Pub. online:4 Aug 2022Type:Editorial NoteOpen Access
Volume 75, Issue 3 (2016), pp. 135–137
Šios Kristijono Donelaičio „Metų“ eilutės mums primena liūdną, bet, deja, neišvengiamą tikrovę – visi atėjusieji privalo išeiti. Su tuo esame priversti susitaikyti. Vis dėlto išsiskyrimas visada yra ir netikėtas, ir skausmingas. Ypač, kai išeinama per anksti, kai ant darbo stalo lieka ir niekada nebebus pabaigta dar viena knyga, kai kartu su žmogumi išeina ir jo sumanymai, ketinimai, viltys, brandintos idėjos…
This article addresses intersections of migration and economic development as one of the most topical contemporary challenges inthe Baltic states. It uses empirical approach to compare governmental responses to recent economic crisis starting in 2008. Articleanalyses, how these responses were reflected in statistics revealing socio economic dynamics within years of crisis and beyond.Methods of comparing statistical and analysing secondary data are applied. All three states have similar future challenges of agingand declining population and see return migration as one of possible solutions to address this challenge. However, the processesin Estonia provide a better ground for its government to claim that the country makes effort to ensure more stable development.Also, the results demonstrate that Estonia displays more different trends, while Lithuania and Latvia are closer to each other in outmigrationtrends.
The importance of regional economic growth is emphasized in many countries and their regional policy documents. This issue is emphasized also by many researchers. D. Genaro and E. Melchor (2010) state that by the time of A. Smith, economists started to focus on a problem of economic growth. According to the authors, in recent years, economists have moved from economic interest in the operating cycle analysis to the medium and long-term revenue growth influencing factors analysis. This analysis is very important because as stated by L. Ayala and A. Jurado (2011), many countries or regions economic growth reduces poverty indicators; inequalities reduction is encouraging by policy measures. Despite ongoing national regional policy programs or the Structural Funds of the European Union or the Structural Funds, significant regional differences still exists. There must be emphasized the fact that in theories of regional development a lot of attention are paid on focus what conditions are favorable for creating economic growth in the region. There are focused on modernization of the economical sectors and international business development. The new models of regional development theories visible bring together economic, management and other modern concepts of social integration.
This article identifies relevance of Organizational and Process innovations in International logistic companies and explains be the main benefits that could have be expected through implementation of Organizational and / or Process innovation concept. Article presents the main Organizational and Process innovations approaches and innovation contest in logistics technologies, defines the proposed Organizational innovation on Logistics applicable management system solution and explains the Process innovations trends of Logistics development trough Smart Specialization priorities.
Šiame straipsnyje analizuojamas regiono asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų (ASPĮ) darbuotojų dalyvavimas pokyčių valdyme, įtraukimas į šį procesą. Aptariama darbuotojų, dirbančių viešajame sektoriuje, įtraukimo į valdymą samprata, pateikiami empirinio tyrimo, atlikto regiono ASPĮ, rezultatai, atskleidžiantys pokyčių įgyvendinimą ribojančius veiksnius, darbuotojų dalyvavimo organizacijos pokyčių valdyme galimybes bei kliūtis. Nustatyta, kad darbuotojai mato savo dalyvavimo pokyčių valdyme prasmę, kai jaučia, kad tiesioginių savo vadovų yra skatinami ir įtraukiami į pokyčių valdymo procesą. Pateikiamos rekomendacijos, kaip gerinti pokyčių valdymą ASPĮ.
23rd October 2017 commemorated the 30th anniversary of the Council of Europe Declaration of Santiago de Compostela. After the declaration was made, routes of the Camino de Santiago were drawn throughout Europe and Lithuania as well. This article briefly presents the sources and development of the Way of Saint James and its extensions into Lithuania. Commemorating the anniversaries of the establishment of the Samogitian diocese (1417) and Telšiai diocese (1926), the attention is focused on the routes of the Camino de Santiago in the territory of the Telšiai diocese.
