Economic sustainability based on the triple bottom line is not new, but topical in the scientific discussion on the development of economic growth. International organisations globally, together with governments, budget an increase in funding for education as the main tool for sustainable annual economic growth. On the other hand, it is difficult to measure the outcome of financial effort, as it is an intangible asset. The current research is based on interviews with 20 professors and 20 students at Klaipėda University and LCC International University, to learn how they understand their role in economic development, and to verify the dependency of their desire to contribute more to their awareness. The findings of the qualitative research show that productivity by both students and educators depends on their awareness of their economic role. On the other hand, as the study shows the limitation of participants’ perception of their economic role, its promotion is suggested.
The article presents the evaluation of organizational culture of SC „Klaipėdos kartonas“. The employees’ attitude towards the importance and influence of OK, values, symbols, history, heroes, traditions and communication is evaluated by questioner created by authors of article. The survey revealed that employees appreciate their OK positively. They are guided by the values of organization in their work. The employees know the values and their impact, the history of organization, and have their heroes-employees. Common traditions are prevalent in organization. The communication in organization is business-like. Statistically important difference was revealed: managers of all levels expressed more agreement for statements about all elements of OK; meanwhile employees without subordinates expressed less agreement or disagreement. It is suggested to involve employees without subordinates in processes of formation and implementation of OK more actively.
Kadsėkmingai funkcionuotų, organizacijos neišvengiamai turi taikytis prie kintančiųvisuomenės vertybių: nuo nuolankumo darbo santykiams prie partnerystės ryšių,nuo greito ir lengviausio pelno prie ilgalaikės plėtros tendencijos, nuo naudossiekimo tik sau prie atsakomybės visuomenei ir gamtai. Visa tai diktuojabūtinybę įmonėms imtis socialiai atsakingos veiklos, nes darni, atsakinga iretiška veikla yra kiekvienos organizacijos didžiausia vertybė. Įmonės,vykdydamos socialiai atsakingą veiklą, įsipareigoja nebūti abejingos visuomenėsinteresams. Visuomenė iš organizacijų tikisi vis daugiau, todėl organizacijosprivalo prisitaikyti, siekdamos sėkmingai veikti. Straipsnyje tiriamasvisuomenės požiūris į įmonių socialinę atsakomybę (toliau – ĮSA), akcentuojant,kiek pati visuomenė prisideda prie socialinės atsakomybės puoselėjimo.
Innovation is often recognized as a vital source of competitive advantage for business. Taking into account the conditions of increasing globalization at a high level of intensity as well as a rapidly changing technological landscape and also continuous customer demands for new products and services on the modern market, it is needed to assume that businesses have to innovate in order to survive and prosper in the contemporary environment. In the context of the paper at hand the main attention is given to the analysis of the theoretical and empirical aspects of the concept of innovation. There were applied such economic science research methods as monographic, grouping, reference, generalization, graphical analysis and content analysis.