The article is a study of the ways the mythical concepts of the English mythological conceptual world-view are reflected in the Old English lexis. To explain this, we combine all the concepts under analysis into conceptual segments according to their dominant conceptual features. In the article, we specifically dwell on the conceptual segment of the RELIGIOUS SPHERE, which integrates three sub-segments, GOD (god), DEVIL (deofol), and RELIGIOUS/SPIRITUAL NOTIONS.
There are three prefaces in Christian Gottlieb Mielcke’s (1733–1807) dictionary Littauisch-deutsches und Deutsch-littauisches Wörter-Buch (1800). The first is written by the compiler himself; the second by Daniel Jenisch (1762–1804), a Berlin theologian and linguist; and the third by Christoph Friedrich Heilsberg (1726/7–1807), a counsellor in the Königsberg Chamber of War and Domains and inspector of East Prussian schools. The ‘Friend’s Note’ (Nachschrift eines
Freundes) of the philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) is placed after all of them. It is a friendly, quite short, one-and-a-half-page commentary on the Lithuanians and their language, written in free form, and cannot be called a true preface.
The article analyses the circumstances of the appearance of Kant’s ‘Friend’s Note’ in the dictionary, and discusses the ideas expressed in it.
Johann Jacob Quandt (1686–1772), professor primarius of theology at the University of Königsberg, chief court preacher, and General Superintendent of Prussia, is known as a publisher of Lithuanian books, supervisor of the Lithuanian Language Seminar, and a historiographer of Lithuanian writings. Quandt made his name as one of the first historiographers of Lithuanian writings by German forewords in Lithuanian books published under his guidance, the first printed Bible (11735), hymnal Iß naujo pérweizdėtos ir pagérintos Giesmû-Knygos (11732) and postil Trumpas ir prástas Ißguldimas wissû Nedėlês ir ßwentû Dienû Ewangeliû (11750). The article deals with the information on Lithuanian writings presented by Quandt in the manuscript Preußische Presbyterologie (Prussian Presbyterology, before 1772), which is currently stored in Berlin, in the Secret State Archives Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation (GStA PK: XX. HA Hist. StA Königsberg, Hs, Nr. 2, Bd. 1–5).
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama meno kūrinio motyvų analizės problema. Bandoma sujungti esamas motyvų analizės teorijos kryptis, taip pat – nubrėžti perspektyvias tolesnių tyrimų kryptis. Atskleisti pagrindiniai principai, kuriais literatūrinių kategorijų sistemoje grindžiamas terminas motyvas. Atlikus analizę, suformuoti kriterijai, pagal kuriuos galima atpažinti dominuojančius motyvus poezijoje.
The Polish-Lithuanian conflict did not die down in the autumn of 1920 after the termination of bloody fighting, but instead persisted. However, from then on, the conflict continued mainly at the diplomatic level, in propaganda, and in the operations of the secret services: subversive and sabotage-related activities, propaganda-based subversion, disinformation and intelligence-related activities. On the Polish side, these activities were conducted by agencies of the Second Department of the General Staff (Central Headquarters) of the Polish army, and on the Lithuanian side by the Intelligence (Information) Department of the General Staff (Supreme Staff). A distinctive feature of Lithuanian intelligence directed against Poland was the substantial involvement of women, and using Lithuanians who were citizens of the Second Polish Republic doing their mandatory military service in the Polish army. The most costly victories over Polish intelligence were attributed to women agents of Lithuanian intelligence.
The article explores the rhetorical disposition (structural composition) of the speeches delivered by the most renowned American business leaders, which is approached from the perspective of persuasion. The aim of the research is to analyse the dispositional topic of the speeches in question: to determine and generalise the most common elements of rhetorical composition. Fifty speeches by American business leaders, delivered on various occasions in the period 1981 to 2019, have been chosen and analysed in this article. The research is intended to answer the question whether contemporary orators still follow the principles of structural composition proposed by Classical rhetorical theory, and to observe how dispositional topics are changing with regard to orally delivered speeches.
Lexicography of the Latvian language is currently working on issues related to research on neology and its inclusion in the electronic version of the ‘Dictionary of the Modern Latvian Language’. Looking at these issues in a wider context, it can be concluded that in many parts of the world, as well as in neighbouring Lithuania, work on neology and its research takes on a different perspective; therefore, it is important to identify these different practices and theories, providing a comparative insight into the experience of neology research in Latvia. This article provides a general overview of neology research trends, and issues in the lexicography of Latvia and Lithuania.
of the pre-Christian religion, performed various duties, including therapeutic activities. The descriptions in sources indicate that the nature of the therapeutic assistance they provided varied according to the magic activity they performed. The healing activities of vaidilučiai have not been systematically studied. This article analyses data on the therapeutic activities of different groups of vaidilučiai in 15th to 18th-century written sources, and identifies traces of these activities in 19th to 21st-century folk medicine based on archival records and the author’s healing faith records. The research helps us to trace the meaning and origins of some therapeutic methods of folk medicine, and the possible development of traditions.
2020 metų lapkričio 25-ąją Lietuvos akademinę bendruomenę pasiekė skaudi žinia iš Parmos (Italija) – čia staiga mirė Lietuvos mokslų akademijos užsienio narys, Lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademijos akademikas, Klaipėdos universiteto Garbės daktaras prof. habil. dr. Gvidas Mikelinis (Guido Michelini).