Volume 76, Issue 1 (2017), pp. 45–60
This article analyses the experiences of men who are suffering homelessness. The aim of this article is to identify the main problems of social services and to show their potential development. In today’s Europe, no one can be forced to sleep on the street just because there are no high-quality services that meet human needs. The state must ensure the rights of persons, who are suffering homelessness and to preserve their dignity by providing efficient and high quality social services, because only this kind of services allows to talk about the development of the modern state, shaping and reshaping the model of social services. This research allows to understand the phenomenon of homelessness from the point of view of homeless men and to identify the main problems that hinder to overcome homelessness. This article presents the empirical study, which results showed that social services in Lithuania are based on the material supply, so homeless men have poor access to quality social services. The infrastructure of hostels is not adapted for person with disability; social housing is difficult to obtain because of the long queues; homeless men also have difficulties to access independent living or nursing homes for the elderly.