The purpose of this article is to investigate the mechanisms contributing to increasing of the efficiency of the institutions andinstruments ensuring the innovative development of Russia, increasing of its competitiveness in terms of accession to the WTOand the OECD. The article considers factors, negatively influencing on the innovative development of Russia. In the article wasconducted comparative analysis of expenditure on R&D in the different countries, analysis of modern methods and tools of statesupport of innovative development. A complex of additional measures aimed at enhancing the innovative activity of the businesssector and the measures of state support of innovative development in Russia are proposed.
In the article results of the comparative analysis of world experience of stimulation of innovative-investment process through the formation of a favorable tax climate are generalized. Development of tax stimulation of innovation activity is considered as a crucial factor in building a new model of economic growth. It is concluded that within the subject principle there are three elements of the stimulation instrument: amortization privileges, preferences concerning the profits tax, indirect measures of tax stimulation. Conclusions on potential use of foreign tax instruments of stimulation of innovation activity in the Russian conditions are presented.