Cross-border cooperation is one of the advantages of the EU that presented conditions for economic growth of all Member States when the organization was formed. The aim of the work was to look for quantitative indicators and data processing methods that would characterize cross-border interactions, while looking for and marking out high-integration regions. The authors’ previous studies (Paiders, Paiders, 2010) were aimed at conducting measurements of cross-border interactions in the cluster of European states. In this work, the authors use the already-familiar methodology and indicators in order to analyze the cross-border interactions of African states. The layout of highly integrated borders allowed marking out four groups of African states with the greatest economic integration with neighboring states.
Regionams tampant ekonominio ir socialinio gyvenimo pagrindu, įmonės į savo veiklos strategijas turi įtraukti nacionaliniu ir regioniniupagrindu susiformavusias vertybes bei socialinius poreikius. Kompanijos, ypač tarptautinės, turi suderinti regioninę integracijąsu regionine atsakomybe. Straipsnyje analizuojama įmonių socialinės atsakomybės, kaip regioninės plėtros strategijų priemonės,koncepcija. Pagrindinė suformuluota išvada – įmonių veiklos rezultatai ir regionų išsivystymas yra glaudžiai susiję.
The article aims to show that conditioned by globalization processes integration tendencies in the world economy stimulate the search of new export expansion directions and development methods. Their evaluation and implementation are important driving forces for national economic growth and sustainable development of regions. Current Lithuanian state’s position in export promotion, as it enters into exchanges with the ever-changing global environment, must be conceptually justified, enabling equal participation in the international trade and the ability to withstand globalization’s challenges. Most importantly, export promotion and development mechanisms and instruments should allow for timely responses towards the increasing liberalization of economic relationships and encourage the introduction of prerequisites for the acceleration of economic growth through export expansion.