The purpose of the article is to determine the typological characteristics of decoration of the delmonas of Lithuania Minor and of the national costume pockets of neighbouring nations. This article discusses Klaipėda region delmonas, the pockets of Estonian, Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian costume, and the attachable pockets of noble class’s attire of various nations preserved in museums. The decorations of the pockets were studied to support or refute the influence of the fashion of nobility and of international relations on folk costume decor formation and change. The research allowed to identify the decorating techniques, pattern variation and matching features of the pockets.
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama kultūrinio turizmo sąveika su etnine kultūra, su tuo susijusio švietimo poreikis, būklė ir plėtros galimybės Lietuvoje, jau sukurtų etnokultūrinio ugdymo turinio gairių sąsajos su kultūriniu turizmu. Iškeliama problema – tarptautinės ekspertų išvados nurodo, kad švietimas ir mokslas yra kultūrinio turizmo plėtros pagrindas, bet Lietuvoje į tai nepakankamai atsižvelgiama. Pateikiami siūlymai, kaip didinti etninės kultūros ugdymo ir kultūrinio turizmo plėtros sąveiką: įtvirtinti Lietuvoje privalomą etnokultūrinį ugdymą bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose, į aukštojo mokslo studijų programas įtraukti etninės kultūros pedagogų rengimą, integruoti etninę kultūrą į turizmo specialistų rengimą ir patobulinti turizmą reglamentuojančius teisės aktus, papildant kultūrinio turizmo plėtrai būtinais aspektais.
The article examines the letters of Kleofas Jurgelionis (1886–1963; Kleopas Jurgelionis, USA – Ray Jurgen), who was a moderniser of Lithuanian poetry, a literary critic, a translator, an editor of periodicals, publicist and lawyer, to Valerija Tysliavienė (1914–1984), who from 1938 to 1940 was a secretary of his newspaper “Tėvynė”, preserved at the Klaipėda University Library (KUB RSS). These letters (1949–1961) are very rich in content, in them the subject themes are abundantly weaved with courtship. This article discusses the topics of Jurgelionis’s letters to Tysliavienė. Taking into account the reasearch into Jurgelionis’s life and creative works and the KUB RSS archive and publications, this article sets out a twofold purpose: to discuss the content of Jurgelionis’s letters to Tysliaviene and to discuss poetry manuscripts and their publications with a textological lens.First of all, this article discusses the general features of the letters, then the article touches upon the dominant topics in the letters. Another, co-stored material is used for interpreting the letters: dozens of letters from the poet to other people; a letter from Henrietta Jurgen, his third wife, to Tysliavienė; several poetry poems; manuscripts of articles revealing new details about his life and the origins of his creative work, his relationship with the Lithuanians in the USA, the activities of the Lithuanian Writers’ Society (USA), the behind the scenes look at the operations at the newspaper “Vienybė”, the cultural and social life of the emigrants, etc.; as well as a bundle of the American Lithuanian periodicals from the archive of “Vienybė”.
The main objective of this study is to show the willingness of citizens to act through the prism of opportunities offered by participation at the local level. Citizens’ activity in public life is the core of democracy. Their engagement may assume various forms, among which the most common form is participation in elections. When it comes to direct democracy, participation in referendums is most widespread. However, an element of democracy, which is cognitively equally important as the above ones, results from citizens’ engagement in institutional activity through membership in political parties, trade unions, non-governmental organisations or local associations. It is also worth mentioning the participation expressed through signing of petitions, taking part in demonstrations or involvement in local initiatives. Having considered all the above data, one can state that it is clearly visible who undertakes political participation in Poland more often, and for whom this is a less frequent activity. This analysis with its conclusions seems to be a crucial suggestion for people who would like to take effective steps in order to increase citizens’ engagement in politics.
