The article aims to show that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs is of great significance and play a crucial rolein almost every nation’s economy and as such have become a major source of employment creation and income generation which inducesinnovation and economic growth. The SMEs sector is of specific importance for the development of the Republic of Moldova.Creating a business environment that fosters small business and entrepreneurship development in Moldova is a key to generatingwider economic growth in the country. As entrepreneurship in Moldova represents a rather new definition and the entrepreneurialactivity is very poor, in this context, the need for SMEs sector support through the creation of stable legal and economic conditionsfavoring entrepreneurial activity development is evident. Empirical research revealed main problems facing Moldovan SMEs, andtheir attitudes to entrepreneurship development.
DOI: article aims to show that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs is of great significance and play a crucial rolein almost every nation’s economy and as such have become a major source of employment creation and income generation which inducesinnovation and economic growth. The SMEs sector is of specific importance for the development of the Republic of Moldova.Creating a business environment that fosters small business and entrepreneurship development in Moldova is a key to generatingwider economic growth in the country. As entrepreneurship in Moldova represents a rather new definition and the entrepreneurialactivity is very poor, in this context, the need for SMEs sector support through the creation of stable legal and economic conditionsfavoring entrepreneurial activity development is evident. Empirical research revealed main problems facing Moldovan SMEs, andtheir attitudes to entrepreneurship development.
Moterų ir vyrų savybių skirtumai, jų reikšmė karjerai, organizacijų veiksmingumui ir toliau išlieka mokslinių diskusijų objektu. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos sociokultūrinės, psichologinės ir organizacinės šių savybių skirtingo suvokimo priežastys. Skiriami esminiai psichologiniai efektai, lyčių savybių specifikos vertinimo stereotipai ir kiti galimi įtakos turintys veiksniai. Empiriniame tyrime analizuojamos savybės, priskiriamos vyrams ir moterims, vertinamos darbo aplinkos, elgesio bei vadovų preferencijos lyties aspektu. Tyrimas atliktas taikant kiekybinį metodą ir faktorinę analizę.
Šiame straipsnyje analizuojama vaikystės politikos transformacija Lietuvoje gerovės valstybės kūrimo kontekste, siekiant užtikrinti vaikų socialinį saugumą. Aptariama ES socialinės politikos įtaka Lietuvos socialinės politikos raidai, teigiama, kad socialinis aprūpinimas yra tik viena iš problemų, sprendžiant vaikų socialinio saugumo klausimus. Siekiant užtikrinti vaikų socialinį saugumą, be kitų veiksnių, svarbu įveikti smurtą prieš vaikus ir skurdą. Globalizacijos sąlygomis gausėja smurto prieš vaikus formų, valstybėje taikomi kovos su šiuo reiškiniu metodai yra nepakankami, veikiantys įstatymai labiau skirti nusikaltėlių persekiojimui, bet nepajėgūs užkardyti šios rūšies nusikaltimų. Viena iš smurto prieš vaikus plitimo prielaidų – skurdas. Skurde ir žemiau skurdo ribos gyvenančių šeimų vaikai dažniau tampa smurto aukomis, valstybė dar nepajėgi sudaryti jiems vienodų startinių galimybių socializacijos procese, šia situacija naudojasi smurtautojai. Straipsnyje aptariamos valstybės taikomos skurdo mažinimo priemonės.
This article reflects the impact of regulatory decisions of the Republic of Latvia on the food retail sector and sustainable product supply provided by food retail chains, as well as on operational trends. Attention has been drawn to the law of the Republic of Latvia on the key characteristics of foodstuffs and sales on the market. The research covers development of classification of the main instruments characterizing the products subject to the national regulation, as well as development of a scheme of the impact of the Latvian authorities on the operation of food retail chains. To implement the goal and tasks of the research, the authors have applied quantitative and qualitative research methods of economics, i.e., comparison, grouping, graphical, assessment and analytical methods. The research is based on the results of the previous research conducted by the authors so far, the law of the Republic of Latvia, scientific works published by other scientists, general and special literature and periodicals. The authors have summarized the findings and conducted comparative analysis of the regulatory decisions of the Republic of Latvia as well as presented a market survey within the research.
The article analyzes the teachings of the Catholic Church about the Mother of God of Mary. Such teaching is basically based on four dogmas about Virgin Mary: The Mother of God, The Virgin, The Immaculate Conception and The Assumption. The doctrine of the Catholic Church is distinguished from other Christian denominations by the fact that it has a unified and rather precise teaching not only about Mary, but also about other things of faith and morals in general. The person of Mary is examined in the light of the teachings of the Holy Scriptures, Tradition and Magisterium. This is important to emphasize that the main four dogmas have been formed over the centuries, based on the beliefs of the faithful (sensus fidei), approved by the universal assembly of the Church and by the popes solemnly proclaimed ex cathedra, as probable truths that are obligatory for all Catholics.
