Intensive international activity of banks caused by fairly recently lifted financial restrictions in many countries has been a subject of great scientific interest ever since. The article describes various short-term consequences of foreign bank penetration in the financial markets of some of the regions of the world. The authors pay specific attention to the reasons and modes of foreign bank entry in emerging market and transition market economies as well as to the differences in the impact of such entry on the stability and efficiency of financial systems and economies of the countries of Asia, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe and Russia. Research methods: systemic, comparative and logical analysis.
Organizacinės kultūros teorija svarbi atliekant mokslinius tyrimus, siekiant gerinti vadovų supratimą apie darbuotojų elgesį organizacijoje. Straipsnyje išanalizuotos organizacinės kultūros vertinimo metodikos. Taikant sudarytą metodiką atliktas tyrimas UAB ,,Yazaky Wiring Technologies Lietuva“. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, nustatyta, kad organizacijoje mažiausiai dėmesio skiriama ritualų kūrimui ir taikymui, herojų vertinimui. Tačiau bendra analizė atskleidė, kad organizacinė kultūra yra stipri ir ji puoselėjama. Pateikiama rekomendacijų, kaip gerinti organizacijos organizacinę kultūrą.
This article focuses on Curonisms, i.e. words originated from Latvian based dialects spoken on the Curonian Spit and to the north of Klaipėda until 1945, which were encountered in the so-called German-Lithuanian Richter-Wörterbuch from the 18th century. These hitherto widely neglected Curonisms have been identified on the basis of the Deutsch-Kurisches Wörterbuch by Richard Pietsch, Kurisches Wörterbuch by Paul Kwauka and Richard Pietsch, the LKŽe and the Lettisch-deutsches Wörterbuch by Karl Mühlenbachs and Jānis Endzelīns.
Volume 66, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 105–120
This article presents the review of the development of Lithuanian higher schools during the Soviet period. Chronological data of establishment and transformations of Lithuanian high-schools in 1940–1990 are presented, beginning with the Soviet occupation and ending with the Revival events. The article highlights the structure and specifics of Soviet Lithuanian high-schools, the content of specialists training, provisions of science and studies. Chronologically integral, comprehensive scientific works about higher education development in Soviet Lithuania have not been prepared yet. Most of the information about this period is provided by individual archival documents, Soviet periodical press, commemorative books, different high school publications on the history of their institution, as well as individual researchers memoirs, some features of the development of higher education are revealed in individual scientific works. This article provides an summarized material of various authors and sources and integral analysis of Lithuanian higher education during the Soviet period.
Volume 73, Issue 1 (2016), pp. 105–132
The article focuses on the issues in meeting the needs of foster parents and fostered children. Current process of deinstitutionalisation of foster care which seeks to increase the number of foster families requires a deeper understanding of their attitudes towards the process of care, needs of foster children and parents and cooperation with profesionals. The need for social work support is analysed utilising three components of educational rights and obligations model of foster parents: biological, legal and emotional. The results of the research provide social workers and organizers of trainings for foster parents with implications for identification and meeting the needs of fostered children and foster parents.
Volume 72, Issue 3 (2015), pp. 105–118
Usage of a special psychology concept – chronotope of communicative activity of preschool children with delay of mental development is substantiated by the author in the paper. It is made clear, that chronotope of communicative activity is the complex socio-psychological phenomenon which is constructed by personality as a result of his / her real and virtual co-operation and communication in measuring of everyday and unordinary reality with Other, that is opened out in timeline and value-semantic continuum of life. The constituents of space of communicative activity at everyday level of consciousness that are incarnated in research of direct co-operation and communication with adults and same-year fellows are marked. The constituents of space of communicative activity have been exposed at extraordinary level of consciousness which is realized in the mediated co-operating and communication with a favourite toy and imaginary partner, with animation personages. It was emphasised that the conceptual framework of the developed concept is integrity based at different approaches, at systematic, axiology, cultural, historical; social and psychological; subject-environmental and body-based, technique scientific approaches that are synthesized in the personality-oriented paradigm of education.
Volume 69, Issue 4 (2014), pp. 105–114
Literacy is a concept, which almost has taken over and included concepts like reading, writing and inter human social communication in general. However, it has only recently been integrated into the AAC-fields connected to social work, special education and assistive technologies. This paper focuses on some key-questions regarding AAC and literacy, mentioning that the holistic approach of AAC in combination with a general linguistic theory as the one by Charles Peirce, creates a more whole or holistic perspective for thinking and looking for answers on these questions. The social model created by Uri Bronfenbrenner is also very applicable. Even though a holistic approach demands openness on the behalf of the teacher or interventionist as well as of the user her/himself, it is important to remember the need for good methods and methodology, based upon good practical evidence with the common target to acquire literacy.
Straipsnyje analizuojama verslo verslui paslaugų specifika ir klientų aptarnavimo kokybės veiksniai. Siekiama įvardyti klientų aptarnavimo kokybę lemiančius veiksnius, jų svarbą kuriant ir diegiant aptarnavimo kokybės priežiūros sistemas; pateikiamas klientų aptarnavimo kokybės priežiūros modelis, apimantis penkias vertinimo sritis: (1) potenciali paslaugų teikėjų kokybė; (2) tiesiogiai aptarnaujančių darbuotojų darbo kokybė; (3) aptarnavimo proceso kokybė; (4) techninė kokybė ir (5) pasiekto rezultato kokybė. Daroma prielaida, kad siūlomas aptarnavimo kokybės priežiūros vertinimo modelis įgalintų verslo verslui paslaugų teikėjus visapusiškai užtikrinti klientų aptarnavimo kokybės priežiūrą.
Nepaisant gausių mokslinių tyrimų apie bendruomenes, jų organizacijas, egzistuoja poreikis ir toliau jas analizuoti, siekiant atsakyti į klausimą, kokią įtaką bendruomenių organizacijos, centrai (toliau – BC), jų veikla daro vietos bendruomenių gyvenimui, nes vien BC buvimas dar nerodo jo sukuriamos pridėtinės vertės. Straipsnyje siekiama ištirti, kokią veiklą vykdo bendruomenių centrai ir kokią įtaką jie daro Lietuvos vietos bendruomenėms. Atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, apklausiant BC vadovus. Gauti rezultatai atskleidė Lietuvos BC veiklos ir jos pobūdžio sąsajas su vietos bendruomenės kultūriniais, socialiniais poreikiais, vietos tradicijomis, disponuojamais žmogiškaisiais, finansiniais, infrastruktūriniais ir kt. ištekliais. Rezultatai leidžia daryti prielaidas, kad BC veikia ir kaip socialinių tinklų vietos bendruomenėje plėtotojas, socialinės tapatybės, vertybių, tradicijų vienas iš formuotojų, be to, vykdantis ir neformalią socialinę kontrolę.