Volume 67, Issue 2 (2014), pp. 19–34
In the article the paradigm of traditional public administration is analysed by trying to accomplish the critique of the model in the cultural dimension direction and by identifying the crucial elements of post-modernism which, according to the authors, had made an impact for the formation of such a model. There are also revealed the parameters of post-modernism in metanarrative theories of rationality, as the grounded technological and instrumental relation towards traditional paradigm principles by stressing the hierarchical governance, bureaucratic relations, control mechanisms, rational organisational structure and functional division with professionalism. By identifying the main traits of traditional paradigm, the aspects and tendencies of post-modernist organisations are revealed and the controversial answer to the question about the relevance of traditional public administration model is presented.
Volume 84, Issue 1 (2020), pp. 19–36
The current global situation after Covid-19 presents the situation of youth in Europe as a synthesis for an international strategy of national youth policies instigated by the Council of Europe ‘Supporting Young People in Europe: Principles, Policy, Practice’. We look at youth policy as an initiative within other policy areas, which affect not only young people but all of society. The article presents the social and demographic situation of youth in the EU, and the state of play regarding welfare and poverty, education, employment, family issues, health and behaviour, and the future of youth in the EU.
Volume 68, Issue 3 (2014), pp. 17–34
The author of the article, by way of applying theoretical analysis and using empirical evidence, as well as by analysing international documents ratified by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, the laws in force, and the resolutions of the Government, argues that a prerequisite for the success in building a well fare state is sustainable development of society. The aspiration of sustainable development is a challenge not only to the interaction of the economic, ecological, and social systems, but also to the interaction of sub-systems within said systems. The deficit of sustainable development in the social system destroys the structure of the society, creates prerequisites for the discrimination of some social groups, for the marginalisation of social groups, and for the rise of social exclusion. The increasing level of social exclusion poses a threat to national stability and security, therefore, it is important to timely identify the causes of the rise of social exclusion and, by removing them, to eliminate the preconditions for the formation of crisis situations.
Volume 75, Issue 3 (2016), pp. 17–36
Straipsnyje siekiama pagrįsti komunikacinės kompetencijos aktualumą socialinio darbo profesiniotapsmo procese. Atsižvelgiama į sąvokos socialinis sąsajas su ekonomikos, politikos kryptimis ir prioritetais, socialinio darbo pokyčiais praktikoje, pabrėžiant komunikaciją kaip veiklos bei patirtinio mokymosi galimybę ir šaltinį. Remiantis teorinės ir empirinės analizės rezultatais analizuojamas pagalbos šeimai procesas, akcentuojant galimybę plėtoti komunikacinę kompetenciją individualios intervencijos procese ar grupėje. Straipsnyje laikomasi mokymosi paradigmos ir socialinio įgalinimo metodologinių nuostatų, išryškinančių aktyvaus ir atsakingo veikėjo poziciją, bendradarbiavimo reikšmę, lemiančias profesinės veiklos sėkmę. Straipsnio pradžioje aptariamas dinamiškas ir nuolat kintantis socialinio darbo kontekstas, lemiantis tarpasmeninės komunikacijos trukdžius ir problemas, pagrindžiama komunikacinės kompetencijos plėtotės būtinybė. Analizuojant mokymosi konstruotiįgalinantį santykį su šeima teorines galimybes, aptariamas patirtinio mokymosi procesas, apibūdinama jo struktūra, dalyvių tarpusavio komunikacija, lemianti turinio konstravimą, naujų žinių kūrimą. Remiantis J. Eidukevičiūtės (2013) disertacinio tyrimo rezultatais, išryškinamos empirinės profesinioidentiteto formavimosi prielaidos, atskleidusios „pasilikimą“ pirminėje profesionalizacijos procesofazėje. Aktualizuojant komunikacinės kompetencijos plėtotę pagalbos šeimai procese, išryškinamiesminiai profesionalizacijos nuostatų realizavimo trukdžiai, nulemti socialinių darbuotojų ir šeimos, kaip kliento, komunikacijos problemų. Atskleidžiama eksperto praktiko arba supervizoriaus palydėjimo būtinybė patirtinio mokymosi procese, formuluojama įžvalga, kad toks palydėjimasįgalina praktiką pasitelkus refleksiją plėtoti savo, kaip socialinio darbuotojo, profesionalumą.