Volume 82, Issue 1 (2019), pp. 23–47
The current study (N = 514) explores the relationship between humanistic spirituality as it is conceptualised in the proposed Humanistic Spirituality Model and parenting experiences defined herein as authoritative, authoritarian and permissive parenting styles, parental behavioural and psychological control as well as secure and insecure parental and adult attachment styles. The study has found that of the three parenting styles, only the authoritative style is a significant positive predictor of spirituality, though secure attachment in adulthood and the two demographic variables, age and female gender, serve as even more salient predictors. Both parents’ behavioural and psychological control forms do not predict humanistic spirituality, whereas secure attachment to the mother furthers spirituality indirectly as it is a significant predictor of one of the most important determinants of spirituality, secure attachment in adulthood.
Volume 80, Issue 2 (2018), pp. 23–41
Government organization and activities in a democratic state must be based on the principle of separation of powers. The essence of this principle is to ensure individual rights and freedoms and to help the society prevent government arbitrariness. Each power is implemented through its institutions: Parliament, representing the Nation, legislate the laws and perform other functions provided in the Constitution, the Government implement the laws legislated by Parliament and courts execute justice. If the state does not ensure the implementation of justice, all the talk of democracy, the rule of law, civil society, human rights and freedoms are declarative. Only being independent and autonomous judicial authorities can properly fulfill their function – to execute justice, to ensure implementation of law, expressed in the Constitution, laws and other legal norms, to guarantee the rule of law, to protect human rights and freedoms. Inevitably, the question must be raised whether the courts executing justice ensure these constitutional principles good enough and whether the citizen applying to the court to protect his violated rights can be sure that the court will resolve the dispute impartially and restore his violated rights. Authors of the article examine such an important topic as confidence in the courts, discuss the possible ways and means to achieve that the state government would be more trusted. In the article authors raise a question whether it would be effective to establish associate judges’ institute in Lithuania. The authors conclude that Lithuania is one of the few democratic countries having no jury or associate judges institution and that its establishment would help reduce corruption in the legal system. Also it would be a step to increase public confidence in the judiciary. The main conclusion is that discussions about moderate model of associate judges’ institution shall be encouraged. The authors believe that such a concept model would not form intervention in the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania of 1992 and legal framework, but would complement the practice and the commitment to strengthen the relation between the public authorities and society, which is expressed in the Constitution. The model of such aspiration development really makes sense and would be very necessary.
The article is intended as a presentation and investigation of the historical terminology of traditional Lithuanian musical instruments, details of their construction, and their music-making features. The research material was collected after reviewing Lithuanian ethnomusicological literature from the end of the 19th century to the first decades of the 20th century, in order to find the earliest descriptions in the field of actual terminology. Most attention is paid to the historical works of Mikas Petrauskas (1873–1937), Pranas Puskunigis (1860–1946), Justinas Strimaitis (1895–1960), Mykolas Biržiška (1882–1922), Adolfas Sabaliauskas (1873–1950), and Teodoras Brazys (1870–1930). In this respect, traditional Lithuanian musical instruments are not studied in a systematic way, so the facts presented in this article supplement the work by the contemporary ethnomusicologists and ethno-instrumentologists Romualdas Apanavičius, Marija Baltrėnienė, Gaila Kirdienė, Vida Palubinskienė, Algirdas Vyžintas, Rūta Žarskienė, and others.
The article explores the rhetorical elocution of speeches given by the most famous American business leaders, seen from the point of view of persuasiveness. The aim of the research is to analyse the figurative expression of the speeches in question, to determine and generalise the most common elements of their rhetorical stylistics. Fifty speeches by American business leaders, given on various occasions in the period 1981 to 2020, were chosen and analysed for this article. The research is intended to reveal how various rhetorical figures used by contemporary orators serve as tools for persuasion and emotive argumentation.
The research explores the compatibility of syntactic characteristics of legal English and plain English. The paper analyses the competition of linguistic means of expression between plain English and legal English. To this end, the paper (1) explores the characteristics of legal writing and identifies syntactic features that cause comprehension problems; (2) analyses syntactic features and means of expression of plain English; (3) investigates the compatibility of the requirements for plain English with the characteristics of legal English. The research is based on the Treaty of Lisbon. The findings prove that although formal requirements for legal English are compatible with the requirements for plain English, there is a great difference between the means of expression of the two variations. Nevertheless, plain English principles allow appropriate user-friendly syntactic competitors for most complicated cases of syntax in legal writing.