Interest in ensemble performing is increasing in modern culture, so the study of the double piano concerto, a large ensemble genre, in the context of the modern understanding of culture as a universal informational and communicative space, is relevant. Culture is a means of socio-cultural communication, carried out through the generation and transmission of communicative codes that make up the text of culture. Through the realisation of a person’s creative potential in culture, art contributes to the comprehension of man’s being-in-culture, and his involvement in the cultural-creative process. This article is devoted to an analysis of the specificity of the concerto for two pianos and orchestra, in the context of the theoretical understanding of communicative processes in culture.
Volume 66, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 183–192
The aim of this study is to investigate the ICT use by pre-service preschool teachers and pre-service speech and language therapists in developing their digital case of a storytelling. Students were stimulated to use various multimedia editing and authoring tools. The research questions concern the students’ accomplishments on integrating technology in digital storytelling and the effectiveness of that learning environment they created. The results revealed a difference by implying that not only the learning theory and the teaching practices but also the content, the structure and the nature of the course together with the social interactions play an important role on how people learn and develop their skills.The results revealed that students of both departments overall accomplished very good project outcomes in digital storytelling meeting technical and pedagogical criteria. Finally similarities and differences of the students’ approaches in the digital storytelling development are discussed and concluded in the demands of modern information society.
The theme of this article is regionalisation processes in the region of Latin America. The article tries to find the basic tendencies of regional processes and development in Latin America. It was ascertained that regional processes in Latin America increased after the Cold War when new regional associations were establishing and collaboration between different regions increased. Regional processes do not happen for a long time due to the politics of national protectionism, tension between countries of that region and uneven collaboration in economic sphere. However, increasing political and economic influence of Latin America encourages regional processes by expanding the need of collaboration with this region.
Pagrindinė politikos Europos Sąjungos regionų plėtros problemai spręsti dalis turėtų būti atitinkama regionų raidai skirta inovacijų politika, numatant joje įvairias regioninio ir tarptautinio konkurencingumo inovacijų srityje plėtojimo formas, tinkamas skatinti socialinę ir ekonominę raidą. Šiuo metu Lietuva Europos Sąjungos kontekste yra tarp pradedančiųjų inovatorių ir savo inovacinę veiklą plėtoja lėčiausiai. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama inovacijų svarba siekiant šalies konkurencingumo, analizuojama inovacinio indekso, kaip matavimo priemonės, struktūra, vieno iš prioritetinių Europe 2020 tikslų siekimo rodikliai, atliekama Lietuvos inovacinės veiklos tendencijų, stipriųjų ir silpnųjų pusių analizė, pateikiamos tobulinimo gairės siekiant regioninio ir pasaulinio konkurencingumo.
The article presents Lithuanian culture concept priešas and the concept of Russian culture враг comparative analysis, based on 100 samples of mass-media’s discourse (in Lithuanian language and Russian language corpus). Comparison was performed via tertium comparationis: what is known as an enemy, what signs of the enemy are essential, what does enemy do, etc. Analysis showed that in Lithuanian vision the same entity can be both friend and enemy; Russian examples of similar meaning have not been found. The examples of an enemy in Russian discourse may be Great Britain, Germany, German, in Lithuanian discourse – Polish attacking groups, bolshevik. Lithuanian mass-media’s discourse 56 times more often uses word enemy than the Russian mass-media’s discourse.
Straipsnis skirtas specifinio Rusijos regiono – Kaliningrado srities – socialinio ekonominio vystymosi posovietiniu laikotarpiu analizei. Didelis dėmesys skiriamas srities statusui, kaip pagrindiniam šio regiono plėtros determinantui, problema nagrinėjama aptariant centrinio ir vietinio lygmens statuso transformacijos koncepcijas. Pateikiamos esminės pagrindinių programinių dokumentų, nustatančių prioritetines Kaliningrado srities socialinės ekonominės raidos XXI a. kryptis, charakteristikos. Vertinant regiono raidą atkreipiamas dėmesys į sisteminius planavimo trūkumus, įvertinamas pakitusios geopolitinės situacijos ir pasaulinių naftos kainų kritimo poveikis kaliningradiečių gyvenimo lygiui. Galimas strateginis regiono raidos proveržis siejamas su srities statuso problemos sprendimu.
Due to geopolitical location, North-Eastern Polish regions (voivodships) have a big potential for the development of cross-border cooperation. This kind of international activity can have impact on regional development. Polish authorities on the central, regional and local levels initiate, run and co-finance cross-border projects designed to promote integration, understanding and co-operation across the border. According to the aims of the Polish foreign policy the basis of the long-term strategy of regional development of the North-Eastern Poland could be its geographical position and long-established co-operation with Kaliningrad Oblast. Institutional framework of contacts are: intergovernmental agreements, agreements establishing Euroregions, agreements between regional and local authorities. The cross-border cooperation between Warmia and Mazury Region and the Kaliningrad Oblast could be important part of the Polish foreign policy towards Russia.
Collaboration skills, multicultural awareness, and intercultural sensitivity are essential to the careers of maritime business professionals. The self-development of a multiculturally conscious personality contributes to ensuring safety in the maritime business. Researchers point out that more attention in the maritime industry should be paid to the employee’s personality than to increasing automation of shipping processes. The heterogeneity of employee teams at the national and religious levels is associated with the problem of increased psychoemotional stress. Instead of emphasizing the teaching of intercultural communication rules, it is appropriate to enable future maritime business professionals to cultivate values, to realize their cognitive interests, to understand that the culture or religion of their colleagues is existentially dear to them, and to be open to a culture of dialogue. Therefore, the article presents more relevant methodological prerequisites for the development of multicultural self-awareness and religious tolerance in the spirit of Neo-Thomism, theistic humanism, personalism, and constructivism.
The main objective of this study is to describe the main characteristics of the Spanish interlanguage of a group of Lithuanian learners, as well as to establish differences in the evolution of the interlanguage among learners of the basic and advanced levels. Four main types of errors will be studied: morphosyntactic, lexical, phonetic and orthographic, using linguistic and statistical criteria and trying to offer as complete analysis as it is possible, both in the descriptive plan and in explaining the hypotheses about the cause of the errors. The purpose is to get data for improving the teaching methodology and for creation of specific materials for teaching Spanish, aimed at native speakers of Lithuanian.