool for personal development. The aim of the article is to explore the phenomenon and practice of social entrepreneurship in the context of social work, where social entrepreneurship can be used as an innovative approach as a tool for the development of the community, and for the transformation on a personal level of practitioners and people involved in entrepreneurial activities.
Nuo 2017 metų įsigaliojus ES Direktyvai 2014/95/EU, kai kurioms ES įmonėms socialinės atsakomybės atskleidimas tapo privalomas, tad aktualu ištirti, kaip įmonės, taip pat ir bankai, laikosi šio reguliavimo ir nuo ko jis priklauso. Straipsnio tikslas – ištirti privalomo Lietuvos bankų socialinės atsakomybės atskleidimo 2015–2019 metais lygį ir veiksnius. Taikyta atliktų empirinių tyrimų apžvalga, palyginamoji analizė, tyrimui atlikti – statistinė analizė, koreliacija, regresija. Sukūrus socialinės atskaitomybės atskleidimo indeksą, atlikta penkių didžiausių Lietuvos bankų socialinės atsakomybės ataskaitų turinio analizė. Bankai 2015–2016 metais savanoriškai atskleidė socialinę atsakomybę, tačiau nuo 2017 metų kai kuriuose bankuose atskleidimas buvo nepakankamas. Bankai pateikė daugiau informacijos bendromis, o ne konkretaus bankų sektoriaus temomis. Hipotezės dėl banko turto ir ataskaitų puslapių skaičiaus poveikio socialinės atsakomybės atskleidimui pasitvirtino, tuo tarpu hipotezės dėl banko pelningumo ir kapitalo pakankamumo santykio poveikio socialinės atsakomybės atskleidimui nepasitvirtino.
The article aims to define how the main principles of the Swedish welfare state, i.e., the “multi-stakeholder principle” and the principle of trustfulness and collaboration, affect activity of the anti-corruption civil society. For the study, the following empirical methods have been used: the analysis of documents and in-depth-interviews with experts. The author demonstrates that the anti-corruption activity of civil society in Sweden can be considered as part of wider social movements for human rights, democracy and integrity, especially at international level. There are a lot of associations and unions in Sweden that, among other joint activities, promote anti-corruption practices and rules in state organisations and commercial enterprises. The state and government need to be oriented to social challenges and keep pace with civic movements. A partnership with different stakeholders is the main type of the Swedish ACS’s activities that help to reach their goals in preventing corruption behaviour, e.g., “Anti-corruption policy networks”, and it is the result of two types of collaboration: anti-corruption participation and anti-corruption services. The research has shown that the civil society’s ability to create networks with the state, business and other agents is the main condition for the so-called horizontal accountability and sustainability and for preventing corruption in Swedish society that, in its turn, has been established over a long period of time building the culture of integrity and civic institutions.
Intellectual capital as a discipline appeared a decade ago as a result of practitioners’ observations proving the need to raise the issue up to the scientific level and management discipline. The history of the new science is very short compared to other fundamentals and what is important it is developing at rocket speed that attracts extensive attention to the field. Intangible assets are major creators of business value and a source of competitive advantage. This statement can be proved by the fact that intangibles represented 87% of the market capitalization of listed companies forming part of the S&P 500 stock-market index in 2015. Moreover, investments in R&D in many cases exceed the profit of the company to ensure long-term progress and business success in the future pioneering in the market. Therefore, innovation leads to investment in the creation of intellectual capital for businesses and provides opportunities for researchers and practitioners. The aim of research is to revise the findings of scientific papers, analysing the evolution of the phenomenon throughout the time span. The findings of the paper present the structure of modern research and the block chain of the research evolution on intellectual capital as well as identify gaps and open questions to analyse.
Section 1 of this paper follows entirely a scenario from the article “Engineering Compliant Software: Advising Developers by Automating Legal Reasoning” by D. Oberle, F. Drefs, R. Wacker, C. Baumann and O. Raabe, SCRIPTed (2012) 9:3, 280–313, where it serves as a running example. It demonstrates that data transfer violates the law. This motivating scenario has added value in the education of software developers and is worth sharing with the computer communities of other countries including Lithuania. In the scenario, the continental law and EU law sways the particularities of the German law. The motivation for teaching the scenario can be compared with teaching concrete cases in the study of law. Legal reasoning is demonstrated by supplementing the provisions of the German Federal Data Protection Act (FDPA) with those of the Lithuanian Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data, which have the same meaning. In Section 3, we attempt to formulate the software compliance problem. Finally, we explain the notion of subsumption – a legal qualification of facts according to a norm’s circumstance. We consider subsumption to consist of two notions: terminological subsumption and normative subsumption.
