2018 m. birželio15–16 d. Klaipėdos universitete vyko 4-oji tarptautinė tarpdalykinė mokslinė konferencija „Baltų kalbos ir kultūros 4“. Baltijos valstybių šimtmečio proga surengtoje konferencijoje diskutuota apie svarbiausius kultūrinės tapatybės ženklus – kalbą, tautinę ir valstybinę savimonę, istorinį ir kultūrinį paveldą, šių dėmenų tarpusavio sąveiką, funkcijas ir vertes, iškilusias grėsmes ir uždavinius globalizacijos sąlygomis. Konferencijos moto saugotina sutelkė įvairių sričių mokslininkus kalbėti svarbiomis temomis: kokie kalbinio ir kultūrinio paveldo objektai ir/ar elementai verti apsaugos ir kodėl, koks yra jų ištirtumo lygis, kokios tyrimo kryptys vaisingos, kaip tyrimai pritaikomi ir koks rezultatas.
The main aim of this scientific research is the need for a detailed elaboration and introduction into scientific circulation materials of archbishop who was a tireless researcher – Filaret (Gumilevsky). The analysis of his scientific and popular scientific heritage is seen through the prism of his life. The article shows how his pastoral work seamlessly combined with a deep understanding of the importance of popularizing knowledge of ethnology. Great part of the information which was presented on the pages of the diocesan newspaper later will be the basis of a thorough seven volume work “Historical and statistical description of Chernigov eparchy” (1873–1876), and was written by Filaret.
2018 m. rugpjūčio 18-ąją Klaipėdos universiteto bendruomenė, visa Klaipėdos miesto inteligentija buvo sukrėsta skaudžios ir netikėtos žinios – Anapusybėn išėjo Aleksandras Žalys (1951 10 26–2018 08 18) – kolega, bičiulis, mokytojas, bendražygis – asmenybė, kuriai net turtingoje lietuvių kalboje, ko gero, stinga žodžių visapusiškai apibūdinti.
Lexicography of the Latvian language is currently working on issues related to research on neology and its inclusion in the electronic version of the ‘Dictionary of the Modern Latvian Language’. Looking at these issues in a wider context, it can be concluded that in many parts of the world, as well as in neighbouring Lithuania, work on neology and its research takes on a different perspective; therefore, it is important to identify these different practices and theories, providing a comparative insight into the experience of neology research in Latvia. This article provides a general overview of neology research trends, and issues in the lexicography of Latvia and Lithuania.
The popular musical genre of rap in Lithuania, ascribed to the subculture of hip-hop, is appearing in the area of social and commercial advertisements more frequently. Rap is also gradually becoming a willingly used platform for telling various stories. This musical genre is used during different lessons and trainings as a means that encourages creativity and motivation of learning. Being based in the USA and quite strongly rooted in Lithuania, rap itself makes one think about how this phenomenon transformed in Lithuanian cultural sphere or how it is perceived nowadays by Lithuanian artists. Using documentaries, this article seeks to analyze the thoughts about rap and its significance in Lithuanian and American documentaries proposed by the hip-hop artists, in addition to discuss and explain their similarities and differences from the artist’s perspective.
В современной теории речевой коммуникации (Ф. С. Бацевич, Д. Б. Гудков, О. С. Иссерс, В. Б. Кашкин, В. Квастхофф, Г. Г. Почепцов, И. А. Стернин и др.) отмечается высокий интерес к проблемам, связанным, прежде всего, с изучением условий, обеспечивающих эффективное и успешное общение, поскольку в глобализированном мире все заметнее потребность в поисках компромисса при решении резонансных вопросов бытия социума: культурных, экономических, политических, экологических, религиозных и т. д. Роль лингвистических исследований в осмыслении и формировании способов предупреждения / нейтрализации конфликтов, обеспечении гармонизации и результативности как монокультурного, так и меж-, кросскультурного взаимодействия, весьма значительна, и это обусловливает актуальность и перспективность исследования И. Р. Королёва.
Appropriateness is used here to avoid another attempt of defining translation adequacy or equivalence concepts. Search for a target language word appropriate in the target culture is regularly discussed by experts of translation studies. Usually the translatability degree depends upon the success of “transplantation” of verbally-expressed elements of source culture into the target culture’s language.Examples of translation of thematically and stylistically diverse material representing conventional areas of translation and the basic text types’ prototypology are adduced: Latvian folklore materials (dainas), conceptual and functional conformity of denominations of professions, posts and institutions with English and Latvian as source or target language, translation of puns and parodies show that problems often are caused by factors showing differences in the sociocultural context of the original and translation.Success depends upon translator’s ability to creatively extend language norms in literary translation, to narrow the interpretation scope in general language texts’ translation, to find the balance between conceptual identity and invariance in special language texts’ translation.
The research was made to identify how the retail strategy of a specialized regional chain should be reshaped in order to meet consumer requirements and satisfy their needs, compete against different store formats and maximize business efficiency. The analysis was made to identify alcoholic beverages consumption and buying habits, reasons and choice criteria of stores, perception, image and expectations of a specialized alcohol store. Also several business development ideas were tested, such as change of the assortment and evaluation of new concept of a retail chain. Sampled respondents were from 18 to 60 years old, who have bought alcoholic beverages last three months. Survey revealed that that consumer’s choice criteria of a retailer format differs considering different buying occasions and several dominant ‘must-haves’ were identified for a specialized retail store, such as location, assortment, price level of a best sellers and image of a store.
This article deals with undated and wrongly dated correspondence of Sergei Bortkiewicz. It presents the hypothetical dates of some letters and postcards as the result of previous studies by other scholars. Other incorrect dates have been corrected using postage stamps and the contents of letters. A description of every undated letter allows us to place them among the others. The article discusses controversial hypotheses, and refutes some of them. Several new hypotheses are put forward instead. Dates for three undated letters by Bortkiewicz are suggested for the first time.
Nėra tiksliai žinoma, kiek iš sėkmingai daktaro disertacijas apsigynusių jaunųjų mokslininkų ryžtasi disertacijų pagrindu publikuoti ir monografijas. O galėtų būti žinoma. Ir net reikėtų skatinti, kad mokslo darbai būtų publikuoti, nes disertacija, kaip žinome, dar toli gražu ne monografija. Disertacijos gynimo metu oponentai ir gynimo komiteto nariai išsako nemažai pastabų, patarimų, pasiūlymų, tad monografijos autorius gali (ir privalėtų) į jas atsižvelgti. Kita priežastis – disertacijoje dėl ribojamos jos apimties panaudojama toli gražu ne visa surinkta, sukaupta medžiaga, aprėpiamos ne visos su tiriamuoju objektu susijusios problemos, netelpa vertingos, originalios iliustracijos ir t. t. Kitaip tariant, disertacija – geriausiu atveju – tik pusiaukelė link monografijos. Loreta Martynėnaitė, 2013 m. sėkmingai apgynusi humanitarinių mokslų (etnologija) daktaro disertaciją tema „Kraštovaizdžio konstravimas: gėlių darželiai Lietuvoje XX a. – XXI a. pradžioje“ pusiaukelėje nesustojo ir, intensyviai padirbėjusi dar pusantrų metų, publikavo monografiją.