Volume 70, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 17–38
By means of analysing the peculiarities of cognitive authorities utilized in election programs of the candidates of Lithuanian presidential election campaign 2014, the article aims at the identification of the manifestations of evidence based policy employed to support the candidates’ proposals on the state government related issues. Analysis of the texts produced by the participants of the political campaign is based on the concept of evidence based policy. Authors of this article interpret the term of evidence based policy from the perspective of library and information science where the focus is on the use of information sources. Analysis of the manifestations of evidence based policy in the case of presidential election campaign in the Republic of Lithuania is based on the methodology framed by Kimmo Tuominen and Timo Turja. In the article the concept of cognitive authorities is interpreted on the basis of Patrick Wilson’s insights. This is the first research of the type in Lithuania which helped disclose that participants of the election campaign subjected to analysis cannot be attributed to the representatives of evidence based policy.
Volume 69, Issue 4 (2014), pp. 17–36
The paper focuses on the currently rather intensive process of the social work professionalisation and proposes to place a greater emphasis on the human dimension, i.e. social worker’s personality as a guarantee of professional success. The occupational burnout syndrome is discussed as a negative subjective circumstance of the profession of social work. The principal traits of the occupational burnout syndrome are revealed, and the dimensions of the occupational burnout syndrome are identified and characterised. On the basis of the works of Lithuanian and foreign researchers on the said subject, the discourse of the occupational burnout syndrome in social work is presented, and the factors that influence the emergence of the phenomenon (both individual and job-related / organisational) in professional activity are discussed. The empirical research by means of the so far the most popular Maslach’s Burnout Inventory (MBI) reveals the effects of the occupational burnout on social worker’s personality, practical activity, and the status of the profession of social work in the society.
Volume 85, Issue 2 (2020), pp. 16–27
Recently, health-related quality of life has become one of the main underlying assumptions for public health practice, especially for gaining insights into highly complex health problems that are mainly determined by social factors. Children’s health is highly determined by social factors, especially those in the family environment. We follow a newly emerging trend to investigate health-related quality of life within a family-centered social system instead of individualistic approach; therefore, we chose KIDSCREEN52 questionnaire. We consider KIDSCREEN52 questionnaire significant for public health practice.
Volume 73, Issue 1 (2016), pp. 15–38
In this article an emergency medical assistance and the inter hospital transfer problems are analysed in context of the restructurization of health care institutions and services, also of regionalization and centralization policy in Lithuania. Though the increased accessibility of health care services and improvement of the quality, also reduction of social exclusion and unevenness of provision of health care services are declared as the main objectives (purpose) of restructurization, however increased number of inter hospital transfers and crowding of the Emergency Departments indicate the possible negative tendencies. One of the substantial (fundamental) requirement of the inter hospital transfers is the continuous emergency care during transportation. The article provides a unified concept of second transportation between hospitals. The survey results contain the points of specialists and executives of emergency medical assistance on the current management situation of inter hospital patient flow and the ways how the management of patient flow can be improved. The study was made using questionnaire survey, the questions were divided into separate groups by the objectives of this study. Reasoned conclusions and the scheme of the emergency medical care patients flow are developed with reference to the results of this study.
Volume 87, Issue 2 (2021): Volume 87, pp. 14–38
The article analyses the development of employee financial participation in Lithuania, describes the legal environment of financial participation, and supports this participation. Two methods were used to analyse employee financial participation: 1) the method of logical analysis in examining the internal documents of companies; 2) the qualitative research methods of focus group and semi-structured individual interviews. Theories of the agency and stakeholders were used to analyse the data collected. These theories are usually applied in research in an integrated way, analysing employee financial participation to elucidate the phenomenon of employee ownership, and examining the agent’s performance. It has been established that in Lithuania four employee share ownership programmes and plans usually apply: extensive employee share option programmes (granted to public limited companies whose shares are traded on stock exchanges); granting employee stock options to executives (so-called executive stock option programmes and one-time decisions); stock option programmes in start-ups; and shares granted by shareholders to employees.
Volume 66, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 13–28
The aim of this study is to seek answers to the following questions: 1) How has the formation and development of the history of education interacted with teacher training in universities? 2) How did the Iron Curtain influence the development of the history of education in Latvia and how can the consequences of Soviet era in the history of education be overcome? 3) What kind of history of education is suitable for teacher training programmes today? These questions are researched based on the analysis of the history of pedagogy as a course in Latvian and Belgian universities.