Volume 71, Issue 2 (2015), pp. 39–46
The article is devoted to the study of socio-cultural environment of the student youth as a reference group of professional socialization. According to the collected theoretical and practical material, the development components, trends and standards are reviewed. The research results show that the process of unsuccessful professional socialization and adaptation, which may result in a process of social exclusion, also deserves careful research attention. The obstacles of successful professional socialization are mentioned, such as a sharp increase in social differentiation and changes in the structure of public relations, which act as factors – demotivators of the process of professional socialization. It is emphasized that the main determinant of stabilization should act as handling social conflicts (misunderstandings), which is inevitable. It is noted that the initial professional socialization within the university as a social institution can be seen as a means of reducing social conflicts, because in the professional socialization and proper labor standards and values, the greatest achievement of combining norms and values is held.
Volume 70, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 39–62
The aim of this article is to evaluate the changes of Lithuanian family with children support policy during the years 1996–2013. Using concept of change of policy paradigm we try to reveal which trends of Lithuanian family support policy reflects the changes of legal social security framework and expenditure on family social support in the period 1996–2013. It is made an attempt to answer the question can we talk about clearer directions of this policy, certain systematic, paradigmatic changes or only about inessential improvements of existing policy. In the context of path dependence concept it is discussed how new paradigms of family support policy are developing or why old paradigms remain. According to the analysis of legal framework and expenditure for family social risk, during the years 1996–2013 family support policy experienced various improvements, corrections, reformings. However, if the policy change understood systematically, as the unit of objectives, principles, instruments, resources and public support, we cannot identify paradigmatic changes in this policy in Lithuania.
Volume 87, Issue 2 (2021): Volume 87, pp. 39–52
The article analyses the satisfaction of employee needs in Lithuanian organisations, according to
A. Maslow’s theory of needs hierarchy. Motivation plays an important role in making people successful and happy in both their daily and their work life. Everyone looks for all possible ways to meet their needs in the organisation they work for, and doing so tends to change from a less satisfactory condition to a better one. The theory of the hierarchy of needs has been widely accepted, and has been particularly supported by many managers, largely because it is logical and simple, and therefore easy to understand. This theory explains what motivates people to work, and has shown managers that work motives are determined by a wide range of needs. According to the study, the results in Lithuanian organisations are in line with Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs, which states that the needs of the last level of the hierarchy of needs must be met first, in order to create the conditions for the next.
In the article is surveyed the calendar-ritual tradition and its change from the magical beginning to poetic, aesthetic one. It is presented dominant level – suggestive, seen in the formula desirable – real. The focus is on a calendar memory, its main factors by which it is relayed. The emphasis is on repetition, variation of traditional actions and verbal expression.
This article examines the attitudeof young people of age 18 to 30 from Lithuania, Latvia, Finland and Norway towards the national costume. The aim of this article is to analyze and determine how national costume is appreciated by the youth of countries mentioned before. The article briefly presents the preconditions for the emergence and creation of a nationalcostume; it analyzes what kind of information is lacking about national costume. The research was made in 2017-2018. Information was provided by 156 respondents. In conclusion, the worst situation is is between Finnish youth and the deepest traditions of costume‘s wearing has Norway. The results of Lithuanians reveal that national costume is not very important tradition, Latvians show the growing interest in the costume.
