Regionams tampant ekonominio ir socialinio gyvenimo pagrindu, įmonės į savo veiklos strategijas turi įtraukti nacionaliniu ir regioniniupagrindu susiformavusias vertybes bei socialinius poreikius. Kompanijos, ypač tarptautinės, turi suderinti regioninę integracijąsu regionine atsakomybe. Straipsnyje analizuojama įmonių socialinės atsakomybės, kaip regioninės plėtros strategijų priemonės,koncepcija. Pagrindinė suformuluota išvada – įmonių veiklos rezultatai ir regionų išsivystymas yra glaudžiai susiję.
The article aims to show that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs is of great significance and play a crucial rolein almost every nation’s economy and as such have become a major source of employment creation and income generation which inducesinnovation and economic growth. The SMEs sector is of specific importance for the development of the Republic of Moldova.Creating a business environment that fosters small business and entrepreneurship development in Moldova is a key to generatingwider economic growth in the country. As entrepreneurship in Moldova represents a rather new definition and the entrepreneurialactivity is very poor, in this context, the need for SMEs sector support through the creation of stable legal and economic conditionsfavoring entrepreneurial activity development is evident. Empirical research revealed main problems facing Moldovan SMEs, andtheir attitudes to entrepreneurship development.
DOI: article aims to show that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs is of great significance and play a crucial rolein almost every nation’s economy and as such have become a major source of employment creation and income generation which inducesinnovation and economic growth. The SMEs sector is of specific importance for the development of the Republic of Moldova.Creating a business environment that fosters small business and entrepreneurship development in Moldova is a key to generatingwider economic growth in the country. As entrepreneurship in Moldova represents a rather new definition and the entrepreneurialactivity is very poor, in this context, the need for SMEs sector support through the creation of stable legal and economic conditionsfavoring entrepreneurial activity development is evident. Empirical research revealed main problems facing Moldovan SMEs, andtheir attitudes to entrepreneurship development.