Volume 72, Issue 3 (2015), pp. 1–24
The paper develops the insights laid out in the chapter The Trauma of Nation’s De-localisation in the book Dramaturgy of National Identity (2005). In the contemporary world, delocalisation of nations is unavoidable and, in that sense, it represents a natural process of civilisation which reproduces national identity in a transnational form both in the country of emigration and of origin. However, for the nations with an incomplete story of territorial consolidation, the opening up to supra-nationalisation, emigration, and globalisation in general was unexpected and seemed infinite and destructive for the nation. The Lithuanian nation was affected by delocalisation, among other things, primarily by especially large-scale emigration. The nation is losing the feeling of integrity. Just 25 years ago, the ideal of the localisation of the nation – its concentration on a sovereign territory – prevailed. Global life economization, European supra-nationalization, and the failure to successfully complete the post-communist transformation dealt a blow to the national ideal that actualised “one’s own state”. The “breaking up” of the nation was so unexpected that even nationalism did not actualise ethnocentrism. It was expected to be just temporary costs of post-communist transformation. However, presently, we have increasingly more arguments to prove that the post-communist transitional period has expired, therefore, the current trends have long-term prospects. The de-localization of the Lithuanian nation takes place not really as a natural process of civilisation, but rather as a response to the mainly unsuccessful end of post-communism in Lithuania. The situation is to be characterised by the metaphor of trauma. Trauma is experienced at unexpected “discovery” of one’s own ethno-social disability (the term by R. Grigas) when one clings onto the traditional ethnocentric ideal of the nation and is unable to evaluate and project the delocalisation of the nation as a natural process of civilisation. The trauma implies the threat of a break in the building of national identity and the decline of the nation. For the Lithuaniannism to survive, it is necessary to “incorporate” a perspective of the network of its agents, open to transnationalism and stretching all over the world, into the content of the nation.
Volume 71, Issue 2 (2015), pp. 1–20
The multitude and complexity of factors determining career decisions result in the complexity of career decision process and the dynamics of inherent characteristics with reference to both individuals and social groups, for instance, generations. During the recent decade the representatives of Generation Y have entered the labour market; their values and behaviour differ from those characteristic of the representatives of Generation X who still prevail in the labour market. The emerging intergenerational conflict complicates the labour relations. Therefore, it is important to understand the reasons behind the career choice made by representatives of different generations. What has determined their career choice? How the dynamics of factors determining career decisions is related to the characteristics of different generations highlighted in the generational theory and the relevant historical and cultural context? The aim of the article is to reveal the Dynamics of factors that have determined the career decisions of Generations X and Y and to reveal similarities and differences.
Volume 70, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 1–16
In contemporary society the new organizational forms take pace, which enable individuums to form some kind of common identities by reaching consumers communities. Consumerism is the main feature of such communities, which may be called as certain “tribes” with their values and they develop as capitalist system deepens and widens. Postmodernism creates such cultural environment, which forms “tribal marketing” phenomena as mobilizing different groups for the more developed, clearly defined and specific consumption. The authors in the article seek to reveal the impact of postmodernist consumerism to the formation of “tribal marketing” and the development of this phenomena vice/versa.
Volume 86, Issue 1 (2021), pp. 1–27
The article discusses the possibilities for using cross-border models in the construction of telemedicine devices which use internet connections, and the possibility for placing data ‘in the clouds’. There are such models as the Identifying and Analysing Needs model by Leslie Rae (NIA), the Design Thinking model and the GROW coaching model. The research was based on the rules of the emancipatory-critical paradigm and the triangulation method. The non-reactive research (the unobtrusive measures method) was applied in the first stage, and was based on the NIA and DT models. It was conducted based on the situation of senior citizens in Poland (against the background of the Covid-19 pandemic). In the second stage, research was carried out using a survey. The target of the survey was the elderly and their caregivers. In the third stage, in-depth interviews were conducted with senior citizens about their emotions, needs and fears/concerns. They were conducted in accordance with the GROW model coaching guidelines. The results of all the studies are presented on the basis of the Design Thinking model.
Pub. online:4 Aug 2022Type:IntroductionOpen Access
Volume 87, Issue 2 (2021): Volume 87, pp. 1–2
Scientific journal Tiltai / Bridges / Brücken published by Klaipėda University (established in 1991) is devoted to the issues of social sciences, and seeking academic dialogue, also to other human and society functioning-related humanities and biomedical sciences, with expand and interpret different social phenomena and current issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. The publications attempts at analysing and solving actual problems of economy, management, demography, social geography, geopolitics, political sciences, history, education, religious, regional planning and land use, other social problems. Science has no borders. Therefore scientific cooperation is one of the most important elements in the progress of world’s community. Scientists from different countries of the world are kindly invited to write for and contribute to the journal.
