In the 19th and the first half of the 20th century, an opposition between official medicine and folk medicine, partly based on ethnic aspects, formed in Lithuania. The article analyses the alternation in the ‘self-other’ opposition in the choice of treatment. Folk medicine traditions existed alongside standard medicine in the town of Aukštadvaris, which was characterised as multi-confessional in the first half of the 20th century (despite the tensions, Lithuanians, Poles, Jews and Tartars lived together harmoniously). Faith healers with extraordinary qualities or powers were classified as ‘other’. So the choice of treatment reveals two aspects: the concept of ethnicity, and mythical perception (when dealing with those engaged in other activities). Studies have shown that in a disaster or illness, the ‘self-other’ opposition declines. An opposition between official medicine and folk medicine did not form in the Aukštadvaris area.
The article covers the essence and the key role of marketing communications in the market and business of nowadays, the trends of development of marketing communications – the growing popularity of the Internet, changes in the consumers’ communications, the increased importance of direct marketing, as well as the selection of marketing communications based on the stages of product life cycle. Attention is devoted to the types of marketing communications at a particular stage of buyers’ behaviour. The authors availed of the results of their piece of research of 2011 where they used data of companies, polled consumers with the sample totality of 417 respondents, as well as performed an examination.
In today’s globalized world, national identity and its transformation becomes an important object of research, most of which are discussing by philosophers, historians, journalists, sociologists, geographers, demographers. The identity or perception of identity is changing constantly. This type of research requires an interdisciplinary approach, an application of spatial and social dimensions in order to analyse the characteristics of identity in evolving economic, political and geopolitical conditions.
Volume 68, Issue 3 (2014), pp. 109–122
The very first scientific data gathered in exploratory research of canine therapy in Lithuania is presented in the article. One case qualitative study is presented. Qualitative one case study was applied using different research methods: narrative and content analyses. Narrative analysis was used to analyze data gathered from educators, psychologist and mother of the child after each canine therapy session. Narrative interpretation was applied for canine therapy observation report, when each five minutes the changes of child were described. Report of canine therapy observation divulged that sessions were important for child’s greater social development, verbal expression and cognitive development. Scale of emotional evaluation showed that canine therapy sessions have great importance in developing positive emotions.
Volume 67, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 109–126
The paper discusses different styles of leadership of the social work that have been empirically reconstructed and conceptualized. The consequences of such leadership styles for the professional activity of the social workers are analysed not only regarding the clients but also in the context of empowerment of the workers. Considerations are made concerning the influence of social work to the identity and the distribution.
Volume 71, Issue 2 (2015), pp. 109–124
Learning / teaching languages is vital in higher education. There are two main approaches to language teaching, the monolingual and the bilingual. This article aims at examining students’ attitudes to using the mother tongue in learning English for Specific Purposes and analyzing their self-assessments of translating from native language (L1) into English (L2) and vice versa. The respondents in this study are the 1st and 2nd year students of two specializations, Healthcare and Philology at Klaipėda University, and they will need English for their future profession. The analysis of their responses has revealed that all learners need a support of their mother tongue in English classes. The reliability and validity of the findings were checked by applying the SPSS software (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) and the obtained statistical data imply that conclusions can be extended beyond the relatively small amounts of the respondents’ samples of the current research.
The article analyses the role of museums in today’s society, in order to discuss features of the live reconstruction of Christmas Eve customs in Lithuanian museums. The main tasks are to analyse the visual ethnography of the Christmas Eve table, and to show how performativity in museums helps to implement the concept of the new museology in Lithuania. Empirical data were collected during participatory observations in six Lithuanian museums in 2017 and 2018. The comparative, interpretative and analytical methods were applied in the research. The result allows us to shape the museum as a space for changing and renewing the dynamic process, where a rich field of interpretations is constantly being constructed, thanks to the interaction between the educator and the participants, or to the participants alone. The museum is seen as an unpredictable space, a space for strengthening community, a play space.
Vykstantys pokyčiai valstybėje neišvengiamai paveikia ir vadovavimą organizacijose. Straipsnyje aptariami organizacijoje taikomi vadovavimo stiliai. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros autoriais, pateikiamos vadovavimo stilių sampratos, apibūdinami charizmatinio, transakcinio, transformacinio ir tarnaujančiojo vadovo požymiai, juos priskiriant šiuolaikinėms vadovavimo teorijoms, sudaryta ir pateikta vadovavimo stilių krypties schema. Vertinant vadovavimo stilių bruožus, kai kurių teiginių pasirinkimui didelę reikšmę turėjo respondentų lyties požymis. Daroma išvada, kad, darbuotojų nuomone, priimtiniausias vadovavimo stilius organizacijoje yra transakcinio ir transformacinio vadovavimo stilių derinys, nevengiant taikyti ir charizmatinio stiliaus.
Nacionaliniai statistiniai tyrimai atskleidžia, kad miestų ir rajonų savivaldybės laikomos vienos labiausiai korumpuotų institucijų Lietuvoje. Straipsnyje pristatomi 2016 m. ir 2018 m. Klaipėdos rajono savivaldybėje atlikto kartotinio tyrimo rezultatai, leidžiantys įvertinti gyventojų korupcijos suvokimo ir patirties kaitą, gyventojų požiūrį į savivaldybėje taikomas korupcijos prevencijos priemones. Ištirta, kad gyventojai korupciją suvokia labiau neigiamai ir rečiau susidūrė su įvairiomis korupcinės veiklos formomis. Apklaustųjų nuomone, korupcija labiausiai paplitusi medicinos įstaigose, savivaldybės administracijoje ir jos padaliniuose bei žemėtvarkoje. 2018 m. buvo gerokai mažiau teigusiųjų, kad davė kyšius skirtingiems asmenims: medicinos darbuotojui, pareigūnui, valstybės tarnautojui. Apklaustieji mano, kad veiksmingiausia kovos su korupcija priemonė yra bausmės korupcinę veiklą vykdžiusiems asmenims neišvengiamumas bei korupcijos atvejų viešinimas spaudoje, TV ir kitomis priemonėmis. Vis dėlto daugiau nei pusė apklaustųjų, susidūrę su korupcijos atveju, niekur nieko nepraneštų.
Straipsnyje apžvelgiamas jaunimo nedarbo lygis Europos Sąjungos valstybėse, jaunimo užimtumas ir nedarbas Lietuvoje, Klaipėdos apskrityje bei Klaipėdos mieste. Aptariami jaunimo apklausos rezultatai, kurie suskirstyti į kategorijas, subkategorijas ir teiginius, žyminčius Klaipėdos jaunimo patirtis ieškant darbo. Nustatyta, kad ieškantiesiems darbo dažnai būna sudėtinga suderinti darbo ir studijų grafikus. Darbdaviai pageidauja jaunų darbuotojų su darbo patirtimi. Jie iš esmės nekreipia dėmesio į jaunimo išsimokslinimą, svarbu nurodyti, kokią aukštąją mokyklą ieškantysis darbo yra baigęs. Neutraliai vertina jaunų asmenų diplomus ir jų priedėlius. Remiantis apklausos rezultatais, išskirtos patraukliausios jaunimo įsidarbinimo įmonės, nustatytas šių įmonių erdvinis pasiskirstymas Klaipėdoje.