The article reflects on the attitude, understanding and knowledge on sustainable marketing, as well as the essence of sustainable marketing,the strategy of its practical use and the concept of development. As a result of research, definitions of sustainable developmentand sustainable marketing and a model of concept of motivation of its use at a company were developed and the strategy of practicaluse of a sustainable marketing and the motivation of use at Latvian companies was ascertained, confirming the initially advancedhypotheses. In order to fulfil the purpose and objectives, the authors used the following quantitative and qualitative methods ofeconomic research: polls, comparisons, grouping. The study is based on scientific papers published by Latvian and foreign scholars,general and special literature, periodicals. The authors performed an assessment, market research, comparative analysis, arrangedan expert examination and used the computer software MS Excel for the analysis and processing of data. The article is based on theresults of the author’s research in 2013. The authors used examination and monitoring in their research.
Volume 70, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 165–182
The main objective of the present article is to examine the need to adjust relevant provisions of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania governing the protection of personal non-property rights after death. In this context, the initial part of the analysis deals with the protection and implementation of the personal non-property rights after death. The following part gives an overview of the compensation of non-pecuniary damage as a way of protection of rights in case of infringements of personal non-property rights after death. The final part of the article analyzes the need and possibilities of legal regulatory adjustments of personal non-property rights after death. The Conclusions suggest to establish the succession of persons entitled to implement the personal non-property rights after death under the law. In addition, it is recommended to assess the individual’s right to decide still being alive who shall defend and implement his/her personal non-property rights after death.
In his literary cycle The Chronicles of Narnia Clive Staples Lewis conveyed the Biblical plot, Christian values and moral virtues. The main leitmotif apparent in The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis is development of the relation with Jesus Christ. In order to achieve this purpose, the author skilfully employed the main characters and their actions to render cardinal moral virtues of wisdom, justice, strength and self-restraint. This article reveals the expression of the above mentioned cardinal moral virtues in C. S. Lewis’s literary cycle The Chronicles of Narnia through systematization of the actions of the characters and expressions of Biblical motifs. C. S. Lewis relies on his Christian wisdom to present a sketch of theological moral virtues which could be used as guidelines in moral education of the youth.
Straipsnyje analizuojama komercinių bankų veikla, aptariamos jų bankų rūšys, apžvelgiamos operacijos ir funkcijos. Pateikiama Lietuvos komercinių bankų klientų nuomonės tyrimo metodika, formuluojama tyrimo problema, tikslai, aprašomas tyrimo metodas, pagrindžiamas jo pasirinkimas, atliekamas tyrimas, leidžiantis įvertinti Lietuvos komercinių bankų klientų poreikių patenkinimą bei nustatyti veiksnius, kurie daro didžiausią įtaką komercinio banko pasirinkimui. Vertinama, kaip per dešimtmetį pasikeitė Lietuvos komercinių bankų klientų poreikių tenkinimas, veiksniai, darantys didžiausią įtaką banko pasirinkimui. Kintant ekonominei aplinkai, kinta ir vartotojų teikiamos pirmenybės bei poreikiai. Remiantis šiais pokyčiais vertėjo ištirti Lietuvos komercinių bankų klientų elgseną renkantis vieną ar kitą komercinį banką jų poreikiams tenkinti. Atliktas tyrimas gali būti naudingas Lietuvos komerciniams bankams sprendžiant problemą, kokius esminius kriterijus jie turi išryškinti bei ką turi tobulinti siekiant klientų patenkinimo ir lojalumo.
This article addresses universal laws of the functioning of open systems involved in myth-oriented semiosis, categorisation and world-modelling. The paper focuses on isomorphic regularities occurring in irrational rationalisation and respective verbal phenomena. The outlined systemic and inter-systemic interactions are interpreted from the standpoint of M-logic methodology, semiotics, cognitive linguistics and cultural studies. The paper suggests formalised notations for logical construals, and demonstrates the cognitive premises of myth-oriented designations and the etymological reconstruction of a basic operator’s content.
The article analyzes the possibilities of use of innovative methods of instruction for adult learning in the regions with the purpose to intensify the knowledge management system and ensure the principle of equal opportunity for the inhabitants of the regions. The data were acquired in the course of implementation of the national programme Support for Vocational Education with the Aim to Develop Professional Skills and Competences of People Involved in Agriculture and Forestry within the project Vocational Education 2005–2006. The project was being implemented in the time period from 2006 to 2008 inclusive. In the course of project implementation, trainings in 21 regions of the Republic of Latvia had been carried out. All in all, 2,562 people in 119 groups had been trained.
Straipsnyje apžvelgiami Baltijos jūros uostai, jų krovos mastai nuo 2006 iki 2012 metų. Aptariama importo ir eksporto per uostus struktūra, krovinių sudėtis ir jų kaitos tendencijos. Lyginami Rytų Baltijos uostai (Primorsko, Ust Lugos, Sankt Peterburgo, Kaliningrado, Talino, Ventspilio, Rygos, Liepojos, Būtingės, Klaipėdos), kurie tarpusavyje konkuruoja nuolat tobulindami krovos technologijas, infrastruktūrą, siekdami pritraukti daugiau tranzitinių krovinių. Analizuojama šių uostų krovos sudėtis, vertinant jų ekonominį geografinį konkurencingumą. Atlikta uostų hierarchinė klasterinė analizė. Rytų Baltijos uostai suskirstyti į 4 klasterių grupes, kurios yra unikalios pagal vertinamus kriterijus ir jų statistines reikšmes. Be to, atlikta krovos uostuose realistinė prognozė iki 2025 metų. Nustatyti ir apibūdinti Klaipėdos uosto ekonominio geografinio konkurencingumo veiksniai Rytų Baltijos uostų kontekste.
Social networks are an important tool for human resources management to identify employees. The number of suitable candidates to fill a position is decreasing. Companies need new channels for the recruiting process. This paper evaluates the usefulness of the different social networks under consideration of the advantages and disadvantages. “Employee recruit Employees” is a useful tool to identify suitable candidates. The aim of the paper is to analyse the different motivators and reasons of individuals to recommend somebody to identify employer. The research methods are: theoretical studies of published scientific findings and survey with 251 respondents. The data obtained in the survey were analysed with indicators of central tendency or location: arithmetic mean, median or mode and t-test to compare the gender differences.
Kultūrinis turizmas Lietuvoje į nuoseklią sistemą nėra išsivystęs, o kultūros ir meno sektoriuje kultūrinis turizmas – menkai teišnaudota sritis. Trūksta bendrų iniciatyvų, keitimosi žiniomis, patirtimis, tarpinstitucinio bendradarbiavimo. Tyrime siekiama parodyti turizmo ir kultūros bei meno sektorių jungčių galimybes, siekiant bendro ekonominio ir sociokultūrinio efekto. Straipsnis analizuoja kultūrinio turizmo sampratos ir suvokimo aspektus, galimas kultūrinio turizmo plėtros kryptis. Rekomenduojama kultūrinio turizmo sričių klasifikacija, kaip galimas vadybos modelis, įgalinantis praktinį pritaikomumą. Viena iš penkių kultūrinio turizmo sričių – parodos, festivaliai ir kiti renginiai – tiriama išsamiai, atskleidžiamas potencialas, funkcionavimo perspektyvos.