Volume 82, Issue 1 (2019), pp. 86–107
The article discusses the results of value-based communication analysis in the electoral programs of winning parties in Republic of Lithuania Seimas’2016 year election (LVŽS, LSDP, TS-LKD, LRLS, TT, LLRA-KŠS). With the application of three criteria of programs’ analysis – the volume of thematic parts, semantic segments, and ideological values – these questions were addressed: the connection and differences between winner parties’ attitudes towards values; whether traditional parties have preserved ideological identity; what coalitions after the election in the Seimas were possible based on values. The research data revealed that communication of values relevant to society in all analyzed programs is very similar, and, through cluster analysis, the connections between ideological values’ communication were established foremost between traditional parties (first cluster). The second cluster consists of less related programs of other parties. Almost identical results were established when analysing this aspect based on programs’ structural parts. Thus two separate structural elements with stronger (first case) and weaker (second case) interconnections were determined.
Volume 74, Issue 2 (2016), pp. 63–76
Straipsnyje pristatomi1990–2000 metų laikotarpiu Lietuvos laikraščiuose publikuotų tekstų apie lytis semantinės analizės, remiantis statistiniais duomenimis, rezultatai. Iš viso išanalizuoti 749 straipsniai, kuriuose aprašomi vyrai (363 tekstai) ir moterys (386 tekstai). Tyrimu siekta nustatyti lyčių vaizdavimo tekstuose ypatybes per pirmąjį Lietuvos nepriklausomybės dešimtmetį. Išskirti reikšmių, siejamų su lytimis, segmentai, jų sąsajos tekstuose apie moteris ir vyrus, atlikta lyginamoji lyčių atspindėjimo skirtumų analizė.