System of control of manufacturing process at manufacturing company is being analysed in this article. Generally, reasons of possible inaccuracies during manufacturing process are determined on the grounds of managers’ experience and calculations made. Insufficient attention to this field may determine inability to adopt in variable business environment. After quantitative research in manufacturing company was made as well as after 7 managers and 20 principals, participating in the manufacturing process, were interviewed, many problems were found: resources in the records of critical amounts, management of human resources, change of employees (possibilities of career), preparation of manufacturing tasks, results of activity of employees etc. In case results of this research would not be considered, manufacturing company may not survive in competitive struggle and will be forced to go bankrupt. In order to change the situation, a system of control of manufacturing process, oriented to results, was recommended. This system regulates many relative functions, starting from determination of amount of producible production, quality requirements, preparation of necessary documents, conclusion of schedules of producible production, planning of needs of raw materials/materials, by necessarily assessing effective usage of all resources related to organisation of manufacturing process control of qualitative production getting into warehouse.