There is the one of the biggest problem in the world- not sustainable development of countries, regions. The governments of different countries were trying to solve economical differences between some countries and regions only using economic measures in last century. It should be noted that economic development orientations and concepts cannot satisfy the humanity’s needs and they have only a limited application spectrum in environmental protection studies. The situation supposes the necessity to propose new approaches and to define the essence of economic theory, its potential role and tasks, in solving issues related to critical human existence and civilization survival in the future. Sustainable development is based on three dimensions: economic development, social development, and environmental protection. But still there are big scientific problem – how to change mentality of people through the world? How to find measures that would be understandable for everybody? How to change people thinking to use less? How to explain for managers of organizations, that to be sustainable – to be successful? These and other questions were analyzed in this article. The aim of this paper is to describe benefit of sustainable development in organizations. Object of research – sustainable organizations. The tasks of the article: to analyze the concepts of sustainable development in organizational level; to analyze concept of sustainable organization and to show benefit for organizations to sustainable. Used methods are- the analysis of scientific articles, comparison, and observation.
The following article is devoted to determine what the main tendencies are concerning the Environmental Management Systems’ certification in the accordance with ISO 14001 and EMAS’ registrations in the years 1999–2013 from a different countries’ perspective. Giving examples of representative quantitative data, the author presents dynamics of the growth of environmental management systems and also absolute positional qualifications (describing numbers of certificates and registrations), as well as relative qualifications (presenting numbers of certificates and registrations per million residents) in various European countries. The quantitative analyses that have been conducted show a general increasing tendency regarding the number of certificates and registrations. Looking from a perspective of different European countries, Italy and Spain have gained highest evaluation concerning the certification of environmental management systems according ISO 14001 and registration in EMAS.
Definitions and sets of indicators as wellas approaches on sustainable development are compiled, discussed and evaluated inthis paper. The researched region embraces forfive urban and district municipalities in western Lithuaniaand Latviain the total area of 1393.93 km2. The scheme of steps of assessmentof sustainability with selected sets of indicators relevant for the sea shoreregion of Lithuania and Latviais presented and discussed.
Lietuvos žemės ūkio sektoriuje vyrauja smulkūs ūkiai, kuriems veikti rinkos sąlygomis sudėtinga. Tad norėdami įgyti konkurencinį pranašumą, valdyti žemės ūkio produkcijos rinkas, gerinti produkcijos kokybę, spręsti socialinius ir aplinkosaugos klausimus, turi jungtis į didesnius darinius – steigti kooperatyvus ir gamintojų organizacijas. Tyrimu siekta atskleisti gamintojų organizacijų (GO) raidą ES šalyse ir pasiūlyti būdų, kaip sparčiau vystytis Lietuvoje? Darbe atlikta ekonominės literatūros ir teisinės dokumentacijos žemės ūkio produkcijos rinkų reguliavimo ir žemdirbių kooperatyvų klausimais analizė. Taikytas iš dalies standartizuotas interviu su Lietuvos ir Airijos, Italijos, Latvijos, Lenkijos, Olandijos, Prancūzijos, Švedijos, Vokietijos kooperatyvų bei GO vadovais ir specialistais. Siekiant aktyvinti kooperatyvus ir GO, būtina parengti ir priimti ilgalaikę strategiją, kurioje numatyti gamintojų organizacijų plėtros kryptis ir pagrindines priemones: produkcijos realizavimas, ūkininkų ir kooperatyvų vadovų mokymai (konsultavimas), paramos gavimo supaprastinimas ir kt.
Dinamišką ir kompleksišką aplinkos turinį gali atliepti socialiai versli organizacija. Socialinis verslumas pirmiausia skatina pokyčius pačioje organizacijoje, prisiimant atsakomybę už darnų vystymą ir diegiant inovacijas, o organizacijos socialinė veikla daro poveikį bendruomenėms, regionams ir globaliai. Šioje studijoje pateikiama susisteminta informacija, atskleidžiamas tarpusavyje susijusių organizacijos socialinio verslumo, socialinės atsakomybės, darnaus vystymo, organizacijos pilietiškumo konceptų ryšys. Apibendrinant nagrinėjamus konceptus, suformuotas organizacijos socialinio verslumo ir darnios plėtros proceso modelis, išskirtos trys organizacijos verslo modelio brandos perspektyvos, susiejant kuriamą socialinę vertę ir organizacijos taikomas socialinės atsakomybės priemones, jų poveikio trukmę ir vietą. Į modelį integruota organizacijos pilietiškumo dimensija, pabrėžiant jos svarbą darnaus vystymo darbotvarkėje.
The presence of imbalances and asymmetries of the rural development form the need of harmonious development directions of the village that led to the choice of a researched topic. The aim of this work is to find and study areas and mechanisms for the orderly development of rural areas based on the principles of formation food and economic security, organic farming, and waste-free life and bio-adequate approaches in growing up and education. The study covers the period from 1991 to 2014. Evaluation of the results was based on sociometric and statistical methods. Theoretical and methodological basis of research was grounded on system-synergetic approach to the study and modelling of socio-economic processes. It was formed a model of dynamic ecological social and economic settlement system capable of self-sufficiency. Specificity of the organization and functioning of the environmental settlements in terms of global challenges was identified.