The Tėviškė (Homeland) Society for Lithuania’s cultural relations with compatriots abroad was set up in Soviet Lithuania in 1976 on the basis of previous analogous institutions. Through the society, attempts were made to control the cooperation with emigrant compatriots, disseminate the Soviet propaganda, restrict the spread of objective information, and discredit the right-wing emigration organizations that nurtured the idea of restoration of Lithuania’s independence. The aim of this paper is to review the programme of cultural exchanges with emigrants in the USA, implemented in the Soviet times, by highlighting the musical aspect. The research is based on the Cold War paradigm, the work of historians who analysed the topic, the still unexplored documentation of the Tėviškė Society, and the letters addressed to it and currently stored in the Lithuanian Special Archives. The cultural cooperation programme also included the field of tourism, which was especially useful for governmental institutions wishing to demonstrate the achievements of Soviet Lithuania to foreign visitors. It was partly supervised by the Tėviškė Society. However, this is a subject for a new study and will not be analysed in the present paper.
Anthropologists are increasingly doing research related to the city. There is a need to come up with new urban theories. Because of this, it is important to know about the research of Lithuanian ethnology and anthropology which emphasize the importance of the city. The aim of this article is to find out how city is analyzed and conceptualized by Lithuanian ethnologists and anthropologists. Two tasks have been formulated: to introduce with theories of urban anthropology and to analyze and classify works of Lithuanian ethnologists and anthropologists. In the article there are distinguished four groups of concepts of city.
The article explores the rhetorical disposition (structural composition) of the speeches delivered by the most renowned American business leaders, which is approached from the perspective of persuasion. The aim of the research is to analyse the dispositional topic of the speeches in question: to determine and generalise the most common elements of rhetorical composition. Fifty speeches by American business leaders, delivered on various occasions in the period 1981 to 2019, have been chosen and analysed in this article. The research is intended to answer the question whether contemporary orators still follow the principles of structural composition proposed by Classical rhetorical theory, and to observe how dispositional topics are changing with regard to orally delivered speeches.
Žymus KU Filologijos katedros profesorius dr. Albinas Drukteinis šiemet švenčia 70-metį. Tai labiausiai Klaipėdos universiteto vardą garsinantis dabartinės lietuvių kalbos specialistas. Nėra nė vieno lituanisto ar kalbos aktualijomis besidominčio žmogaus, kuris nežinotų mūsų Profesoriaus: jis daug metų buvo Valstybinės lietuvių kalbos komisijos narys, jos Gramatikos, rašybos ir skyrybos pakomisės pirmininkas (narys), yra parengęs leidinį „Lietuvių kalbos skyryba. Taisyklės, komentarai, patarimai“ (2020), jūreivystės terminų duomenyną, parašęs gausybę mokslo ir jo populiarinimo publikacijų, vedęs tūkstančius paskaitų, seminarų, konsultacijų... Kol gyvavo Lietuvių kalbos katedra, dr. Albinas Drukteinis buvo nepakeičiamas jos vedėjas, energingai telkęs kolegas diskusinei minčiai bei pedagoginei bendrystei.
Dabar, be kitų kalbos tvarkybos, mokslo ir ugdomųjų veiklų, daug laiko ir širdies atiduoda kraštui kaip Lietuvių kalbos draugijos Klaipėdos skyriaus pirmininkas, Klaipėdos savivaldybės Žymių žmonių, istorinių datų, įvykių įamžinimo ir gatvių pavadinimų suteikimo komisijos, KU Senato narys... Už darbą lituanistikos baruose šįmet apdovanotas Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo atminimo medaliu ir padėkos raštu.
The article provides with psychoanalysis of the story titled Traumnovelle (Rhapsody: A Dream Novel, also known as Dream Story), written by Arthur Schnitzler, representative of the Viennese modernist style, that decodes intricate forms of mental life from unconscious instincts, libido. The reader is exposed to the characters’ affection, that of the therapist Fridolin and his wife Albertina, who play each other up with immodest confessions about their erotic affection. The article uncovers the action mode of the story, which is on the verge between dream and reality, consciousness and unconsciousness, peculiarities of feelings exposure through the characters’ imagination, structurally similar to a dream, is reviewed as well. The article examines the motivational structure of Albertina’s behavior, determined by “primary affection”, activity of her psychics, regulated by “satisfaction principle”, and that of Fridolin, based on “reality principle”, where functional activity is coherent with human needs and external reality conditions. The article investigates the motive of a mask as a symbol of transformation, acquisition of anonymity by losing individuality (Fridolin’s participation in a sado-masochistic orgy at villa of secret society) and as an opposition to the husband real-life adventure – Albertina’s dream, revealing frustration and pleasure from a married woman’s revenge for the imposed role of serving her husband. It is concluded that the art, as well as a dream, makes it possible to get released for some period of time from a social role and a consciousness censorship.
