ge group of professional scientists and local ethno-culture preservation enthusiasts. The collected audio and video material is transferred to the most famous folklore archives in Kyiv, Lviv and Dnipro, and to regional cultural heritage protection institutions. It is a time-consuming process which is not always carried out systematically and consistently. In February 2022, the hostilities launched by the Russo-fascists in Ukraine fundamentally changed the specifics of this work. In these difficult conditions, it is necessary to look for opportunities urgently to transfer the mentioned recordings of ethnographic material, or copies of them, for storage in similar secure foreign archives. The article provides information about the author’s personal recordings of Ukrainian folklore, their scope, preservation possibilities, and the prospects for their documentation and research in Vilnius, in the archive of the Department of Folklore of the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore.
From the earliest descriptions and studies, the Prussian Lithuanians, or Lietuvininkai, and their sung folklore have usually been treated as one unit. However, the ethnographic region of Lithuania Minor is a vast territory stretching over 200 kilometres from north to south. Two distinct areas of ethnic Lietuvininkai music can be identified within it. This article aims to investigate the musical features of the folklore that existed in the Klaipėda district, and to reveal its uniqueness in the context of Lietuvininkai sung folklore.
Vaidybinis filmas „24 savaitės“ („24 Wochen“) – meniškai ir gyvenimiškai įtaigus pasakojimas apie tėvus, kurie laukiasi Dauno sindromą ir širdies ydą turinčio vaiko. Po emociškai įtempto tarpasmeninio svarstymo, veikiant emociniams artimiausių žmonių santykiams ir socialinėms profesinių santykių aplinkybėms bei visuomenės požiūriui, mama pasirenka vėlyvąjį vaisiaus abortą. Visa draminė istorija, tragedijai artimos peripetijos, emocinė dialogų sugestija, poetiškumo turintis prologas ir epilogas teikia paskatų šį filmą suvokti ne tik kino meno, bet ir literatūriniu, socialiniu bei gyvenimišku požiūriu. Vienas ir kitas rakursas parankūs siekiant pagrindinio straipsnio tikslo – fenomenologiškai aprašyti ir ištirti filme iškylančią protinės negalios (intelekto sutrikimo) refleksiją.
Socialinės medijos šiomis dienomis vaidina svarbų vaidmenį visuomenės gyvenime ir užima didelę dalį mūsų laiko. Ši technologinė revoliucija taip pat paveikė ir verslo sritį. Vartotojams suteikus daugiau kontrolės socialinių medijų platformose, verslininkai buvo priversti naudoti tiek atvirąsias, tiek paslėptąsias reklamos strategijas. Tyrimo tikslas yra nustatyti, kokias kalbines, vaizdines ir kitas įtaigos priemones naudoja reklamos ekspertai paslėptosiose ir atvirosiose reklamos strategijose. Siekiant supaprastinti šios plačios srities tyrimo eigą ir sumažinti apdorojamų duomenų kiekį, analizei buvo pasirinkta viešbučių verslo platforma. Kalbinės, vaizdinės ir įtaigos priemonės yra naudojamos viešbučių verslo socialinių medijų reklamos strategijose. Nors šios priemonės ir individualiai perteikia tam tikrą reikšmę, pagrindinė reklamos vertė atsiskleidžia tik esant visų trijų priemonių samplaikai. Analizė buvo atlikta iš dviejų perspektyvų – atvirųjų ir paslėptųjų strategijų. Atvirosiose strategijose iš reklamų išrinkti kalbiniai bei vaizdiniai pavyzdžiai. Uždarosiose strategijose šaltiniai suskirstyti į tris sritis – vartotojų generuojamas turinys, socialinių medijų konkursai ir kompanijos bei nuomonės formuotojų reklama.
The article deals with written Lithuanian language requests found on, the main portal for real estate (RE) classifieds (other specialised or general classifieds portals, such as,,, were omitted because they contain a relatively small number of ads; and besides, many of their RE ads overlap with the classifieds published on and the politeness of such requests. The empirical material, consisting of 1,000 speech acts, was gathered between 6 April 2020 and 30 May 2021. The study aims to determine the types of applicable strategies according to the degree of the directness of the requests, examine internal and external modifications of request cores, and ultimately identify the main forms of addresses.
Mikelis Šapalas (1827-1884), a teacher in Lankupiai and a Prussian-Lithuanian literary figure, edited a small collection of hymns called Naujos nobaʒnos Giesmes (New Devotional Hymns), which was published 1860 in Memel (Klaipėda) at the Vaikinis printing house. The aim of this article is to expand on the repertoire of Šapalas’ hymn book, and to consider the reasons for the choice of hymns, the extent to which the repertoire was influenced by the activities of the missions organised by the Protestants, and the social issues of the time. The article also seeks to show the importance of the collection to later hymnody works.
Trisdešimtasis žurnalo „Res humanitariae“ numeris žymi reikšmingą postūmį savoje istorijoje. Nuo 2007 metų, kai buvo išleisti pirmieji numeriai, nuosekliai plėstas temų ir autorių ratas, peržengtos humanitarinių mokslų ribos. Tai atspindi greitėjantį gyvenimo tempą, mokslinės minties raidą, pokyčius Klaipėdos universitete.
Volume 89, Issue 2 (2022), pp. 201–224
This article highlights the need to increase the variety of support available to health-care professionals to maintain their mental health and reduce stigma. The medical profession involves caring for the well-being of others. Resources of positive emotion are exhausted over time. The body becomes susceptible to stress. The extracts from interviews and case studies presented in this article illustrate well the quality of life of medical staff in the Covid-19 period. If this state persists for a long time, it can lead to the complete exhaustion of physical and mental health, which affects a person’s motivation, attitude and behaviour towards their health, work, relationships and life. Pre-existing negative attitudes towards the promotion and improvement of mental health have had a negative impact on health and have led to suicide. It should be noted that the suicide risk rate among doctors is twice as high as in the general population. The importance of maintaining the mental hygiene of medical staff during the Covid-19 period, as a prerequisite for a quality lifestyle, is emphasised.
Volume 89, Issue 2 (2022), pp. 182–200
A number of studies confirm that working in care for the elderly is seen as very unattractive, physically and psychologically demanding, badly paid, and lacking in career opportunities. As a result, few people choose to work in this field, and there is a growing shortage of labour in the provision of services for older people. Attracting young individuals to the field is an even greater challenge. The paper analyses the results of interviews with young people who provide care services directly for the elderly. The authors seek answers to the questions, what are the personal characteristics of young people who work with the elderly, what are they looking for, and what do they find in this work? The aim of the article is to highlight positive aspects of caring for the elderly. The results show that young people (the interviewees) construct a discourse of meaningful, inspiring and motivating activities when talking about their work. This image of care presented by young workers is different to the notion of ‘dirty’ work that is often reflected in the public discourse when describing work in care institutions for the elderly. The results of the study confirm that the research participants emphasise the congruence between their care work and their personal values and experiences, and strive for a positive career identity. The use of positive experience can serve to create a more positive image of care work for the elderly.
Volume 89, Issue 2 (2022), pp. 159–181
This article presents the points of view of case managers about the possibilities of cooperating with social educators in providing assistance to adolescents who do not attend school. The article was based on an analysis of academic and normative literature, and on the findings of qualitative research conducted by the authors. The analysis of the qualitative research data highlighted the following findings: in the opinion of case managers, cooperation with social educators could be strengthened by joint meetings, workshops and joint supervisions. An algorithm of consistent cooperation was created in order to achieve changes and positive outcomes for the child’s well-being.