The article discusses the problem of spatial localization of Lithuanian literature and literature in general in the context of centre / periphery relations. The emphasis is laid upon the relative character of the concepts of centre and periphery, the fact which forestalls the formalistic or unconditional approach to the spatial existence of literature, when it is seen as isolated from historical, social and metaphysical implications of time. The author enters into polemics with postmodernistic treatment of culture and literature where hierarchic value system is no longer valid. He also proposes that modern culture is no longer literary-central and directs attention to the dramatic shifts in value-judgements and the consequences of the process.
Kadaise prof. Vytautas Jakelaitis įžvalgiai numatė Lietuvos mokyklinio teatro svarbą ir, kuriantis Klaipėdos universitetui, čia įsteigė mokyklinio teatro režisūros ir lituanistikos specialybę. Niekur kitur tokio darinio nerasite, tai buvo viena paklausiausių ir patraukliausių mokytojo specialybių. Per kelias dešimtis metų absolventai pasklido po Lietuvą, ir dabar daugelyje Lietuvos mokyklų mes turime unikalų Mokyklinį teatrą. Ir ne tik tai. Išradingi pedagogai lengvai integruoja dramą į kitas pamokas.
The methodological approaches of determining of living standard in regions are presented in this article. Studies of living standardare complex, and in order to compare regions, multivariate statistical methods are suggested for use. Other approaches may specifyand clarify the regional features of living standard. The regional cost of living surveys in Lithuania studies are not prevalent, but themethodology can be adapted to the Lithuanian case.
The aim of this paper is, by using Computational linguistics method to analyse collocations of ethnonyms leiši and lietuvieši ‘Lithuanians’ in “Balanced Corpus of Modern Latvian” (Līdzsvarots mūsdienu latviešu valodas tekstu korpuss), compare contextual semantics of both ethnonyms. Comparing the frequency of use of the lexemes lietuvieši and leiši ‘Lithuanians’ in the modern Latvian language text corpus, the prevalence of the ethnonym lietuvieši is evident, therefore, the ethnonym leiši, regardless of its use as synonymic designation (sometimes in one and the same text), can be considered as an obsolete word. The desemantisation cases of the ethnonym leiši, detected in the corpus, show its oldness and varied functionality in Latvian language. The evidences to prove the statement of the “Modern Latvian Language Dictionary” (Mūsdienu latviešu valodas vārdnīca) that the lexeme leiši nowadays “carries slightly pejorative stylistically expressive colouring” were not found in the text corpus. In general, the image of a Lithuanian reflected in the modern Latvian language text corpus is rather positive – mostly in historical, language, culture and sports contexts, yet in the context of economics and emigration rather negative impression of Lithuanians is expressed.
The aim of the paper is to present general understanding of incorporation and to compare and contrast it in English and Lithuanian. Generally incorporated constructions are understood as constructions in which a verb and one of its arguments form a particularly tight unit. Incorporation is typical to many Siberian and North American language families. Although English and Lithuanian do not belong to them, some types of incorporation can be identified in their grammatical structure. The analysis is based on the evidence drawn from Jack London’s novel “White Fang” and its translation into the Lithuanian language. The paper analyses the cases of noun, preposition, and adjective incorporation.
In analyzing the pre-Christian culture of the Balts, the nucleus of which consists of pagan religious logic and mythology, there is a problem of the value and reliability of the recorded writings about it. The article reviews and verifies the mythological information having a direct relation to the sowing celebration that Matthaeus Praetorius (Matthäus Prätorius) recorded in the source “Deliciae Prussicae oder Preussische Schaubühne” (Deliciae Prussicae or Prussian Theater, late 17th century). In succession, the paper discusses the interpretations made by the 20th to 21st century researchers who analyzed the mythological material recorded by Praetorius about the sowing festival. The context of the research made in 20th to 21st century has revealed that the scholars of earlier periods gave different assessments to the reliability of the aforementioned mythological material provided by Praetorius: they did not question authenticity, but considered the information to be quite reliable, and used it in their works; the scholars sensed the problem of authenticity of the mythological material, but hesitated to solve it; the scholars noticed the authenticity problem and more or less tried to solve it. The analysis suggests to determine that the mythological material related directly to the sowing festival recorded by Praetorius is to be considered authentic and reliable.
Klaipėdos universitetas kitų respublikos aukštųjų mokyklų kontekste išsiskiria fundamentaliais Mažosios Lietuvos istorijos ir kultūros tyrimais. Vykdomi ilgalaikiai moksliniai projektai, išleista ir dar rengiama spaudai keletas monografijų, organizuojamos įvairios konferencijos, nuolat publikuojami straipsniai šia tema. Rugsėjo pabaigoje nemaža grupė Klaipėdos universiteto dėstytojų dalyvavo trijų dienų kultūrinėje programoje, skirtoje Mažosios Lietuvos lietuvių literatūros ir kultūros darbininko, pirmojo lietuvių poezijos istoriko ir kritiko, vertimo teorijos kūrėjo ir lietuvių kalbos praktiko Gotfrydo Ostermejerio (Gottfried Ostermeyer) 300-osioms gimimo metinėms pažymėti.
Medias make impact on social environment – they influence individual interrelations, communication, approach to oneself and entire world, “insist” on certain stereotypes in different situations. They take active part in socialization of individuals. Socialization is perceived as a continuous lifelong process, in which values, standards, social state, roles and patterns of social behaviour are mastered. The article analyzes impact of media (social agents) in socialization processes of individuals.
The paper deals with the situation of entrepreneurship in three rural cross-border regions of Lithuania bordering on Kaliningrad Region and Poland, i.e. with Jurbarkas, Šilutė, and Vilkaviškis districts. The entrepreneurship factors in rural areas have been summarised, the outcomes of the research in the entrepreneurship factors of the rural areas of Lithuanian cross-border regions have been presented, and the factors impeding business development in the region have been named. In the contemporary society, the significance of the impact of entrepreneurship in economic, social, and psychological processes of the society development has been increasing. The direction of the society progress and the trajectory of its development is related to its members’ entrepreneurship abilities and opportunities. Individual’s entrepreneurship contributes to the perception and identification of the new opportunities of activity development, thus increasing the social welfare.
Предметом исследования является художественное воплощение концепта «духовное странничество» в культурной памяти поэзии начала ХХ века. В статье представлены трансформации «духовного странничества» в творчестве А. Белого и Ю. Балтрушайтиса. Исходя из идейно-тематического «ядра» понятия «духовное странничество», выявлены типологические схождения, проанализированы отличия, связанные с религиозно-поэтическим сознанием поэтов и их авторским мифотворчеством.