This article aims to assess the dynamic trends in the Lithuania’s hotel market and substantiate, plus illustrate their need, if it exists.Hotel business is becoming increasingly growing entrepreneurial branch that integrates political decisions together with businessinitiatives and local public attitude towards the tourist, or economic benefits left behind. In Lithuania and worldwide hotel businessis expanding rapidly, but the growth of the sector in state was and is particularly vulnerable to the historical conditions, politicaldecisions, new business trends - international business and globalization, and, of course, the needs of incoming tourists. But howand in what direction is reasonable to develop the hotel industry is the main topic discussed in the article with additionally carriedout statistical analysis.
Straipsnyje atskleidžiamas įvairiapusis požiūris į verslo aplinkos strateginės vadybos svarbą, rengiant verslo plėtros strategines kryptis politinių, ekonominių, socialinių ir kitų sprendimų kontekste. Autoriai akcentuoja šiuolaikinės aplinkos reikšmę naujiems rizikingiems sumanymams atsirasti ir pagrindžia politinių sprendimų, priimamų vyriausybės programų pagrindu, svarbą šaliesekonomikos plėtrai perspektyvos požiūriu. Pateiktos įžvalgos apibūdinti verslo plėtros galimybes.
For twenty years, as soon as the talking about the possibilities brought in by cycles and attractiveness of the cycling related activities had started, the party of skeptics immediately appears arguing that absence of good bicycle paths means absence of bicyclists per se. Or, on the opposite – as long as the cycling mainstream is weak there is no need for paths. Therefore this dilemma goes on for more than 20 years in Lithuania, thus at least one generation in the country has lost its chance to appreciate the joy of full-scale cycling. On the other hand maybe we shouldn’t have to complain thoroughly, as fragmented cycling trails are constantly being fitted. But how the fragmentation and mostly unplanned trail scattering may be associated with regions remains unclear. Even more specific question – can trips on bicycles lead to more integrated regionalization and who are those using cycling paths in the future – the authors try to answer in this article.
Straipsnyje analizuojama persiliejimo reiškinio kilmė organizacijose aplinkos pokyčių kontekste ir tarporganizacinių veiksnių įtaka inovatyvių produktų (paslaugų ir prekių) kilmei. Straipsnyje didelis dėmesys skiriamas potencialių, turinčių persiliejimo potencialą veiksnių, tarpusavio ryšiams, naujų produktų kilmės poveikiui ekonominės plėtros procesams. Nustatyta, kad žmogiškųjų išteklių kuriami persiliejimo veiksniai sietini su inovatyvių organizacijų veiklos procesais, užduočių atlikimo laiku ir efektyviu technologijų diegimu.
The article aims to show that conditioned by globalization processes integration tendencies in the world economy stimulate the search of new export expansion directions and development methods. Their evaluation and implementation are important driving forces for national economic growth and sustainable development of regions. Current Lithuanian state’s position in export promotion, as it enters into exchanges with the ever-changing global environment, must be conceptually justified, enabling equal participation in the international trade and the ability to withstand globalization’s challenges. Most importantly, export promotion and development mechanisms and instruments should allow for timely responses towards the increasing liberalization of economic relationships and encourage the introduction of prerequisites for the acceleration of economic growth through export expansion.