Nacionaliniai statistiniai tyrimai atskleidžia, kad miestų ir rajonų savivaldybės laikomos vienos labiausiai korumpuotų institucijų Lietuvoje. Straipsnyje pristatomi 2016 m. ir 2018 m. Klaipėdos rajono savivaldybėje atlikto kartotinio tyrimo rezultatai, leidžiantys įvertinti gyventojų korupcijos suvokimo ir patirties kaitą, gyventojų požiūrį į savivaldybėje taikomas korupcijos prevencijos priemones. Ištirta, kad gyventojai korupciją suvokia labiau neigiamai ir rečiau susidūrė su įvairiomis korupcinės veiklos formomis. Apklaustųjų nuomone, korupcija labiausiai paplitusi medicinos įstaigose, savivaldybės administracijoje ir jos padaliniuose bei žemėtvarkoje. 2018 m. buvo gerokai mažiau teigusiųjų, kad davė kyšius skirtingiems asmenims: medicinos darbuotojui, pareigūnui, valstybės tarnautojui. Apklaustieji mano, kad veiksmingiausia kovos su korupcija priemonė yra bausmės korupcinę veiklą vykdžiusiems asmenims neišvengiamumas bei korupcijos atvejų viešinimas spaudoje, TV ir kitomis priemonėmis. Vis dėlto daugiau nei pusė apklaustųjų, susidūrę su korupcijos atveju, niekur nieko nepraneštų.
The assessment of citizen service quality is an important indicator of the efficiency of public administration institutions. The assessment provides information enabling constant improvement of mechanisms that provide public services and innovative solutions in the areas of public service delivery and organization; it is very important for individuals with specific needs and for development of society. The article presents analysis of peculiarities and criteria of the citizen services’ assessment in Klaipėda and Vilnius counties’ municipalities. The importance and peculiarities of implementation of the citizen service assessment is indicated in the documentation of the Republic of Lithuania on public management development and in the scientific literature on new public management and quality management. According to the regulating documents, all public institutions must annually accomplish an assessment of the citizens’ requests analysis and service quality analysis and later publish these assessment reports on their websites. The empirical research in Klaipėda and Vilnius counties’ municipalities revealed that eight of 15 municipalities do not implement any assessment of citizen service and do not publish their reports. Yet other municipalities most often evaluate the following indicators: admission waiting time; politeness of the officer; duration of time necessary to receive an answer to the question of application; the reason, question or request of application; applicant’s gender and age.
The article presents a survey on Klaipėda district residents’ attitude towards corruption. It is necessary to evaluate the level of corruption in a particular local area because understanding the incentives for corruption and self-dealing is a precondition for making progress. Citizens’ perceptions are important for local governments where citizens have more direct impact on political representation and service provision in their communities. The research revealed that Klaipėda district residents’ attitude towards corruption is negative and the population is aware of the harm caused by corruption. The respondents rarely face the forms of corruption practices. Most respondents think that excessive bureaucracy and the complexity of the legal framework, which is constantly changing, contribute to prevalence of corruption. Most respondents have given bribes to medical personnel. The respondents assume that the most effective anti-corruption means is the inevitability of punishment, as well as giving publicity to corruption acts. When faced with corruption, residents would turn to law enforcement bodies and use anonymous helpline.
The paper presents the corruption issue by highlighting the actual situation of corruption in the Slovak society. This problem has a historical background when after 1993 the Slovak Republic was separated from the Czech Republic. The author offers theoretical attitudes which are necessary to apply in practice for to improve situation in Slovakia. Theoretical information was gained from relevant sources. The author tries to apply official results from Transparency International and other institutes. The media has great effect on public opinion and therefore investigative journalism should be developed which could uncover media property and corruption in the whole society. Journalism should be independent of politicians. It should be objective, full of truthful information with verifiable sources. In the last part of the paper some solutions are suggested which should be applied in practise as they can help to address corruption solutions. In other words, necessary measures may support the healthy environment with social welfare and spur development of the society.
This study aims at presenting complex information on the specifics of regional development and its management system, as well as the experience of forming and implementing the state regional policy in Ukraine. The information in the article is presented in the context of generally accepted notions and concepts of regional development and regional policy, along with the European experience and global trends, but first of all it is based on the realities of regions and rural areas in Ukraine and on its governance model. It has been determined that to establish an effective and competent public administration of rural development should be a priority, singled out as part of the state regional policy, socially orientated and coordinated with sectoral policies.