The scientific articles published in this issue cover various areas of social sciences. In this volume, both theoretical and empirical research articles can be found. I. Borucinska in her article on the economic analysis of the benefits of the EU-Japan partnership agreements deals with the regional problems, while the applicability of the theory of business cycles developed in the Austrian School of Economics are analysed by R. Čiegis and S. Girdžijauskas. Z. Zeibote examines the influence of clusters on regional competitiveness. Also, quite in a different aspect, there are discussed regional problems presented in the article by R. Bučinskaitė where the discrepancies between the EU civil procedures are revealed, meanwhile A. Pahman assesses corruption and forest problems in Indonesia. In contemporary science, there are a number of research investigating the involvement of society or community in decision-making at local level or in education. In this journal, one can also find articles relevant to these topics; such are the articles by R. Jančius, A. Gavenauskas and J. Pekarskas, who study issues of ecological education in society or J. Vorevičienė’s work analysing the activities of community centres in the local communities. In addition, the authors A. Batuchin, R. Saveljeva, G. Viksne and Z. Staneva examine the welfare and future of society by analysing the immigrants’ attitude towards the host country, while the young people’s attitude towards their quality of life in Klaipėda municipality is highlighted by G. Strakšienė. Furthermore, V. Tauraitė presents the effect of fear of losses in neuroeconomics, whereas V. Valiulė and M. Vaikšnoras discuss the role of managers in the empowerment of human resources. Enjoy your reading!
pring winds encourage the rebirth of nature, and the journal is full of new scientific articles. Much attention has been paid to communication and the use of electronic platforms. The article by R. Vaičiulė analyses the use of Facebook, K. Krauze and B. Sloka analyse the content of web pages, the article by S. Volenkins, B. Sloka and K. Čipane investigate Internet commerce, whereas J. Jiang and A. Kontauts examine the influence of social media on civic participation. The issues of youth policy are presented in the article by K. Gomolka, meanwhile the organizational culture of educational institutions is studied in A. Giedaitis and A. Ispiryan’s article, followed by T. Titova’s insights on intellectual capital. The article by S. Statneckytė and J. Dvorak analyses the reform of the Lithuanian public service. The article by P. Zientarski is also devoted to public administration issues and assesses the results of the election for local authorities. The journal also provides articles for readers interested in economic issues. For example, R. Čiegis, L. Diliuvienė and A. Dilius analyse the effect of income inequality on economic growth, whereas S. A. Vasina and B. Sloka highlight income inequality issues from different gender aspects. Finally, N. Novozhilova and M. Pliss present insurance market in Latvia, and V. Valiulė together with A. Zonienė evaluate sustainable investment.
Spring heat did not reduce the scientists’ willingness to publish their research. We can re-distinguish several important research ideas. The aspects of communication revealed in several directions: in the assessment of managerial competences in R. Paulienė, V. Tamaševičius article, in the article of A. Giedaitis, E. Ribačonka were discussed inter-organizational relations and elimination of internal communication barriers were discussed in J. Paužuolienė, A. Januškaitė article, when D. Štefenberga discussed the influence of co-operation factors on regional development, and I. Boručinska revealed issues of youth involvement in civic participation in the South Baltic region. The economic issues are also forgotten R. Čiegis, A. Dilius continues research to identify income inequality problems, K. Čipane, B. Sloka, S. Volvenkins analyze shopping online methods, while E. Dundure, B. Sloka touches on a new topic on mediation between banks and insurance companies, in the meantime, I. Pawlas analyzed economic activity in peripheral regions. Still there are a couple of articles with an ongoing relevance to sustainability. These are the green technology development article by A. Šneiderienė, H. Ruginė and Ž. Drabavičius paper about implementation of sustainability principles in enterprises. Enjoy your readings.
Even though it is still cold outside, the spring winds give us hope that spring will come soon. We also hope the research carried out by scientists will contribute to the well-being of society. The question of health care is still relevant, and will continue to be relevant in the future. This journal has three articles on this topic, ranging from the organisation of the food system (Atkočiūnienė, Žyvatauskaitė), and self-assessment of the health system (Sloka, Čipane, Vasina, Volgasts), to the participation by health-care employees in processes of change (Župerkienė, Tuminienė, Župerka). Innovation is not neglected, starting with the application of innovative technologies in Ukraine (Tyukhtenko, Makarenko, Savina, Oliinyk, Oleksenko, Rybachok), and going on to the concept of creativity (Ganusauskaitė, Vveinhardt, Didžgalvytė-Bujauskė), and the application of innovation in education in Latvia (Štefenberga, Sloka). A couple of articles reflect more global issues, such as the causes and consequences of migration (Karaša, Čiegis), and the role of law in global politics (Obrikienė). Clearly, global politics would be much simpler if people followed ethical standards. Research on the use of codes of ethics (Ramašauskienė) and ethical leadership in organisations (Petrulis, Šimanskienė, Burgis, Paužuolienė) is discussed in two more articles. Understanding the need for communication, both at the organisational and the state level, is only possible with a knowledge of the target audience. Therefore, we invite you to familiarise yourself with youth-related issues from Sweden, the Russian Federation, Lithuania and Poland (Strakšienė, Batuchina), and internal communication research within the organisation (Pikturnaitė, Paužuolienė). Enjoy your spring reading.
Vienijanti žurnalo „Res humanitariae“ XVIII numerio ašis – baltų kalbų ir kultūrų tyrinėjimai. Didžiausią rinktinės dalį sudaro baltų kalbų istorijai skirti darbai.
Lietuvos tapsmas jūrine valstybe, kaip rodo istorinė retrospektyva ir šiandienos aktualijos, yra gana nelengvas, trūkinėjantis, bet labai įdomus ir reikšmingas procesas. Tik XX a. 3-iajame dešimtmetyje nepriklausoma Lietuvos valstybė įgijo platesnę geografiniu ir reikšmingesnę istoriniu bei ekonominiu požiūriais prieigą prie Baltijos jūros. Tai, regis, sudarė prielaidas spartesniam ir glaudesniam lietuvių priartėjimui prie jūros, jūrinio mentaliteto formavimuisi, kuris kol kas nėra sulaukęs deramo humanitarinių mokslų tyrėjų dėmesio. Kalbiniai ir kultūrologiniai jūros koncepto (konceptualiojo lauko) bei nuo jo neatsiejamo lietuvių jūrinio mentaliteto moksliniai tyrimai Lietuvoje tebėra užuomazgos būsenos. Šiame „Res humanitariae“ numeryje publikuojami moksliniai straipsniai, kuriuose tradiciniais ar moderniaisiais metodais tiriama jūros mentalinė kategorija, jos verbalinė ir neverbalinė raiška lietuvių ir kitų tautų kalbose bei įvairiose kultūros srityse. Publikacijos parengtos 2014 m. lapkričio 20–21 d. Klaipėdos universitete vykusioje tarptautinėje tarpdalykinėje mokslinėje konferencijoje „Tradicijos ir modernumo dermė: konceptas JŪRA kalboje ir kultūroje“ skaitytų mokslinių pranešimų pagrindu.