Nemažėjančios socialinės problemos, įvairūs socialiniai, ekonominiai, psichologiniai veiksniai, lemiantys ikimokyklinio ugdymo proceso dalyvių poreikius, motyvaciją, lūkesčius, šeimų švietimui kelia atitinkamus iššūkius. Straipsnyje pristatomos pedagogų ir tėvų nuomonės apie šeimų švietimo organizavimo ir įgyvendinimo galimybes Šilutės miesto ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose. Anketinės apklausos (raštu) būdu apklausti 97 pedagogai ir 208 tėvai. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad dažniausia šeimų švietimą organizuoja ir įgyvendina ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogai, rečiau – administracija ir specialistai. Vykdomas abiejų krypčių šeimų švietimas – informacinio ir kryptingo edukacinio, pažymėtina, kad informacinio pobūdžio – dažniau. Šeimų švietimui organizuoti ir įgyvendinti dažniausia trūksta vaiko teisių apsaugos specialistų, socialinių darbuotojų, lektorių, švietimo pagalbos ir visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros specialistų. Šiame procese ypač svarbi asmeninė respondentų nuomonė ir įsitraukimą į procesą lemiančių veiksnių kaita, tokių kaip šeimų aktyvumas, pakankamas specialistų skaičius, laikas, lėšos, komandinis darbas, tėvų įsitikinimų ir elgesio pokyčiai, visų švietimo proceso dalyvių bendradarbiavimas ir kt.
Methodological practice is based on complex linguistic research when semasiological and onomasiological aspects are combined. The article analyses the Lithuanian words for cow, bull and calf, in order to determine what conceptual features of animals semasiological and onomasiological lexical studies help to highlight. The main source of empirical material is the dictionary of the Lithuanian language. The analysis of complex semasiological and onomasiological lexemes shows that the language system identifies various conceptual features of cow, bull and calf. At the top of the animal hierarchy is the cow. The categorisation that emerges from the language system reflects the anthropocentric evaluation of the animals discussed.
The research considers the features and requirements for legal language and plain language with the purpose to analyse legalese in the context of plain language as a means to ensure clear expert-to-layman communication. The findings based on the analysis of the text of the Treaty of Lisbon show that many typical lexical features of legal language cause vagueness and impede the reader’s perception. Nowadays, the use of legalese is not restricted to the legal profession any more. Therefore, recently the principles of plain language have started being applied to official documentation with the emphasis on precision, clarity of expression, avoidance of unnecessary details, etc. The ever-increasing demand for clear expert-to-layman communication naturally increased the demand for intralingual translation by applying plain language principles to legal language.
Volume 84, Issue 1 (2020), pp. 37–50
Across the social work and social pedagogy educational programmes in Sweden, the nature and process of curriculum designs require engagement with multiple stakeholders within a highly complex context. A number of studies have identified diverse models of academic collaborations derived from various theoretical positions and environmental influences. This article explores collaborative creativity embedded in Swedish national and international Erasmus networking. Research participants consisted of teaching staff, fieldworkers, experts and researchers. This study goes on to propose knowledge alliances as action models for capacity building in social pedagogy and social work professional practice. It is concluded that sharing information and perspectives on, for example, contextual aspects and theoretical viewpoints in which scholars and practitioners operate, provides inspiration for capacity building in social pedagogical educational settings. This article has been prepared within the framework of the project ‘Social Professions for Youth Education in the Context of European Solidarity’ (2019-1-PL 01-KA203-065091).
Volume 75, Issue 3 (2016), pp. 37–48
Straipsnyje atskleidžiama vaiko sampratų ir vaikystės fenomenų socialinių-kultūrinių prasmių raidos genezė. Tuo pagrindu nagrinėjamas vaikystės fenomenų tyrimų socialinis-edukacinis prasmingumas. Pasitelkiami socialiniai, filosofiniai ir kultūriniai antropologiniai kontekstai, atskleidžiantys, kaip suvokiant vaikystės fenomenų prasmes galima atlikti į vaikystės ir vaiko pasaulį orientuotus kokybinius tyrimus. Plačiau analizuojami vaikų metaforinio mąstymo fenomenologiniai, hermeneutiniai ir psichokognityviniai kontekstai. Atskleidžiama vaiko metaforinio mąstymo fenomenologinių reikšmių genezė: nuo žinių prie prasmių, nuo ugdymo proceso, kuris reiškia „turėti“, prie proceso, kuris reiškia būti su vaiku, pedagogui išliekant tarpininku tarp socialinės realybės pasaulio ir vaiko pasaulio.