This article focuses on the suffixed verbs denominatives and deverbatives of the Anonymous Catechism (1605), i.e. the suffixed derivatives of nominals and verbs. All forms of suffixed verbs and their derivatives were extracted from this source. A total of 301 words were collected. Non-recurring suffixed verbs were identified and generalised by removing prefixes. This revealed that the Anonymous Catechism contains 105 non-repeating suffixed verbs. The suffixed verbs found in the Catechism were divided into synchronically non-segmentable and segmentable verbs, and the basis and categories of the latter were then clarified. The ratio of deverbatives to denominatives, the categories of derivation, the frequency and derivability of suffixes were established.
This article focuses on compound nouns and adjectives in the first dictionary by K. Sirvydis Promptuarium dictionum Polonicarum, Latinarum et Lituanicarum. The analysed compounds are firstly divided into groups according to the part of speech the constituents of the compound belong to, seeking to identify the most productive model of compounds in this 17th-century source. Moreover, attention is also paid to the relationship between elements of compound words and to rare compound words of indirect meaning. Finally, the use of Lithuanian compounds is compared to neighbouring Polish words, to clarify if Sirvydas tended to use mechanical translation.
The article presents an analysis of the derivational system of one group of verbs attested to in the old Lithuanian text ‚Ziwatas‘ (1759), in particular denominative verbs derived from adjectives and nouns. The verbs analysed belong to factitive, ornative, fientive, stative, instrumental, similative and participative word formation categories. The centre of the denominative derivational type is comprised of desubstantives (51% in total) and deadjectives (42%), while derivatives from other parts of speech stand on the periphery of this type. The prototypical derivational types of denominatives are deadjectival verbs with the suffix -inti, and desubstantives with the suffixes -avoti and -yti, both belonging to the factitive category.