Economy operates in a broader social system, composed of households and enterprises but also by all institutions created by people. Law and politics is created and introduced in institutions in parallel to educational, administrative activities as well as any other social activities, including those related to the natural environment we live in. These institutions operate thanks to the social capital i.e. interconnected human resources. The quality of the social capital is dependent on mutual trust and relations in the society. For this reason, social capital is of key importance for sustainable development, both as a controller of the impact of the economy on the environment as well as the basis for the future development. The environment evolves continuously, there are rapidly changing economic processes and, in consequence, their impact on the environment is changing rapidly, tool. This brings some specific challenges to the resource and quality of human knowledge and the competence level of the human capital, as the only tool for a possible reduction of all imperfections.
Dalios Dilytės monografija užpildė net dvi lietuvių literatūros istorijos moksle iki šiol žiojėjusias spragas: pateikė lietuvių kalba gana išsamų veikalą apie pasakėčios žanro ištakas antikoje, jo raidą ir plėtotę Vakarų Europos literatūrose nuo viduramžių iki Švietimo epochos pabaigos; ir pirmoji – neįtikėtina, pradėjus švęsti 300-ąsias poeto gimimo metines, bet tiesa! – ėmėsi nuosekliai ir išsamiai analizuoti Kristijono Donelaičio pasakėčias. Kad ir viena, ir kita lietuvių kultūrai buvo labai reikalinga, esu tikra, niekas nesiimtų ginčytis.
The present study is based on a transformational account of verb-based nominalizations that precede the suffixes -er, -or, -ee. The theoretical foundations of this study are rooted in systemic functional linguistics and generative semantics. The aim of the research is to investigate the functional potential of -er, -or, -ee nominalizations in English. This is an attempt to reveal what semantic functions the mentioned nominalizations may perform. To achieve the aim, the collected examples were analyzed by employing descriptive, transformational and descriptive statistics methods. The semantic level plays a crucial role in determining the semantic functions of the nominalizations. In its own turn the semantic potential of the nominalizations is determined by the semantic properties of the underlying verb.
Jūratės Lubienės ir Astos Leskauskaitės parengta mokomoji knyga „Šiaurės žemaičiai kretingiškiai“ (knyga ir elektroninė laikmena) – tai dar vienas svarus indėlis į minėtų leidinių seriją „Lietuvių kalbos tarmės mokyklai“. Nors žemaičių jaunimą iš esmės galima laikyti nuolatiniais aktyviaisiais tarminiais vartotojais (leidinyje pabrėžiama, kad „tarmiškai šneka visos trys kartos. Ir ne tik šeminėje, bet ir visuomennėje aplinkoje“, p. 7), tačiau tik nuolat keliant tarmės prestižą, atskleidžiant jos savitumą, sistemiškumą, įdomumą ir svarbą vaikams bei jaunimui, galima užtikrinti jos tęstinumą ateityje.
Teofanija – dievybės pasirodymas, apsireiškimo pasauliui aktas. Akmens ir dendromorfinės teofanijos yra buvusios akistatos (dievų apsilankymo ar veiklos) pėdsakai. Todėl teofanija galima bet kada arba bent jau įmanoma tam tikru metu, pvz., ištikus negandai ar ligai. Teofanijos vietos yra lankomos tikintis pasveikti ar išsaugoti sveikatą, atliekamos terapinės procedūros, ritualiniai veiksmai. Šiame straipsnyje analizuojami duomenys apie akmens ir dendromorfines teofanijas XV–XVIII a. rašytiniuose šaltiniuose ir nustatomos šių teofanijų refleksijos XIX–XXI a. liaudies medicinos terapiniuose metoduose, remiantis archyviniais ir autorės gydomųjų tikėjimų užrašymais.