Recently, the most intensive processes related to international trade and movement of population are between the countries and regions that have elaborated models of international cooperation. The intensity of movement depends on inter-governmental agreements and the level of developed transport systems. The synchronized and plannified transport systems ensure the movement of trends of population and trade. This mentioned movement leads towards the studies of transport geography and its object of research. Significant input in transport geography researches were accomplished by prof. Jean Paul Rodrigue, who researched different systems in transport geography, logistics and the territorial distribution of transportation of consignments (Hesse, Rodrigue, 2004). J. P. Rodrigue (2009) argued that changes in transport geography depend on social economic changes in society. The studies of international transportation of the consignments require complex approach of researchers and scientists.
“Gray customs system” is an illegal practice of getting goods across the border without official customs approval. Such practice makes a negative impact on Russia-China economic relations and is, therefore, considered as a barrier for bilateral economic relations between Russia and China. In this context, the paper examines the problems occurred due to the gray customs system and the action taken to mitigate this problem. The research method used for this article is the case study method referring to secondary data, scholarly literature and reports.
The aim of the article is to analyze the prevalence of retail stores in Latvian regions and consumer behavior in Latvia. The authors have analyzed the prevalence of largest retail stores in regions and consumer behavior in retail using available statistical data and research done by the authors. As a result of the study, the role of shop assistants was determined during the purchasing process, and the results of the study have been compiled from the viewpoint of generations. These results can help retail companies to work more effectively by choosing the most appropriate retail store types