Santykių su Skandinavijos valstybėmis 1918–1939 m. tyrimai Lietuvoje ir Lenkijoje (1995–2005 m. publikacijų analizė) | Research on Relations with the Scandinavian Countries in 1918–1939 in Lithuania and Poland…
Volume 16 (2008): Baltijos regiono istorija ir kultūra: Lietuva ir Lenkija. Politinė istorija, politologija, filologija = History and Culture of Baltic Region: Lithuania and Poland. Political History, Political Sciences, Philology, pp. 31–40
Pub. online: 15 January 2008
Type: Article
Open Access
15 January 2008
15 January 2008
The article is devoted to research on relations with the Scandinavian countries in 1918-1939 in Lithuania and Poland. It is based on analysis of publications edited in 1995-2005. Presented hereby research became a topic of our research because of three reasons: 1) to start tradition of analysis of publications in Lithuania which deals with relations between Lithuania and Scandinavian countries; 2) to ascertain, do the similar aspects and problems of the mentioned research in Lithuania and Poland exist; 3) to answer the question, if the dialog between Lithuanian and Polish researchers prevails. Objectives of the report are as follows: 1) to show the dynamic of research on relations with the Scandinavian countries in 1918-1940 in Lithuania in 1995-2005; 2) to present the issues of Polish historians written during the last decade on relations between Poland and the Scandinavian countries; 3) to make (quantitative and qualitative) analysis of issues of Polish and Lithuanian historians and compare the results.