Volume 86, Issue 1 (2021), pp. 186–203
The Covid-19 pandemic that was announced by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 30 March 2020 has caused blockages in all economic sectors, but tourism is the most affected. It is difficult to estimate the real impact of the pandemic on international tourism. Travel restrictions imposed to stop the spread of the virus have had a devastating impact on the tourism industry around the world. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, tourism is a vital part of the infrastructure of the world economy, generating 10% of total gross domestic product (GDP), and accounting for one out of ten of all jobs. The tourism sector is very dynamic, requiring a rapid response to a changing environment and market; but it is also most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Modern tourism requires urgent research, and the analysis of internal and external resources. The perception of changes in the market is a key factor enabling companies to stay in business. Challenges are also posed by technological advances, driven by both the technological advances themselves and safety aspects during the pandemic. This article presents the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the tourism sector globally, which includes the cruise ship and airline industries, and also accommodation. The difficulties are successfully overcome by companies that proactively monitor and evaluate key performance indicators: if the indicators are unsatisfactory, they take all possible measures to improve performance. A smooth and timely restructuring process allows companies in temporary difficulty to reshape their operations by changing their strategy, abandoning unprofitable forms of activity, and focusing on the most efficient ones.
The article deals with the structural-genetic and cultural-genetic aspects of table evolution. Varieties, design features as a separate element, as well as element of the interior of the dwelling (stationary benches, mobile benches, small benches) have been analysed. The table in the Polissya dwelling performed originally a sacred-symbolic function as it was investigated in field material and written sources. Table played a role of a kind of a home altar. As a place for everyday eating table began to be used quite late. Table predecessors were stationary benches, mobile benches and small benches.
The article focuses on short-rooted infixed and sta stem verbs attested in the works written by Samogitian authors dating back to the 16–19th century. In this article the aforementioned verbs are classified and analysed according to the type of the consonant closing the verbal root which supposedly underpins different models of their constructional alternation. The morphological structure of verbs attested in the old Samogitian scripts exhibit similar alternation models to those found in current Samogitian sub-dialects, however, there are some notable differences as well. The verbs found in old Samogitian scripts are compared to those found in Samogitian sub-dialects in order to determine the localization of alternating forms, their chronological and areal distribution as well as the tendencies and motives for their structural change. Also, an attempt is made to determine the earliest stage and localization of the use of na stem forms attested in the Samogitian written texts in question.
The article deals with the diachronic interpretation of material from the Indo-European, Altaic and Afro-Asiatic language families, reaching, on one hand, the etymons of the first level (Ancient Greek *okṷịe-, Albanian *okṷi-, Turkic *uk(ā)-, Mongolian *ukа-) and the second level (Indo-European *hṷekṷ- / *heuk-, Altaic *uka-, Afro-Asiatic *Hwq-), and on the other hand, the third level (Nostratic *HuḲa), and allows us to fix both a divergent and convergent relationship of correspondences, taking into account the established laws.
Namų ūkių finansiniai sprendimai priklauso nuo ekonominio ciklo fazės. Atlikti tyrimai atskleidė, kad visame pasaulyje dėl įvairių su pandemija susijusių apribojimų, pasikeitė namų ūkių apsipirkimo įpročiai, daugiau domėtasi finansų ir akcijų rinkų pokyčiais, sumažėjo paslaugų vartojimas. Ribojimai turės įtakos ir namų ūkių finansiniam stabilumui. Siekta išanalizuoti Klaipėdos miesto ir Klaipėdos rajono namų ūkių finansinių įpročių pokyčius COVID-19 karantino laikotarpiu. Straipsnyje nagrinėjami veiksniai, lėmę namų ūkių finansinių įpročių pokyčius, apibendrinami atliktos apklausos duomenys, siekiant nustatyti, kaip pasikeitė Klaipėdos miesto ir rajono namų ūkių finansiniai įpročiai paskelbus karantiną.
This article analyses and compares life narratives from the previous and currently working librarians of Ukmergė district between the time period of 2016–2018. The analysed narratives reveal the most distinct connections between identity of librarians and their professional activity, and reflect the realia of cultural and social life. Comparison of previous and current narratives reveals experiences of different generations having the same profession, what helps to understand how the specific features of human personality reveal in a specific time period. The narratives of librarians reveal the importance of the community when accepting a cultural worker to a team and supporting him/her, also the role of a library as a “shelter” for the community groups that are considered outcasts becomes apparent, and the supplementary social roles of a librarian are revealed.