Organizacinės kultūros teorija svarbi atliekant mokslinius tyrimus, siekiant gerinti vadovų supratimą apie darbuotojų elgesį organizacijoje. Straipsnyje išanalizuotos organizacinės kultūros vertinimo metodikos. Taikant sudarytą metodiką atliktas tyrimas UAB ,,Yazaky Wiring Technologies Lietuva“. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais, nustatyta, kad organizacijoje mažiausiai dėmesio skiriama ritualų kūrimui ir taikymui, herojų vertinimui. Tačiau bendra analizė atskleidė, kad organizacinė kultūra yra stipri ir ji puoselėjama. Pateikiama rekomendacijų, kaip gerinti organizacijos organizacinę kultūrą.
The aim of this article: To analyze the theoretical assumptions of organizational culture and to investigate the organizational culture in two Lithuanian and foreign capital organizations.
The tasks.
To analyze the theoretical assumptions of the organizational culture.
To investigate organizational culture implementation in the Lithuanian and foreign capital organizations.
The object of the research is: organizational culture in Lithuania and foreign organization.
Research methods: literature analysis, synthesis, questionnaire, data processing SPSS 17.1 (Statistical Package called for the Social Sciences) program.
Research methodology: The research was done in the Lithuanian and foreign capital organizations. Organizations are medium size, activities − production. The research involved 123 respondents. From Lithuanian capital organization 60 respondents and from foreign capital organization 63 respondents participated in the research.
Analyzing the organizational culture in Lithuanian and foreign organizations we can see that those organizations of values are very similar. Foreign organizations and Lithuanian capital gets rituals such as new employee training, celebration during which family members gather together to have a good time, various outings. The Lithuanian capital organization well working employees are honored by manager attention while in the foreign capital organization this ritual is not popular. Foreign capital organization’s employees are friendlier relationship, they feel safer working in this type of organization. Foreign capital organization, according to the workers opinion are strict order, more creativity is encouraged. It may be noted that foreign capital organizations it’s more characteristic collaboration between employees, this organization give more attention for rules and norms compared to the Lithuanian capital organization.