Polish-Russian Cross-Border Cooperation from the Perspective of Polish Foreign Policy. General View
Volume 17, Issue 3 (2015), pp. 181–188
Pub. online: 4 August 2022
Type: Article
Open Access
4 August 2022
4 August 2022
Due to geopolitical location, North-Eastern Polish regions (voivodships) have a big potential for the development of cross-border cooperation. This kind of international activity can have impact on regional development. Polish authorities on the central, regional and local levels initiate, run and co-finance cross-border projects designed to promote integration, understanding and co-operation across the border. According to the aims of the Polish foreign policy the basis of the long-term strategy of regional development of the North-Eastern Poland could be its geographical position and long-established co-operation with Kaliningrad Oblast. Institutional framework of contacts are: intergovernmental agreements, agreements establishing Euroregions, agreements between regional and local authorities. The cross-border cooperation between Warmia and Mazury Region and the Kaliningrad Oblast could be important part of the Polish foreign policy towards Russia.