Tiltai / Bridges is the scientifical periodical magazine, which publications, by the decision of Lithuanian Science Council, are recognized as convenient for doctoral dissertations and pedagogical scientific names.
Volume 87, Issue 2 (2021): Volume 87, pp. 1–13
This paper presents a subjective evaluation of the attitudes and experiences in the Lithuanian labour market of currently unemployed youths (aged 18 to 35) registered at the public employment service (PES). The main focus is on identifying the main issues related to the successful transition of youths from education to the labour market. Research questions: How do currently unemployed young people evaluate their prospects on the labour market? What is the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on youth transitions? What are the obstacles in the search for a (first) job? The study is based on survey research that was carried out in Lithuania from February to April 2021. A total of 453 young people who are currently unemployed and registered at the PES participated in the study. The results reveal that the Covid-19 pandemic has affected more vulnerable young people with a lower educational level and less work experience living in rural areas. Respondents with lower levels of education indicated greater difficulties in the search for a first job and in obtaining a stable working position. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the transition from education to the labour market for young women more than for men.
The whole idea of this paper spins mainly about one of the main aspects within early child’s education – creativity and its meaning to a child’s psychosocial development. The presented findings rely on the methodological approach supported by Reggio Emilia philosophy. Creativity education, especially based on Reggio Emilia point of view, starts from the very young age and therefore kindergartens as well as families play much significant role to support and develop creativity roots in child’s everyday routine. It is stressed that being creative is more like being initiative and innovative – the features that are mainly required by contemporary society. Also this paper is illustrated with real-life pictures from the activities in the kindergarten “Lazdynėlis”, so it becomes much clearer for those who are interested in this topic to understand how kindergarten daily life may sustain, develop and so enhance creativity of children using many different approaches, e.g. through the game-led tools, teachers’ attitudes etc.
Post-Covid rehabilitation deals with properly selected exercises for the respiratory muscles, respiratory rehabilitation, learning to relax, and exercise. The aim of the study was to evaluate the results of post-Covid rehabilitation in pulmonary care patients. The study was performed on a group of 50 patients (15 women, 35 men; the mean age was 59.4 years) undergoing pulmonary rehabilitation in January 2022 in the rehabilitation department of a pulmonary hospital in southern Poland. Patients’ physical activity tolerance was assessed before and after rehabilitation using the walk test, mMRC test, Barthel’s scale, CAT questionnaire and Borg’s scale. The research results show a statistically significant improvement in all patients and in each of the methods for assessing physical activity tolerance. There is an urgent need for a rehabilitation programme aimed specifically at post-Covid patients.
The article focuses on the issue of the education of returned emigré pupils. A progymnasium is part of the Lithuanian system, a general education institution (grades 1 to 8), an intermediate link between primary school and a gymnasium, which differs from basic schools in the higher quality of the activities and the created added value. A quantitative study was conducted: 106 progymnasium teachers working with returned emigré pupils took part. The research revealed that individual plans were made for returned emigré pupils in progymnasiums, and school education specialists (psychologists, social pedagogues, etc) assisted them during the adaptation period. For the teachers working with returned emigré pupils, the competences of recognising their diverse abilities and the management of (information) technology were especially important. Additional formal (Lithuanian language and literature, mathematics) and informal activities, the development of the digitalised content of education, cooperation, and the dissemination of best practices created the preconditions for the streamlining of the education of returned emigré pupils in progymnasiums.
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of pre-school global citizenship education. Modern society is facing new challenges and social problems affecting all people. In order to tackle them successfully, it is advisable to talk with children about these issues from an early age. The pre-school age is described as the most appropriate time to develop global citizens who are able to recognise the problems of the modern world not only in their immediate environment, but also to understand the links between their immediate environment and the world. The paper presents some of the results of a micro-ethnographic study conducted at X pre-school. The observation of a group of pre-school children was carried out, and interviews with pre-school teachers were organised. The data gathered from the study revealed that global citizenship education is manifested in the formal activities of pre-school children. Global citizenship is manifested through children’s construction of knowledge about their immediate environment and their home country, complemented by new knowledge about the world. Children are able to acknowledge themselves as global citizens, to recognise and talk about social problems in the context of the immediate environment and the world, propose solutions to global problems, and contribute actively to the creation of a clean, safe and sustainable environment.