Volume 72, Issue 3 (2015), pp. 161–167
XX a. pabaiga – XXI a. pradžia – didžiulis lūžis pasaulio ir žmonijos politiniame, ekonominiame, socialiniame gyvenime, ekologijoje. Vyksta iki šiol nepatirta globalizacija, kai paskiros kultūros vystosi link pasaulinės civilizacijos konglomeracijos. Dėl sparčios visų gyvenimo sričių asimiliacijos ir integracijos gali išnykti paskiros civilizacijos, tautos ir kultūros. Šie klausimai aktualūs ne tik socialinėms ar politinėms grupėms, tai žmonijos išlikimo branduolinių ir kitų visa naikinančių ginklų prikimštame pasaulyje klausimas.Lietuvių kalba pasirodžiusi Kazachstano prezidento Nursultano Nazarbajevo knyga „G-Global: XXI amžiaus pasaulis“ iškart patraukė įvairių visuomenės sluoksnių dėmesį nauju požiūriu, kurį dėsto pasaulyje žinomas, didelę patirtį turintis politikas.
Šie klausimai jam žinomi ne tik teoriškai, bet ir iš politinio bei diplomatinio gyvenimo praktikos. Ji tapo viena skaitomiausių ne tik politikų ar verslo žmonių, bet ir aukštųjų mokyklų studentų, studijuojančių politikos, ekonomikos, vadybos ir socialinius mokslus, knygų.
The article investigates common and ethnic-language features in formal and semantic-functional representation of category of diminutiveness in Ukrainian, English and Latin, that shows the peculiarities of evaluative-emotional world conceptualization in world models of these languages. The formal features of diminutivity representation in Ukrainian, English and Latin on that levels of language structure, where denoted category can be represented, are viewed, common and particular for each language semantic-functional varieties of diminutive meaning representation are highlighted.
The article investigates the specifics of the musical and poetic consistent patterns of the ancient Ukrainian monody. An important role in the incarnation of the sacred meaning of the chants is played by a verbal-poetic text. Hence the need for a structural analysis, that combines the methodological achievements of literature and musicology. Integrated approach to the study of monody gives us the possibility to realize the value of the liturgical text and trace the logic of its musical development.
Volume 80, Issue 2 (2018), pp. 161–172
After the collapse of the Soviet Union and restored Independence of Lithuania post-soviet countries faced with inevitable transformations in educational management. The article presents school management changes and overlooks Lithuanian school management development and its tendencies after becoming an independent state in the context of educational management paradigm shift. It also unfolds the changing roles and functions of school principals in the alternations of political ideologies. Scientific literature unfolds exclusive role of school principals in the process of educational management transformation. The article is based on the principles of paradigm shift and systematic approach on management.
Straipsnyje aptariama darbuotojų motyvavimo ir pasitenkinimo darbu samprata, reikšmė, teoriniai aspektai. Straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti, kaip motyvacija ir pasitenkinimas darbu susiję. Keliama teorinė prielaida, kad darbo motyvacijos lygis ir darbuotojų pasitenkinimas savo darbu yra tiesiogiai susiję. Ši prielaida patvirtinama tyrimu. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad siekiant organizacijoje sukurti vieningą motyvacijos ir pasitenkinimo darbu sistemą, reikėtų atlikti papildomus kokybinius tyrimus, kurie atskleistų, kokie motyvuojantys veiksniai didina Lietuvos organizacijų darbuotojų pasitenkinimą darbu.
The object of this publication is the social network Facebook groups identity. After research, it has been observed that the symbolic groups identity fragmentation represents political and ideological aspects. Socialism and its restoration became the ideological political basis uniting analysed groups members. The group’s members estimate the current Lithuanian political governance system considering the Soviet period ideology, but in the other hand identifying themselves as Lithuanians. It seems that analysed Facebook groups members has experienced identity stagnation and has not changed orientation together with new accepted country’s political ideology. The analysis showed that two “others” categories has emerged: Lithuanian governance, the political elite and compatriots that is not resists Lithuanian policy. In order to highlight the “others” the ruling elite of Lithuania is equated with Jews to split them from the entire nation and anti-resist Lithuanians is equated with lower mental level people. The current liberal democracy and the struggle against it become a grouping factor of analysed group members. A strong group identity maintained in virtual space is not supported in real space. The lack of physical contact between groups members makes it possible to assume that virtual community identity is maintained only in the virtual space.
Straipsnyje įvairiais aspektais apžvelgiama Klaipėdos universiteto lietuvių kalbos kaip negimtosios mokymo veikla, apibendrintai vadinama lietuvių kalbos kursais. Apžvelgiamas laikotarpis apima du dešimtmečius iki 2020-ųjų metų.
The article considers the scholarly legacy of Volodymyr Hoshovsky in general, and more specifically his research into musical dialects. The scholar created his musical and dialectological method on the theoretical foundations of Filaret Kolessa, Bella Bartok, and other researchers of folk music from 1955. This study of musical dialects is based on the folk songs of Ukrainians in Transcarpathia.
Volume 68, Issue 3 (2014), pp. 159–174
125 years ago, the mission of the Lithuanian literary, political, and scientific newspaper Varpas (The Bell) published under the Czarist occupation was to interpret the issues of the national life, to raise the nation’s spirit, and to awaken and strengthen the national self-consciousness. Among other issues, the publishers devoted great attention to a fundamental human need, i.e. the maintenance of identity and its relationship to faith (Catholicism). Religion and language were interpreted as closely related phenomena and as the nation’s values of utmost significance for the maintenance of the national identity. Religion, language, and customs were so closely related that the destruction of one could undermine the fundaments of the other elements. People who had learnt their native language from their mothers, and later had disowned it, could have also questioned another legacy of the mother, i.e. faith. As demonstrated in the paper, the henchmen of the czarist government tended to simultaneously destroy both Catholicism and Lithuanianness in different ways, especially during the reign of Mikhail Muravjov. The authors of Varpas considered the Orthodox church to be the main factor of Lithuanians’ assimilation which tried to attract Lithuanians in different ways; another important factor of influence was school which taught children different subjects, even religious studies, in a non-native language. In the implementation of that kind of Muravjov’s strategy, some clergy collaborated with the invaders