Volume 93, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 171–179
Archbishop Mečislovas Reinys is one of the most outstanding personalities of the 20th century. He was a professor, minister of foreign affairs, priest and martyr. Throughout his life, Reinys tried to spread the truths of the faith. The quest to protect both Lithuania and the whole of Western Europe from the collapse of civilisation after the loss of its Christian foundations led Reinys to the martyr’s crown. Although the articles published in the newspaper Naujoji Lietuva between 1940 and 1944 were rather conservative, they emphasise the tragedy of a society that has lost God as a landmark and a foundation. Reinys not only warned about the imminent catastrophe of Western Europe losing the basis of its civilisation, God and Christian values, but also called primarily for a cultural-ideological struggle using all possible weapons, because matter without spirit leads to destruction. It should be stated that Reinys’ written legacy is not collected and systematised today, and his articles published between 1940 and 1944 in the daily Naujoji Lietuva especially lack a detailed and critical scientific approach. In this article, I do not aim to critically assess Reinys’ statements, but look at them with an apologetic eye in order to analyse and actualise the main topic: the fight against godlessness. The first part of the article discusses the historical context that undoubtedly influenced the publication of these articles. The second part of the article examines the content of the articles published in the daily Naujoji Lietuva.
Volume 93, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 180–198
This study examines the influence of historical imprints on attitudes towards volunteering among Lithuanians. Using imprinting theory, we explored how the historically evolved Soviet imprints have influenced modern attitudes toward formal volunteering. Quantitative data analysis (N=358) revealed that some Soviet imprints might have decayed, while some were strong enough to survive until modern times to affect attitudes towards formal volunteering. This study examined three Soviet attitudinal imprints: negative attitudes towards non-governmental organisations, external power primacy, and the authoritarian outlook. The results showed that while some imprints might have decayed, some have survived until today. Our findings underscore the enduring impact of Soviet imprints, and suggest that addressing these historical influences is crucial for enhancing volunteering among citizens of post-Soviet regions.
Volume 93, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 199–222
Because of uncertainties, which are influenced by major external events, such as pandemics, emergence of wars and other phenomena those keep testing organizational abilities to survive and thrive. This article aims to review the existing research on organizational resilience especially in the face of global COVID-19 pandemic – in particular, which factors constitute a successful resilience model. Three branches of organizational resilience were defined and analyzed as follows: knowledge base, resource availability, and social resources & power. Theoretical and empirical research results create a basis for further research in order to analyze the phenomenon of organizational resilience in a broader sense, by adapting a complex approach and covering different sectors.
Volume 93, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 223–244
With the popularisation of education in health care, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, thereby strengthening all-round health, with physical, mental and emotional well-being, becomes more relevant. The aim of the article is to reveal the possibilities of education in a healthy lifestyle based on the point of view and experience of health-care specialists. The questionnaire survey of health-care specialists showed that the respondents have a positive attitude towards the need for the education of individuals in a healthy lifestyle, but they lack knowledge about strengthening personal health and education in a healthy lifestyle. Although the respondents’ approach to education in a healthy lifestyle is complex, their health behaviour may not always be a suitable example to others. Not only the functions of information and education, but also guidance, consulting and assistance are important to the interviewees, but they lack the skills of educational competence to perform them. In addition, health-care professionals lack sufficient knowledge and ability to apply educational methods, prepare tools, and use resources, and integrate education in a healthy lifestyle into health care.
Pub. online:30 Dec 2024Type:Book ReviewOpen Access
Volume 93, Issue 2 (2024), pp. 245–248
Dr. Raimondo Kazlausko monografija „Politiškumo genealogija“ (recenzentai: prof. habil. dr. Tomas Sodeika, Vilniaus universitetas, Filosofijos institutas; prof. habil. dr. Vytautas Radžvilas, Vilniaus universitetas, Filosofijos institutas; prof. habil. dr. Zenonas Norkus, Vilniaus universitetas, Sociologijos ir socialinio darbo institutas; prof. dr. Arūnas Acus, Klaipėdos universitetas, Socialinių pokyčių studijų centras) Klaipėdos miesto bendruomenei pristatyta 2024 metų birželį Imanuel’io Kant’o viešojoje bibliotekoje. Monografijos autoriaus ir renginio moderatoriaus rašytojo ir filosofo dr. Arvydo Juozaičio dialogas atskleidė gilumines monografijos prasmes, tai ir padiktavo recenzijos pavadinimą „Tarp politikos ir politiškumo“.