Straipsnyje, nustačius, kad produkto vertės sampratos dvilypis aspektas kainodaroje apibendrintai nenagrinėtas, pasitelkus mokslinėsliteratūros sisteminimo ir analizės metodus apibūdintos dvi skirtingos vertės sąvokos: vertė vartotojui ir vartotojų suvokiama vertė.Pripažįstant, kad vartotojų pasirinkimas priklauso nuo to, kokią vertę jam teikia įmonės pasiūlymas, kainodaros proceso etapai analizuojamivertės kūrimo vartotojui ir vartotojų suvokiamos vertės susiejimo aspektu. Rekomenduojama vertės kūrimo, nustatymo, teikimoir palaikymo etapuose atlikti veiksmus, susijusius su produkto vertės vartotojui kūrimu ir tobulinimu, bei veiksmus, susijusiussu vartotojų suvokiamos vertės nustatymu. Aprašyti produkto vertės vartotojui kūrimo modeliai: ekonominio pelno teorija (EVA),produkto kūrimo proceso (PKP) vartotojo vertės modelis, rizikos vertės metodas dizaino struktūros matrica (DSM). Akcentuojantdarnaus ekonominio vystymosi prielaidas Lietuvoje ir siekiant tyrimų pagrindu kurti regioninę politiką, sudarytas integruotas modelis,kuris atskleidžia produkto vertės kūrimo etapus kainodaros procese.
Volume 71, Issue 2 (2015), pp. 79–96
In most cases the internet has a positive effect on its users – it offers unrestrained communication, expression of opinions and sense of openness. On the other hand, excessive usage leads to internet addiction. The most important features of the internet include rapid spread of information and news, access to tremendous amount of information, personalization and anonymity. After the literature review of theoretical research of authors from Lithuania and abroad, and application of theoretical analytical, resumptive, analogical, deductive and comparative methods, the features of XXI century media literacy were identified. A questionnaire allowed to examine the internet’s specifics and nature of users’ media literacy online. Empirical research was conducted to analyse the internet users’ behavior based on age groups as well as to identify their level of literacy. A big part of today’s daily activity and free time is related to usage of the internet media. Many services take an online form. Therefore, the issue of Lithuanian users’ online behavior becomes a concurrent to the development of welfare society, and media literacy gets to be one of the necessities for future skills. Instead of searching for and passively using the given information, internet users start to make their own, evaluate it and spread further. The users are enabled to fashion their private social networks, they become responsible for organization of the whole personal communication infrastructure. This research points out the main reasons of Lithuanian internet users not using e-services: the lack of media literacy and insufficient spread of the service-related information. The biggest difference in literacy among age groups was noticed while evaluating personal predisposition to internet addiction. Levels of literacy based on age groups were significantly different in terms of ability to critically evaluate online information.
On the ground of conceptual metaphor conception, metaphor is discussed as thinking strategy, which is implemented in language by metaphorical expressions. Metaphorical expressions for which target domain is criminal and crime were gathered from texts which were published in two Lithuanian news portals in the years 2001–2015. It is important to reconstruct the conceptual metaphors not only because they reflect viewpoint of society regarding certain phenomenon, but also because implemented in the texts of media influence on the public opinion, inasmuch as the metaphor is not only some linguistic form and conceptual structure, but also manifestation of communicational function.
Taikant mokslinės ir metodinės literatūros analizės metodą atskleista: švietimas, kaip neįgaliųjų studijavimo kontekstas, ir studijos aukštojoje mokykloje, kaip karjeros prieiga. Teorinė analizė įgalino pateikti švietimą kaip daugiafunkcį veiksnį, nuo kurio priklauso žmogaus ugdymasis, socialinis dalyvavimas, gyvenimo darna. Karjera, taikant teorinę analizę, šiuolaikiniu požiūriu pristatoma kaip pasirinkta veikla, kuri gali būti visuomeniškai ar individualiai reikšminga, išreikšta per socialinį žmogaus dalyvavimą. Taikant literatūros ir dokumentų analizės metodus istoriniu ir geografiniu aspektais ištirta Lietuvos aukštosiose mokyklose studijuojančių neįgaliųjų situacija, atskleidusi, kad daugiausia studijuojančių neįgaliųjų turi judėjimo negalę. Taigi atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, kuriame dalyvavo judėjimo negalę turintys žmonės – patyrusieji stuburo traumą. Atlikus kiekybinį tyrimą ištirtos neįgaliųjų studijavimo, užsiėmimo ir laisvalaikio leidimo tendencijos. Identifikuoti statistiškai reikšmingi ryšiai tarp sociodemografinių respondentų duomenų ir ugdymosi bei laiko leidimo kaip svarbių socialiniam dalyvavimo ir karjeros sričių.
Straipsnyje aptariamas paradoksas,susijęs su regionų programų vertinimu ir regionų sanglauda Europos Sąjungoje: augantregionų programų vertinimo skaičiui, regionų sanglauda nedidėja. Jei jauįmanoma apskaičiuoti regionų sanglaudos politikos rezultatus ir poveikį, taikodėl neįmanoma paskatinti jos plėtotės ir išmatuoti taip, kad taptų akivaizdu,jog ji didėja? Arba kažkas negero vyksta su regionų sanglaudos politika, arbasu jos matavimais. Kol kas mes krypstame į blogų matavimų diskursą: tai, kąvertiname, ir tai, kaip vertiname, priklauso nuo vertinimo metodologijų. Tai labaipopuliarus požiūris. Jį straipsnyje bandome išplėsti, eksperimentuodami sunaratyvų teorija. Taikydami dispozityviąją analizę penkiuose straipsnioskyriuose iliustruojame prasmių kūrimo procesą, išryškiname keletą bendrųpamirštų prasmių ir reikšmių, kurios susijusios su regionų programų vertinamųjųveiksmų multidiscipliniškumu.