Lietuvos šaulių sąjungos ryšiai su išeivija JAV: Antano Žmuidzinavičiaus atvejis | Relations between the Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union and the Lithuanian Diaspora in the USA: The Case of Antanas Žmuidzinavičius
Volume 28 (2014): Paramilitarism in the Eastern Baltics, 1918–1940: Cases Studies and Comparisons = Paramilitarizmas Rytų Baltijos regione 1918–1940: atvejo studijos ir lyginimai, pp. 103–124
Pub. online: 19 December 2014
Type: Article
Open Access
19 December 2014
19 December 2014
The paper analyses the relations between the Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union (LRU) and the diaspora in the USA, established at the very beginning of the LRU’s activity. It aims to show the plans for collaboration with Lithuanian Americans, the specifics of fundraising, and the aim of the riflemen to improve their material status by means of financial support from Lithuanian Americans. The controversial fundraising mission to America by the painter Antanas Žmuidzinavičius, the LRU’s representative, in 1922 and 1923, is investigated. On the basis of unpublished archive documents, the paper addresses the circumstances of the organisation and implementation of Žmuidzinavičius’ mission, the suspicions about its transparency, and the investigation into it.