This article aims to assess the dynamic trends in the Lithuania’s hotel market and substantiate, plus illustrate their need, if it exists.Hotel business is becoming increasingly growing entrepreneurial branch that integrates political decisions together with businessinitiatives and local public attitude towards the tourist, or economic benefits left behind. In Lithuania and worldwide hotel businessis expanding rapidly, but the growth of the sector in state was and is particularly vulnerable to the historical conditions, politicaldecisions, new business trends - international business and globalization, and, of course, the needs of incoming tourists. But howand in what direction is reasonable to develop the hotel industry is the main topic discussed in the article with additionally carriedout statistical analysis.
The article is a study of the ways the mythical concepts of the English mythological conceptual world-view are reflected in the Old English lexis. To explain this, we combine all the concepts under analysis into conceptual segments according to their dominant conceptual features. In the article, we specifically dwell on the conceptual segment of the RELIGIOUS SPHERE, which integrates three sub-segments, GOD (god), DEVIL (deofol), and RELIGIOUS/SPIRITUAL NOTIONS.
In the context of XVI–XVII centuries written sources, this article provides an overview and evaluation of authenticity of to the Balts pantheon and the water sphere attributable deities Perdoytus, Wejopattis, Gardouten, Bangpjtjs, Luobgelda (partly Bardoayts) that were described in Matas Pretorijus (Matthäus Prätorius) work “Sights of Prussia, Or Prussia’s Observation Place” (Deliciae Prussicae, oder Preussische Schaubϋhne) (the end of the 17th century). The focus of this article is on the analysis of authenticity Perdoytus (Gardouten ↔ Bardoayts) and opposition between Wejopattis ↔ Bangpjtjs mythologemes. In order to assess the validity of data the author uses in-depth comparative research whose core is in the comparison of the original and secondary material, allowing to determine who, when and what kind of mythical material changes were made. The study revealed that the mythical information provided by M. Pretorijus and other ancient written sources from XVI–XVII centuries are overshadowed by redundant and unauthentic information or interpretations of chroniclers. The author attempts to define this multi-level mental and physical phenomena by introducing a new term information noise in the verification process of ancient written sources.
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the most current problems and issues in marketing management. As all enterprises deal with various difficulties in their business planning, implementation and control, these issues and problems have to be recognized, dealt with, and solved. Most of the business strains will have a lot to do with diverse marketing aspects, as marketing is the main link between enterprises and their markets and customers; strategically mappedand implemented marketing helps to create competitive advantage and pave the way for success, but different problems can endanger firms’ marketing process, thus in today’s volatile business environment marketing executives have to bear in mind and deal with various facets of the marketing in rapidly changing world.
The article discusses the characteristics of the literary language used in Old Believer Russian folk pictures found during field investigations in the lower Yenisey river in the Republic of Tuva. Modern folk pictures are considered as a complete artistic whole in which all the visual tools convey the characteristics of the ideology of the Old Believer traditional culture and reflection of the modern world. Modern Russian folk pictures draw image and text from icons, manuscripts and printed books, wherein the contradictory tendencies of modern art are traced postmodernism with the elements of interpretation of ancient art.
The application of Project Management (PM) tools and techniques in public sector is gradually becoming an important issue indeveloping economies, especially in a new development country like Latvia where projects of different size and structures are undertaken.The paper examined the application of the project management practice in public sector in Latvia. Public sector projectmanagement in Latvia become popular in recent years as there is different type of public funding sources available. The paperdescribes the public sector project management practice in Latvia. Study shows that public sector project maturity level is low andshould be improved. Research period covers the time period from January 2013 – March 2013.
Emocinis intelektas (EI) yra vienas svarbių veiksmingo valdymo veiksniųtuose šios veiklos aspektuose, kurie tiesiogiai susiję su tarpasmeniniaissantykiais. EI svarbos analizė ypač aktuali lyderystės reiškinio požiūriu.Įvairių valdymo funkcijų vykdymo veiksmingumas daug kuo susijęs su lyderiopotencialo realizavimu. Emocinis vadovo intelektas, šios srities mokslininkųnuomone, yra vienas svarbiausių jo lyderystės profilio aspektų. Šių gebėjimųugdymas gali gerokai pagerinti specialistų profesinės veiklos veiksmingumąvaldymo srityje. Tyrimu, atlikusvadovų EI esmės ir jo struktūrinių elementų raiškos analizę, siekta nustatyti organizacijų vadovųEI ugdymo galimybes, suformuoti projektinius vadovų EI ugdymo sprendimus ir jųįgyvendinimo priemones. Siekiantnustatyto tikslo teoriniame lygmenyje atliekama mokslinės literatūros šaltinių analizė, apibendrinimas ir palyginimas.Empiriniam organizacijų vadovų EI ugdymo galimybių bei projektiniųsprendimų nustatymo tyrimui atlikti taikomi kokybiniai ir kiekybiniai tyrimobei duomenų apdorojimo metodai. Vadovų EI ugdymo programos įgyvendinimo ir organizavimo etapams numatyti taikomasgrafinis vaizdavimas. Remiantisatliktu tyrimu suformuluoti vadovų emocinio intelekto ugdymo sprendimai siekiant padidinti organizacijųveiklos efektyvumą, pateikiama vadovų emocinio intelekto ugdymo programa bei apibrėžiamos jos įgyvendinimo procedūros.
The system of local governments financing, which is used in Estonia is based on personal income tax and supports paid by the state. A system of that kind creates enormous inequality between the local governments. The continuing decrease of income taxes and the increase of tax-free minimum arises the role of state supports. Central government reduced essentially the part of income taxes assigned for local governments and supports in 2007–2010. That’s why the municipalities met a difficult economic situation. The greatest costs for municipalities is education. Government has taken a course to abolishing rural schools. As the analyses demonstrate the schools are enormous source of incomes for municipalities. Therefore the abolishment of schools would made the financial situation of municipalities worse even more. A special method wasn’t created for the analysis. The classical economic means – tables, indexes and marginal analyses were used.
Educational institutions create certain environmental impacts in their operation – these impacts can be grouped into the sectors of waste, water, energy, transport and others. There is a need for educational institutions to adopt effective environmental management systems in order to reduce these impacts, as well as those of the whole municipality. The Eco-Schools programme is one of the most comprehensive and popular models of environmental education and management in the world. In recent years, the Eco-Schools programme has proved its effectiveness in numerous evaluations in several countries. The programme aims to raise awareness about environmental issues. Therefore, this programme encourages environmentally responsible behaviour involving not only members of specific schools but also reaching out to the local community. The aim of the present study was to evaluate an environmental management model of the Eco-Schools programme in Latvia. Moreover, the author assessed the country’s potential to develop environmental management systems in schools, improve environmental education and create pro-environmental attitudes and values. For research, qualitative and quantitative research methods were used: analysis of documents and a survey. The conducted survey helped to evaluate the experience of the Eco-Schools programme and prepare recommendations for policy proposals about the Eco-Schools programme as an environmental management instrument in Latvia. Also, the role of the Eco-Schools programme in promoting sustainable development was assessed. As a result, the benefits and drawbacks of the programme were identified to plan further development and, therefore, to promote efficient environmental management in educational institutions and local communities.