The presence of imbalances and asymmetries of the rural development form the need of harmonious development directions of the village that led to the choice of a researched topic. The aim of this work is to find and study areas and mechanisms for the orderly development of rural areas based on the principles of formation food and economic security, organic farming, and waste-free life and bio-adequate approaches in growing up and education. The study covers the period from 1991 to 2014. Evaluation of the results was based on sociometric and statistical methods. Theoretical and methodological basis of research was grounded on system-synergetic approach to the study and modelling of socio-economic processes. It was formed a model of dynamic ecological social and economic settlement system capable of self-sufficiency. Specificity of the organization and functioning of the environmental settlements in terms of global challenges was identified.
Straipsnyje siekiama išanalizuoti ir palyginti Angliją ir Lietuvą personalizuotų psichosocialinių paslaugų kontekste. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad Anglijoje psichosocialinių paslaugų personalizacija tiek politiniu, tiek praktiniu lygmenimis sėkmingai įgyvendinama ir plėtojama, tuo tarpu Lietuvoje psichosocialinės paslaugos apskritai yra tik pradinėje vystymosi stadijoje, jos nėra visiškai integruotos į onkologinių ligonių sveikatos priežiūros sistemą, nepakankamai dėmesio skiriama holistiniams ligonių poreikiams. Tačiau, nors politiniu lygmeniu apie personalizaciją Lietuvoje nekalbama, analizės rezultatai rodo, kad jai įgyvendinti gali būti sudarytos palankios sąlygos, stiprinant valstybinių institucijų ir NVO bendradarbiavimą. Straipsnio pabaigoje autoriai pateikia teorinį personalizuotų psichosocialinių paslaugų teikimo modelį, pagrįstą Lietuvos praktika.
The author demonstrates how the current refugee situation reflects the crisis of values within the European Union. Brexit and the election of Donald Trump in the United States have revealed that some western citizens are eager to restore traditional values and extreme order as an opposition to the current idea of democracy within the EU member states which leads to libertarian tendencies, and potentially to chaos. The conflict of traditionalist and libertarian tendencies among the European Union citizens most likely will increase, and this can lead to the further European Union disintegration. The case of Latvia and related analyses have shown that some Central and Eastern Europe countries will are not willing to accept refugees. Therefore, this study uses the grounded theory approach, based on historical facts and opinions of classical authors, while explaining that healthy and wealthy society should be based on an extended or at least on a nuclear family. In this paper, a case study of Latvian citizens’ attitudes towards refugees is used to support psychological hypotheses which are mainly of the theoretical nature. In the author’s opinion, it is important to understand that real traditionalism means democracy which is based on order and hierarchy. In contrast, libertarianism leads to the democracy where the family model is not supported and the whole system of values is corrupted. The author demonstrates on historical events that such attitude can lead to destruction of the whole society, and explains why virtues and family oriented systems have been established and promoted by classical philosophers and by religions.
Straipsnis yra teorinio pobūdžio, skirtaskompleksiškai nagrinėti regionalizavimo procesus globalizacijos kontekste,parodant, kad regionalizavimo procesų tyrimai yra svarbi globalizacijai skirtųtyrimų sritis. Išryškinti svarbiausi istoriškai susiklostę globalizacijosetapai, parodyti kiekvienam etapui būdingi regionalizavimo procesų ypatumai.Straipsnyje detaliai apibūdinta daugiadimensės regionalizacijos koncepcija,pasiūlytas „orbitų“ modelis. Aptariamos galimybės panaudoti daugiadimensėsregionalizacijos koncepciją bei „orbitų“ modelį internacionalizavimo irregionalizacijos procesų strateginiame planavime. Straipsnyje aptariamosperspektyvios tolesnių mokslinių tyrimų kryptys, skirtos regionalizavimoprocesams ir regionų raidai globalizacijos kontekste.